America now a battleground? Vol. Your rights are gone

Originally Posted by Millzhouse719

Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

If that bill passes, the label that is "terrorist" will be applied very loosely, broadly, and conveniently. That I can assure you of. History is evidence.


Too much real life right now.

He makes it sound so easy. Basing my opinion on what I can get out the video, the government can charge you for anything they feel like. As long as they want you, the government will get you. 
its not an opinion....thats real ###%
One day I believe that a massive amount of americans are gonna need to march to washington and take it over. If it ever comes to be that we need to stand up to the government we're only gonna win by sheer force...alot may die in the process.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

So don't be a terrorist. Problem solved.

If that bill passes, the label that is "terrorist" will be applied very loosely, broadly, and conveniently. That I can assure you of. History is evidence.

Then I'll be extra careful to not plot any terrorist attacks.
 clearly you don't understand the country we live in. Luke is absolutely right.
This piece by Glenn Greenwald is worth reading.
A bill co-sponsored by Democratic Sen. Carl Levin and GOP Sen. John McCain  (S. 1867) — included in the pending defense authorization bill — is predictably on its way to passage. It is triggering substantial alarm in many circles, including from the ACLU – and rightly so. But there are also many misconceptions about it that have been circulating that should be clarified, including a possible White House veto. Here are the bill’s three most important provisions:
(1) mandates that all accused Terrorists be indefinitely imprisoned by the military rather than in the civilian court system; it also unquestionably permits (but does not mandate) that even U.S. citizens on U.S. soil accused of Terrorism be held by the military rather than charged in the civilian court system (Sec. 1032);

(2) renews the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) with more expansive language: to allow force (and military detention) against not only those who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks and countries which harbored them, but also anyone who “substantially supports
 People thinking this will happen, like some crazy, government ruled country where we must sneak around scared of being gunned down for breaking curfew type steeze.. Did anyone watch that video  
 I can hardly take this dude serious
edit: I see that it said it was already signed 93-7 or whatever, but this is not real life folks, c'mon now 
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

 People thinking this will happen, like some crazy, government ruled country where we must sneak around scared of being gunned down for breaking curfew type steeze.. Did anyone watch that video  
 I can hardly take this dude serious
edit: I see that it said it was already signed 93-7 or whatever, but this is not real life folks, c'mon now 

Your opinion really doesn't matter
Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

 People thinking this will happen, like some crazy, government ruled country where we must sneak around scared of being gunned down for breaking curfew type steeze.. Did anyone watch that video  
 I can hardly take this dude serious
edit: I see that it said it was already signed 93-7 or whatever, but this is not real life folks, c'mon now 

Your opinion really doesn't matter

How not, because I don't take everything in the news serious? Does everyone in here really believe this is what America will become? Be for real homeboy.. 
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

 People thinking this will happen, like some crazy, government ruled country where we must sneak around scared of being gunned down for breaking curfew type steeze.. Did anyone watch that video  
 I can hardly take this dude serious
edit: I see that it said it was already signed 93-7 or whatever, but this is not real life folks, c'mon now 

Your opinion really doesn't matter

How not, because I don't take everything in the news serious? Does everyone in here really believe this is what America will become? Be for real homeboy.. 

This is real life and you can't take it serious for some reason? Open your eyes a little more through everything thats happened in 2011. How can you NOT believe this is what America will become. They passed that thing with a 93-7 vote dude. To me it looks like about 7 people were unhappy with the money they were offered or maybe they were just standing for what's right, it doesn't matter. These numbers itself just show how influenced our government is by MONEY. Who in their right mind would consider passing a bill like this that is so unethical and that goes against everything the Founding Fathers of this country stood for, I'll tell you who... Greed driven politicians.. please stop being ignorant 
You guys are making things very black and how people tend to do.

On one side there are those extremists who think that America is going to be a war zone and we will have to sneak out into the night fending for our lives to go get dinner...and then the people who think nothing about it and live in their dream America.

Obviously, it will not be either of those two.

There is plenty of ignorance on both sides of the coin in here.
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

You guys are making things very black and how people tend to do.

On one side there are those extremists who think that America is going to be a war zone and we will have to sneak out into the night fending for our lives to go get dinner...and then the people who think nothing about it and live in their dream America.

Obviously, it will not be either of those two.

There is plenty of ignorance on both sides of the coin in here.

I'm not saying things won't change, but I said the same thing as you, people act like its some apocalypse/Armageddon thats going down.. which is just not reality. 

The politicians are backed by big money, that doesn't mean they will rule over all of us like some kind of dictator, lets be real here.

However, I do believe if this were all true, they'd be screwing themselves because this obviously isn't acceptable, and then some real protests would begin, not just some sit-ins in the park 
Well let me say this...if the dudes running the government are taking away certain freedoms from us, and enacting certain policies which leave us defenseless there not gonna do this would cause too much unrest...instead their gonna lull us into complacency like they did with the financial crisis and before you know it we're waist deep in problems.

They know what their doing, people are starting to smarten up so their implementing their plan very slowly so that many of us don't take action.

Financial crisis
censorship of the internet
dismantling of the occupy movement
now this bill...
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

You guys are making things very black and how people tend to do.

On one side there are those extremists who think that America is going to be a war zone and we will have to sneak out into the night fending for our lives to go get dinner...and then the people who think nothing about it and live in their dream America.

Obviously, it will not be either of those two.

There is plenty of ignorance on both sides of the coin in here.
I completely agree. However, in response, I would rather have millions of people who imagine the extremist view happening and, perhaps most importantly, act on their impulses rather than people who simply think nothing of this legislature and the other aspects of government. If people think the extreme will happen, they will act, and hopefully in the end they will come to combat and eventually destroy these blatant attempts at our civil liberties as citizens of this (once great) nation.

If people can simply be led to believe that this type of legislation is harmless and will be good for them, then this is only the tip of the iceberg. That is an incredibly scary thought to me, and I hope that everyone else who can understand the possible implications of something like this actually coming into effect would agree that it is. While some of the views in this thread may seem extremist, the fact of the matter is that they are possible when things like this are on the table.

Just look to the past. If history can teach us anything, its that government needs to have checks and balances in place so that order can be maintained. As we've progressed as a nation, less of these checks have been made by the respective branches of government and we have an imbalance. Will the government go around snatching up people who utter words of dissent about the government? Probably not. However, things like this will give them the ability to do just that, and I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'd rather not have that be the reality of our nation. More often than not, I feel that government abuses the policies that we as a people allow it to control. Let us no longer allow these trespasses; not only against us, but against our nation and the constitution that holds it together.

I suggest everyone tweet Barack Obama and threaten not to vote if he doesn't veto this bill. It would be a travesty to see this thing passed.
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