Andrew Tate. DONE.

Being a man is taking care of your responsibilities and not complaining about it or blaming women over it.


IMHO blaming women ≠ holding women accountable.

Sure, there are lots of men who "blame" women.

There are also lots of men who refuse to hold women accountable / defend anything and everything a woman thinks does, or says as if they are children.

Both these men are dangerous in my opinion...operating from a place of personal bias and emotion.

Not masculine at all.

Are women too fragile to be held accountable for their own ways, actions, and decisions, as human beings?

How people can say they believe in equality while simultaneously holding more than half the planet's population to a completely different standard of morals, ethics, and values is beyond me.

Is a man not supposed to assess a situation objectively, without bias, and submit to facts, logic, and reason?

All these gender conversations go right out the window as soon as there's a nail in a tire or a bump in the night.

The truth doesn't change.

thanks for posting this. i will finish this later.

i actually told my wife before we had our baby girl that the reason i was hoping for a girl was that in this day and age im not sure the right way to raise a son. i wanted some experience with a babygirl first. i was def raised in the old fashioned toxic masculine way by mainly my father but also subscribed to by my mother. so i was actually worried i would continue the exhausting cycle of toxic masculinity. it's just confusing because it's not all bad especially the way i see some of these "sawft" cats deal with adversity and whatnot. like finding the balance between being strong and being sensitive is really tough.
thanks for posting this. i will finish this later.

i actually told my wife before we had our baby girl that the reason i was hoping for a girl was that in this day and age im not sure the right way to raise a son. i wanted some experience with a babygirl first. i was def raised in the old fashioned toxic masculine way by mainly my father but also subscribed to by my mother. so i was actually worried i would continue the exhausting cycle of toxic masculinity. it's just confusing because it's not all bad especially the way i see some of these "sawft" cats deal with adversity and whatnot. like finding the balance between being strong and being sensitive is really tough.

I think what the transgender he/she said was kind of profound. When it comes to values, expectations, and responsibility stop raising children in the context of gender. Both genders should have a universal basic expectation of what it means to be a decent human being and society corrupts it.
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Whenever I hear the phrase "toxic masculinity" it registers in my mind as an oxymoron.

Tantamount to "Reebok Jordans".

True masculinity is not "toxic".

There are toxic behaviors for sure, but masculinity in and of itself is not "toxic".

Analyzing masculinity through a feminist lens ain't for me.

I would have put the dude in the back seat out too...skit or not. :lol:
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