Anyone else in the mid 20 Age group just feel a little out of place with things?

Originally Posted by bkzkurse

style trends and the extreme increase in online social networking and the need to post everything online

NOT wanting the world to know your business because privacy already is rare in this world- Youth culture seemingly going BACK in time in terms of style and progression
Originally Posted by briannnnn

I also feel that stuck feeling in between two generations. Feels like too much has changed.
Certain points made ITT are all over the place but I'm with y'all 100% on this.

Especially the privacy thing. People don't value it anymore and feel the need to put their entire life out there for the world to see/hear/read. I ain't ever been about all that #%@*.

The 'stuck in between two generations' is real. It's not like I'm like some of you strict reclusive #*%%%$ that live vicariously through NT and fake the funk. I hit up clubs and bars during the weekend with my people, get drunk, bag *$!##!@, go to movies, chill at get-togethers, etc. do most #%@* people my age group do. But I've been yearning for the older days when things were much simpler and everyone wasn't trying to be famous. It's a big reason why I'm only tight with my small group of friends I grew up with...everyone else is more or less acquaintances. _'s can barely enjoy basic activities these days since folks would rather be glued to their phones on some dumb #%@*. Interaction on a person-to-person level is at an all-time low. All that instant gratification stuff is bull #%@* bruh...
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Finished college and got a multimedia degree but never got into, got into a car accident a week before graduation and lost my car, blew all my money for graduation gifts over the last year while on and off bummin in but am finally turning things around. Getting healthier, changing my state of mind and trying to focus on positivity. Gonna start looking into local culinary programs around as cooking has always been my one true passion.

FB humble brag
Just the fact that no one really though that the power of technology had a flip side. The internet basically created a new life. Enough with that talk, my two cents are that it's the conditioning the American people go through to keep things "normal". Conditioning is real people. Look at white communities compared to black communities. The things is folks just need to wake up. Some are just afraid to, and some just can't. Like WSHH. Just this morning I wake up to hear that a fight broke out inside a dorm at a HBCU. It sad that people don't think about their future. What do you tell your parents, friends, and potential kids that you got kicked out of college for fighting because of something stupid I bet. The sad part isn't the fight though. It's that people are RECORDING! AND CHEERING ON for the girl to pummel the other girls face in.
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

The best is my boy telling me he has more friends because he has 1400 friends on fbook...Dude add's random girls because "They look good" and dudes who he "rages with"...aka he met them once.

1400????? I've had probably the same 400-500 for like 3-4 years now, and they're all either actual friends I can
have face-to-face contact with, or if they're in another state, I could easily call them up. That's the main reason

all these people scroll down their FB/twitter TL's a see a bunch of lame nonsense, cause they add everybody in the

world, whether they actually know them or not.
Wow I can't believe there so many of us on NT that feel this way. It feels good to know that I'm not the only one of this age group that feels like there's just too much emphasis on the idea of social networking and it's abuse. 
I mean sometimes doesn't it feel like individuals, instead of trying to find ways to better themselves through hard work - are basically just desperate to find approval from their friends and family and even more alarmingly - COMPLETE STRANGERS -  by constantly using these public websites? I find it difficult to comprehend that individuals are so caught up in their NEED for "E-props" - that the sheer level of insecurity and stupidity seems almost insultingly blatant. One Example: Recently Teens robbed a police officer vehicle of it's gasoline - then post their deed online? Obviously now their lives are going to be much harder now. For what? Someone to comment "Good Job?" - Someone who most likely is not your friend - probably someone you just met. I understand that there will always be fools - and stupidity will always exist. But I'm sure such easy access to public disclosure methods - It's like putting a weapon in a child's hand.

Social Networking is exactly that. A wonderful tool to connect and provide a method to reach the masses - I've connected with so many friends and family members I wouldn't have been able to connect with. But, I have noticed that Facebook - Twitter - and the growing number of variations - These are also very dangerous tools that society is not handling well. A long time ago - the power to communicate to such a large mass of people - it was a rare thing. Public forums - your voice being carried into millions of homes - It was something Not to be abused. Because people have used and abused that power. And literally Wars have begun because of it.  But now? - It seems like our generation is throwing away such an powerful gift in order to post photos of themselves in compromising positions, ruin our generation's image, and basically disclose all of our personal information for others to see and unfortunately judge.

So many of our generation seem so lost and it saddens me to know that right now - playgrounds are a ghost town, classrooms are emptying, and the intellectual development our parents have strived so hard to instill in us - It's disappearing. 

Our parents and grandparents - who have struggled 100x more than us - Are they thought of when (random female) post pictures of herself topless or bottomless for the world to compliment, judge, and finally harass. When (random male) comments on a woman's image with a very public sexual statement - Is he thinking of his own mother?

Obviously I'm not Mr. Moral. Not by far. But I do believe in upholding an image - especially the idea of honoring the family who came before me and raised me. What you do is your business. But when you make it public - that's your name being tarnished. Your parents. Their Parents. Your name's Legacy. Is it worth the E-props? 

I guess. You only Live Once. But your name? That goes on. It's hard to understand and I feel a little bad about it 
Generational Bias sums up this thread. Of course you all feel as though you don't fall in line with the mindset of teenagers of today. You aren't supposed to. Let them have their world. We had our world. We didn't really invent anything either. Different times, not better/worse times.
I'm 20 and I feel the exact same way.

I got rid of my fb for this reason exactly. The amount of bs that people post on there is unfathomable sometimes.

Females have lost what real femininity is, constantly showing off a&t and guys have become either wannabe thugs or drake look-a-likes.

BTW, when the heck did everyone and their mother become a philosopher?
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by bkzkurse

style trends and the extreme increase in online social networking and the need to post everything online

NOT wanting the world to know your business because privacy already is rare in this world- Youth culture seemingly going BACK in time in terms of style and progression
Originally Posted by briannnnn

I also feel that stuck feeling in between two generations. Feels like too much has changed.
Certain points made ITT are all over the place but I'm with y'all 100% on this.

Especially the privacy thing. People don't value it anymore and feel the need to put their entire life out there for the world to see/hear/read. I ain't ever been about all that #%@*.
This. Some of my boys be puttin all their relationship stuff online like females. Im just like "Homie what part of the game is that". Its bad enough girls do it but I expect that from them but for the last few years I've noticed dudes are just crying for attention with all this Social Media.

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.

I feel you, OP.
Vienste you sound bitter my man lol
Yes the gassing is OD ,for the most part not every chick is not a Facebook and tumblr chick
You have to broaden your scope
You're absolutely right, not every girl is like that. infact, they werent even the focal point of what I was saying
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

The best is my boy telling me he has more friends because he has 1400 friends on fbook...Dude add's random girls because "They look good" and dudes who he "rages with"...aka he met them once.

1400????? I've had probably the same 400-500 for like 3-4 years now, and they're all either actual friends I can
have face-to-face contact with, or if they're in another state, I could easily call them up. That's the main reason

all these people scroll down their FB/twitter TL's a see a bunch of lame nonsense, cause they add everybody in the

world, whether they actually know them or not.
Yeah exactly. I had like 700-800 but deleted over half. Just funny that people take facebook so serious and personal. Had a girl cry to me because I wouldn't add her
Is it me or can NO ONE look you in the eyes when talking anymore? Always staring at walls, the floor, what you're wearing...instead of your eyes...sup with that?
Originally Posted by Ecook0808

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Ecook0808

1400????? I've had probably the same 400-500 for like 3-4 years now, and they're all either actual friends I can
have face-to-face contact with, or if they're in another state, I could easily call them up. That's the main reason

all these people scroll down their FB/twitter TL's a see a bunch of lame nonsense, cause they add everybody in the

world, whether they actually know them or not.
Yeah exactly. I had like 700-800 but deleted over half. Just funny that people take facebook so serious and personal. Had a girl cry to me because I wouldn't add her
"I sent you a friend request, did you get it? If so, how come you didn't add me?" 'I see you 3 times a week, passing
through the courtyard, who are you?'
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Generational Bias sums up this thread. Of course you all feel as though you don't fall in line with the mindset of teenagers of today. You aren't supposed to. Let them have their world. We had our world. We didn't really invent anything either. Different times, not better/worse times.

I gotta bump this thread for this.
Us 80's babies have too much of an elitist mindset. If any of you don't like where this current generation is going...look in the mirror because we didn't set much of a precedent. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Generational Bias sums up this thread. Of course you all feel as though you don't fall in line with the mindset of teenagers of today. You aren't supposed to. Let them have their world. We had our world. We didn't really invent anything either. Different times, not better/worse times.

Some things are worse but otherwise I agree. Well said.
I feel these threads always turn out the same. One person says they dont like the current generation they live in and everyone chimes in on how they agree because of stuff like Facebook and trying to be popular with other people. I feel this website is full of people who are introverted in real life who just come on here to find other people who are introverted so they can feel a part of a community of people like them.
Originally Posted by imvictor

I'm only 19 but i feel the same way op.
I'm in the same boat. I just dont feel the need to expose every little detail of my life to everyone I know and people I don't even know 
Social networking is good, but like someone said, it has it's downside as well.
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