Anyone feel like they aren't living up their life to the fullest potential?

Nov 9, 2012
Not tryin to be depressing, but I had to get this off my chest because it has been on my mind for a while. Life seems to be at a hault for me right now, I don't feel like I'm living how I'm supposed to. I'm a full time student with a part time job with very little to no social life. I'm goal oriented and somewhat know where I wanna be in life and I'm working towards it and yet I feel like something is still missing. 22 feelin 40 (kinda exaggerating), wished I was more outgoing and did more in high school and earlier years of college when I had a lot of free time, all I really did back then was just hooped and chilled with a small group of friends. Now, all my homies have moved on to different parts of their lives, from having a family or being successful or just not doing **** with their life. I feel like I'm still stuck in the same position and haven't really moved on to anywhere. Social life sucks, not partying or going out that much, not really getting in touch with anyone, and just not really living. I guess its mainly because I haven't really found something I'm really passionate about and I kinda just really wanna know how I can put myself out there again, feeling real forever alone right now. Relationships with the females haven't been good too so I kinda swayed away from dating for a bit, but now I kinda miss it and want to be out in the market again, but my game is real bad right now. I don't want to leave a legacy behind of living an unfulfilled life. Anybody got these feelz?


-Trying to reconnect to the world again.

-Trying to find something I can be passionate about.

-Trying to find a good chick.

-Trying to form a cool circle of friends.

-Trying to up my social life game.

-Trying to see the joy of living again.

-Not trying to be EMO af.
Just put yourself out there more. Work harder and do more. I'm in the same state as you and I'm slowly getting things in order. Stay pro active and be confident bro. The world is yours bruh
this thread pops up every two weeks....

You feel like this now, but it will pass. Just stay focused and seize any opportunities as the present themselves. No need to force anything. Always keep am open mind, and your future is only as bright as you believe it to be.
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Focus on the things that matter, put superficial things like an active social life and fun on the backburner for the time being. You're only 22, you have a lot more life to live and plenty of yambs to acquire. What good are all of those things if larger hurdles like your education and career aren't cleared? You'll have time for fun and friends, but building a foundation takes sacrifice sometimes.

I'm learning this at 21...cutting off a lot of "friends" etc, but feel more fulfilled knowing I'm on the right track in terms of school and my career by giving it all my effort and focus. Keep doing your thing man. You gotta have that drive and vision to come out on top, don't let anything stop you
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OP, I can go on and on with advice but, I'll keep it short and simple. Instead of focusing on certain things why not just focus on having a good time? Friends, girlfriends, finding something you're passionate, etc etc will all come with time. Best thing to do is stay positive.
I'm willing to take any advice, because I felt like I wasted the last 22 years of my life, I guess when it comes down to it, when I see other people(especially younger people) seem to have it better, I can't help but to envy and imagine myself in their shoes.
Not tryin to be depressing, but I had to get this off my chest because it has been on my mind for a while. Life seems to be at a hault for me right now, I don't feel like I'm living how I'm supposed to. I'm a full time student with a part time job with very little to no social life. I'm goal oriented and somewhat know where I wanna be in life and I'm working towards it and yet I feel like something is still missing. 22 feelin 40 (kinda exaggerating), wished I was more outgoing and did more in high school and earlier years of college when I had a lot of free time, all I really did back then was just hooped and chilled with a small group of friends. Now, all my homies have moved on to different parts of their lives, from having a family or being successful or just not doing **** with their life. I feel like I'm still stuck in the same position and haven't really moved on to anywhere. Social life sucks, not partying or going out that much, not really getting in touch with anyone, and just not really living. I guess its mainly because I haven't really found something I'm really passionate about and I kinda just really wanna know how I can put myself out there again, feeling real forever alone right now. Relationships with the females haven't been good too so I kinda swayed away from dating for a bit, but now I kinda miss it and want to be out in the market again, but my game is real bad right now. I don't want to leave a legacy behind of living an unfulfilled life. Anybody got these feelz?

-Trying to reconnect to the world again.
-Trying to find something I can be passionate about.
-Trying to find a good chick.
-Trying to form a cool circle of friends.
-Trying to up my social life game.
-Trying to see the joy of living again.
-Not trying to be EMO af.
I've fixed that problem.

Stop looking for that mythical yamb... Especially at 22...

I feel you homie I graduated in august of 12 and has been at homie since friends started flaking n ****

Depression caught me a few times but I had to shake that off (music is the best weapon)
And I've had time to get in touch with the inner me

Lookn for a job and no luck came through and pissing my moms off on top of that

Well since then I've had a lot of time to think (and time wasted) about life and what not and I
Made my self a plan when I go off to college , ill have a car to get around in and a job from my dad and I'm not to far from where all the action is

So basically I'm waiting for school to start getting myself out there and enjoy life

Build a plan homie and stick to it

Whenever your down, think about where you wana be in life and find a way to do it

As far as these broads out ere homie

Find a hustle/job. , get your self together and they'll come around

Friends aint being friends?
Man **** them ****** dead em , don't trip cuz you'll have more later in life

Find a hobby draw , build a car , skate , collect idk some **** lol anything to stay busy

I'm prolly just talking now but I feel you on what your saying its gona get better but you gota put the work in

Good luck homie
You know your problem so take action and create your solution. Start doing things outside of your comfort zone. Go to bars alone and be comfortable and confident. Do different stuff. Pick up new hobbies. Add meaning to your life by using your time on this planet to follow your heart.
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