Batman: the Animated Series Appreciation

One of the best lines I ever heard was in this cartoon. And the funny thing is I never really put any thought or understood the line until I heard it on this show. If I recall correctly it was the first episode that had the riddler in it. At the end of the cartoon someone had got to keep all there money or whatever, but Batman goes on to say He got his money but how much is a good night sleep really worth? As it showed the guy hiding under the covers. Best line in a cartoon ever.
THE BEST SHOW EVER!!! This is the best interpretation of Batman. As much as I love Nolan's films, this is what Batman personifies. We were fortunate to have this.
This show was amazing. One of my favorite shows of all time. I remember being a kid and watching this show every single day.

Still catch it on the Hub every now and then. I also have all the seasons on DVD, but I didn't really like it when they switched to the WB or whatever they did in the later series.
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