Between Microsoft and Sony, who won the console war this generation?

Of course you would defect. We are talking about games in the future for next generation.

You don't know what these studios are making, you just repeating Sony Fanboy rhetoric of "Kinect garbage/shovel ware". There are confirmed Hardcore games in the pipeline.

People act like MS gave up on Core games to make Kinect games. That is FAAAAAAAAAAAAR from the truth. The launched Kinect and supported it with games, they will have the exclusives to launch this next system.
 Ok lets see,

Kids and Lifestyle  Entertainment next generation fitness project. 

Microsoft Studios Los Angeles Next Gen Core Cinematic Title 

Microsoft Studios Moblie Gaming - Windows Phone 

Platform Next Studio Next Gen Core Title - OK

Playful Learning 

Skybox Sports 

Lift London Cloud Based gaming projects 

Soho Productions Kinect Sesame Street 

Press Play Untitled Project ?

Black Tusk Studios Ok

Microsoft Studios Victoria ?

Out of all of those studios the only one whose game you, myself or anyone over the age of 10 and under the age of 40 we might actually play is Black Tusk, Sky Box and LA. And once again, we havent seen one screenshot,video or game from any of these studios. We have no idea what to expect.

Bizarre closed down, Turn 10 picked PGR up.
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:smh: :lol: Of course you would defect. We are talking about games in the future for next generation.

You don't know what these studios are making, you just repeating Sony Fanboy rhetoric of "Kinect garbage/shovel ware". There are confirmed Hardcore games in the pipeline.

People act like MS gave up on Core games to make Kinect games. That is FAAAAAAAAAAAAR from the truth. The launched Kinect and supported it with games, they will have the exclusives to launch this next system.
 Ok lets see,

Out of all of those studios the only one whose game you, myself or anyone over the age of 10 and under the age of 40 we might actually play is Black Tusk, Sky Box and LA. And once again, we havent seen one screenshot,video or game from any of these studios. We have no idea what to expect from them.

Lionhead's MMO
Exclusive from Remedy
Halo 5
Black Tusk's Shooter
Internal Studio at Redmond Publishing making a core game. They have hired people from Irrational, Naughthy Dog and Sucker Punch
MS Victoria, and Rare is hiring for core projects
Turn 10 and Playground games will now switch off to make a Forza every year
Lucid Games making a new racer for MS
Big Park making a AAA project

In other rumors: MS has hired multiple producers and creative directors to oversea third part projects.

Multiple sources have confirmed all these projects. You see, when you actually pay attention to the goings on of the game industry, it helps prevent fanboy thinking

OOOOHHHH and lets not forget that a few years ago a common joke about the PS3 was "PS3? but it haz no games?. See how times have changed. MS had a huge exclusives advantage once, but because of things outta there control and Sony getting their act together, Sony has the advantage currently.
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Does Forza 5 come out this year?

No word on a Forza 5 yet, i'm guessing it's gonna come out for the next gen xbox. I can't wait, i don't think i've logged more hours into a game this generation than Forza 4.
OOOOHHHH and lets not forget that a few years ago a common joke about the PS3 was "PS3? but it haz no games?. See how times have changed. MS had a huge exclusives advantage once, but because of things outta there control and Sony getting their act together, Sony has the advantage currently.
Exactly. Xbox fans were on PS fans like crazy, and they were right, PS3 didnt have any games for a LONG time. Microsoft invested too much on Kinect and not enough on the core games for me to stay invested with my 360. I've brought every Gears and Halo game this gen but there is not much else I know I can expect from Microsoft.

But eh I agree to disagree.  We don't know if 90% of those games will be any good or if they will even be out anytime soon. Whereas with Sony we know what we are going to get based on 6-18+ years of experience with those developers. I love my Xbox and PS3, will be getting both next gen. But I just don't see any reason to expect anything from most of those developers other than Black Tusk for some reason. 

I kinda wish it would release for the current XBOX but I know it'll be way better on the next generation.
OOOOHHHH and lets not forget that a few years ago a common joke about the PS3 was "PS3? but it haz no games?. See how times have changed. MS had a huge exclusives advantage once, but because of things outta there control and Sony getting their act together, Sony has the advantage currently.
Exactly. Xbox fans were on PS fans like crazy, and they were right, PS3 didnt have any games for a LONG time. Microsoft invested too much on Kinect and not enough on the core games for me to stay invested with my 360. I've brought every Gears and Halo game this gen but there is not much else I know I can expect from Microsoft.

But eh I agree to disagree.  We don't know if 90% of those games will be any good or if they will even be out anytime soon. Whereas with Sony we know what we are going to get based on 6-18+ years of experience with those developers. I love my Xbox and PS3, will be getting both next gen. But I just don't see any reason to expect anything from most of those developers other than Black Tusk for some reason. 

I agree. I didn't buy my PS3 until last year, but I plan on buying a PS4 at launch if the games are there. Sony has been doing a great job lately

Just wanted to point out that MS supports the launches of their systems (Xbox, 360, Kinect) with a decent line-up. Kinect is ****, I agree 100% with you dere brah, but at least MS did the right thing and made software for it. So that gives me faith that they will have the games their for next gen. They did great with the launch of the 360 from a games standpoint.

MS didn't abandon the core, it just irks me when people imply that because it is such a misrepresentation of the truth. What's trying to beef with you brah, my bad if it came off like that
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I agree. I didn't buy my PS3 until last year, but I plan on buying a PS4 at launch if the games are there. Sony has been doing a great job lately

Just wanted to point out that MS supports the launches of their systems (Xbox, 360, Kinect) with a decent line-up. Kinect is ****, I agree 100% with you dere brah, but at least MS did the right thing and made software for it. So that gives me faith that they will have the games their for next gen. They did great with the launch of the 360 from a games standpoint.
Yep. Exciting time for people who play video games. And nah its all good, same to you if I came off that way. First time i've had a good video game debate with someone since 08 lol enjoyed it.
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I hate all these online games. I think it's helped foster laziness and a lack of creativity. Just feels like its the same **** FPS over and over again.

Ps2 games>
Rusty tries so hard. :lol:

Did he just say Microsoft has much more coming up the pipeline than Sony? Really?

I certainly hope so, because the last 18 months, aside from Halo 4, have been hilariously bad.
Rusty tries so hard. :lol:

Did he just say Microsoft has much more coming up the pipeline than Sony? Really?

I certainly hope so, because the last 18 months, aside from Halo 4, have been hilariously bad.

:rolleyes How I'm I trying to hard, by pointing out to so that he might have been misinformed, then having a quick back and forth with dude that ended pleasantly. Surrrre buddy :lol:

But on the low I'm trying to bait Team PS3 to come in a get a good ole fashion flame war going, missing argueing wit those guys. :nerd:
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Rusty tries so hard. :lol:

Did he just say Microsoft has much more coming up the pipeline than Sony? Really?

I certainly hope so, because the last 18 months, aside from Halo 4, have been hilariously bad.

I'd take Halo 4 and Horizon over anything Sony has done since GT5. Its all about preference. You make that huge list of games and most of it is:

1. Stuff that hasn't been made this generation
2. Trash

You may not like Halo or Horizon. I don't like God of War or Killzone. Its called an opinion, people have them. I prefer to play games on my 360 mostly because of the controller and cross-game chat, but that's not to say Playstation is trash. I could play probably 80-90% of the games I own on either system.
Stuff that hasnt been made this generation? Are you talking collections? If you dont like something it doesnt make it trash. It just means you dont like it.

Listen, if two games you enjoy came out, that's awesome. But I can name 12 games that released in that same period for PS3 I enjoyed. And so did critics and millions of other people, as most are 80+ on metacritic and achieved very good sales numbers. Microsoft has been relying on multiplatform games for the past year and a half, which is probably smart... they sell better on their console. In terms of games though, what is there to differentiate between its competitors?

You saying Microsoft came out with 2 great games in 18 months doesnt really change my argument. Whats the point of having more first party studios if they arent producing anything worthwhile?
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Stuff that hasnt been made this generation? Are you talking collections? If you dont like something it doesnt make it trash. It just means you dont like it.

Listen, if two games you enjoy came out, that's awesome. But I can name 12 games that released in that same period for PS3 I enjoyed. And so did critics and millions of other people, as most are 80+ on metacritic and achieved very good sales numbers. Microsoft has been relying on multiplatform games for the past year and a half, which is probably smart... they sell better on their console. In terms of games though, what is there to differentiate between its competitors?

You saying Microsoft came out with 2 great games in 18 months doesnt really change my argument. Whats the point of having more first party studios if they arent producing anything worthwhile?

12 PS3 exclusives that came out in the last 18 months? Must not be difficult to please you.

I named 2 games that came out in the last 6 months.

The list of PS3 exclusives that dude listed included Crash Bandicoot, the last Naughty Dog Crash Bandicoot was on PS1. In 1998. Jak and Daxter, last new game came out on PS2. Locoroco and Patapon are PSP games. Last Wipeout was 2008.

Its just opinions. Sony makes 2 first-party games I like: Gran Turismo and The Show. Gran Turismo was very lackluster given the development cycle and its just an awful experience with a controller. The Show is always solid.

Be real. There are very few First-Party AAA titles for either system.
I have both consoles, and I'm not a "fanboy" of either. But to me the 360 is better hands down. The online gaming is by far superior, and to me thats what "next-gen" is all about.
MGS4 is incredible.
Ratchet and clank
Uncharted. Especially uncharted two. Is amazing.

Reaching so hard to discredit ps3 exclusives
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