Between Microsoft and Sony, who won the console war this generation?

I don't understand why some of you are strictly factoring games into this discussion. Yes it's definitely an integral part in the debate but to rule every single feature out of a console out is pretty dumb. Not every single person that buys a console is looking to score every single platform exclusive game and spend hours in front of the TV playing video games. I used to work retail and sold consoles and had tons of people buy systems just for the features of the system. Back when the 360 was the only console that could stream netflix people would buy it for that. The ability to play games was just a plus to them. Same goes for the ps3, people wanted it for the blu ray player and games again were just an added bonus. Every ps3 sold doesn't mean someone plans on buying God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us, etc, etc. Same goes for xbox. The wii is a perfect example, no hardcore gamer would purchase one but look how many consoles it pushed in comparison to the 360 and ps3.

OP didn't ask which console had the best games/exclusives. Asked which console won this generation and the choices were 360 and ps3.
These people are not that smart though. Who is spending $300 just to watch Netflix? You could just buy a $10 cable and connect a laptop to a TV. I see people do this and just shake my head.
These people are not that smart though. Who is spending $300 just to watch Netflix? You could just buy a $10 cable and connect a laptop to a TV. I see people do this and just shake my head.

Smart or not, it was a benefit that strictly the 360 had at the time which thus became a selling point for it. Y'all debating about games only, their are other features people look for in a console besides games. That was the point i'm trying to make in my previous post.
The real question is; Will the next Xbox satisfy gamers? Or will the 360 be Microsofts 1 hit wonder?

People talk about the PS3 like it was some sort of failure. But Sony's track record is still destroying Micro$oft.

With the way the PS4 sounds, Sony might be getting back up in the ring to claim its belt back.

PS3 had soooo much momentum doing into this generation that where it stands now compared to the 360 is kinda a failure. And it is all Sony's doing, they shot themselves in the foot repeatedly, smiled, reloaded and emptied another clip into the foot.

If so many customers didn't have such a strong brand loyalty to Sony, they would be doing far worse that they are now.

I believe Sony not MS is not the ropes going into next generation. Looks like they be pushes are "social gaming" and being a more powerful console next generation.

There are really three kinds of consumers for next generation console:
-The "Hardcore Gamer", who buys a lot of games a higher and whose major concern is who has more/better gaming content,
-The "Casual Gamer", kids (and their parents) that only buy whats popular and buy from time to time (they usually will wait until a console is at a certain price point to buy). And are only focused to two things, do the kids like it, can I afford it
-The "Non-gamer" person who doesn't use their console for much gaming (maybe only buys one game a year). The only buy when it is really affordable and usually is the secondary user on the console in the household.

Sony seems to be focusing almost entire on the "Hardcore Gamer" next gen and playing the wait and see game with everything else. Remember Sony is not a very innovative/inventive company on the gaming side. They usually just copying Nintendo or MS for ideas. So "hardcore gamer" have a rosier outlook of Sony's next gen because their happy they getting a powerful system and a nice supply of game.

MS on the other hand looks determined to give each kind of gamer a reason to buy the "720".

-But all this is conjecture really. Until they present at E3 no one can say for sure who is in better shape. But I believe if Sony just shows up with some games, a more powerful system and the same ole PSN, they're ******. Real Talk.
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Most underrated system of all time. The Dreamcast was SOOO ahead of its time. Playing online YEARS before any other system could. Calling your football plays on the screen on your controller instead of having to hide it on the TV.

Dreamcast > _______

(dont care if flamed or not)

To answer the OP, my answer is Sony. Even if I was to agree that MS and Sony were even in terms of games (which I dont), the bluray player alone elevates the PS3 over the 360 by a mile.
Being able to play Final Fantasy XIII on one disc.

too bad FF13 turned out to be the worst FF of all time.

Im amazed at how this garbage got a sequel and now theres a sequel for the sequel.

XIII was bad, when compared to the rest of the series. But not the worst by a long shot. XIII-2 was a great game. I have hope for Lightning Returns.

But worst? No.

XI and XIV.

X-2, Dirge of Cerberus.

And this gem.
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You know what has me worried about Sony.

The company as a whole, not just the video game department, went to crap.

Their electronics used to be top notch now they're like 2nd Tier or worst to most.

Their TV's used to be highly regarded but Samsung and others alike has the TV prestige thing.

Another think about their video game thing and the PS4, like someone stated, they're just waiting it out and copying or trying to outdo what Nintendo and M$ is doing.

When rumors of the PS4 and NextBox first circulated Sony went back and now they're adding more features and power to match the NextBox. It's like they're not sure on which direction to go with things, but just want to make sure they have superior specs wise system. As other's have stated you can have the most powerful system, but if your games are crap and you have no good third party support then you're screwed. Only Nintendo can pull that off because their first party titles are top notch bar none.

Another thing Nintendo has going for them is their market of who buys their product. Almost all that grew up on NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, N64 have grown up also and have other things to worry about besides playing games. Some have kids or their own now and when you go to buy a system out of which three would you choose for your young child? The most kid friendly and affordable one.

Like I said I'm already vested with the Nextbox due to have XboxLive until 2019, but I also said I was sticking with Sony due to how great I thought the PS2 was, but I never ended up getting a PS3.

I'm going to hold off getting a Nextbox and wait until it's like $300 maybe, but even then I play so little that I might just rock with the 360 until I can't anymore.
^ I don't think their products are bottom tier by any means but I've always thought Sony's products (TVs and computers especially) were overrated and even overpriced.
I have the 360 and the PS3 and honestly I get much more entertainment from my PS3. The exclusives>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anything on Xbox. Can't beat free online gaming either... The only time I used my Xbox was for Gears and Forza (I liked Forza much more than GT) ,or when I went into a store looking for a new release and could only find the 360 version. No fanboyism here
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From a consumer standpoint between the PS3 and 360 it really comes down to preference. I wouldn't say there was a clear "winner". I play my xbox 100x more than my PS3, but if I didn't have an Xbox I could make do.

From a business standpoint, there is no argument. Both Nintendo and Microsoft won big. Sony had a 77% market share last gen (153 million PS2s sold against 24 million Xboxes and 21 million GameCubes), and dropped to a 29.6% market share, (72.5 million PS3s sold against 74 million 360s and 99 million Wiis). That's an L.
People saying PS3 over Xbox because of Red Rings.....

Im on my 3rd Ps3 because the first 2 stopped reading disc completely including the ceramic white japanese version... so you cant go based on that alone.

Im still on my 1st Xbox with no issues....

both systems have their pros and cons.

I currently own both and only time I ever turn on the Ps3 is to use the Bluray player and to update it of course....
Another think about their video game thing and the PS4, like someone stated, they're just waiting it out and copying or trying to outdo what Nintendo and M$ is doing.

When rumors of the PS4 and NextBox first circulated Sony went back and now they're adding more features and power to match the NextBox. 
LOL. These things are years in the making. Sony doesn't just see a rumor then say "ope the 720 is more powerful then the PS4 cant let that happen lets add x,y,z to make ours more powerful" Doesn't work that way.  Only Microsoft has to worry about games.

Microsofts First Party Studios are

Lionhead - Fable, Kinect

Turn 10 - Forza ,PGR

343 - Halo

Rare - Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, Perfect Dark, Viva Pinata

Twisted pixel - Splosion man

Xbox live productions. South Park Tower Defense, Xbox Live Games

Other studio is for casual kinect games

Sony has Evolution Studios - Motorstorm

Guerilla Games - Killzone

Media Molecule - LittleBigPlanet

Naughty Dog: Two Teams - Crash Bandicoot, Last of Us, Uncharted, Jak And Dexter

Polyphony Digital - Gran Turismo

Sony Japan - Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Last Guardian, Ape Escape, Locoroco, Patapon

Sony San Diego - MLB The Show, Modnation Racers

Sony Santa Monica: Multiple Teams, God Of War, Playstation AllStars

Sony Liverpool, Wipeout

Suckerpunch, Infamous, Sly Cooper

Bigbig Studios, Motorstorm Artic Edge, PSN

Incognito, Warhawk, StarHawk

Zipper, Soccom, MAG, Unit 13

Sony also owns the Resistance franchise.

Third party studios aren't making exclusive games anymore. It cost ways too much money to make a game and only put it on one system if you aren't a first party. Nintendo could get by on Mario alone but they also have Smash Bros, Star Fox, Metroid etc.The ONLY company with problems when it comes to games is Microsoft. You only get a Xbox and you better like Madden Call of Duty Halo and Kinect
 but if your games are crap and you have no good third party support then you're screwed. Only Nintendo can pull that off because their first party titles are top notch bar none.

LOL. These things are years in the making. Sony doesn't just see a rumor then say "ope the 720 is more powerful then the PS4 cant let that happen lets add x,y,z to make ours more powerful" Doesn't work that way.  Only Microsoft has to worry about games.

Microsofts First Party Studios are

Lionhead - Fable, Kinect

Turn 10 - Forza ,PGR

343 - Halo

Rare - Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, Perfect Dark, Viva Pinata

Twisted pixel - Splosion man

Xbox live productions. South Park Tower Defense, Xbox Live Games

Other studio is for casual kinect games

Sony has Evolution Studios - Motorstorm

Guerilla Games - Killzone

Media Molecule - LittleBigPlanet

Naughty Dog: Two Teams - Crash Bandicoot, Last of Us, Uncharted, Jak And Dexter

Polyphony Digital - Gran Turismo

Sony Japan - Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Last Guardian, Ape Escape, Locoroco, Patapon

Sony San Diego - MLB The Show, Modnation Racers

Sony Santa Monica: Multiple Teams, God Of War, Playstation AllStars

Sony Liverpool, Wipeout

Suckerpunch, Infamous, Sly Cooper

Bigbig Studios, Motorstorm Artic Edge, PSN

Incognito, Warhawk, StarHawk

Zipper, Soccom, MAG, Unit 13

Sony also owns the Resistance franchise.

Third party studios aren't making exclusive games anymore. It cost ways too much money to make a game and only put it on one system if you aren't a first party. Nintendo could get by on Mario alone but they also have Smash Bros, Star Fox, Metroid etc.The ONLY company with problems when it comes to games is Microsoft. You only get a Xbox and you better like Madden Call of Duty Halo and Kinect

You wrong, or maybe just misinformed

MS has more internal studios than Sony. And their Redmond Publish group is in charge of developing 2nd and 3rd party exclusives. MS has a ton more content in the pipeline than Sony by the looks of things.

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You wrong

MS has more internal studios than Sony. And their Redmond Publish group is in charge of developing 2nd and 3rd party exclusives. MS has a ton more content in the pipeline than Sony by the looks of things.

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Wikipedia? Come on dude. Non of the studios on there aside from the ones I mentioned have relased a game or have ay kind of track record. More than half of those studios on there are working Kinect garbage/shovelware. God of War, Uncharted ,Killzone,Sly Cooper, Gran Turismo are big name franchises. The only big games Microsoft has is Halo, Fable and Forza, Microsoft doesn't even own Gears of War. Call me when those phantom Studios that dont even have thier own Wikipedia page make a  high quality game, cause right now i'm not seeing where they matter. Alot of those studios are making PC and Android/ios only games too. Quality >>>> Quantity and Sony honestly has both. All those studios translates  

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You wrong

MS has more internal studios than Sony. And their Redmond Publish group is in charge of developing 2nd and 3rd party exclusives. MS has a ton more content in the pipeline than Sony by the looks of things.

LINK Read Up
Wikipedia? Come on dude. Non of the studios on there aside from the ones I mentioned have relased a game or have ay kind of track record. More than half of those studios on there are working Kinect garbage/shovelware. God of War, Uncharted ,Killzone,Sly Cooper, Gran Turismo are big name franchises. The only big games Microsoft has is Halo, Fable and Forza, Microsoft doesn't even own Gears of War.

:smh: :lol: Of course you would defect. We are talking about games in the future for next generation.

You don't know what these studios are making, you just repeating Sony Fanboy rhetoric of "Kinect garbage/shovel ware". There are confirmed Hardcore games in the pipeline.

People act like MS gave up on Core games to make Kinect games. That is FAAAAAAAAAAAAR from the truth. The launched Kinect and supported it with games, they will have the exclusives to launch this next system.
All this talk of exclusive games yet a lot of game of the year candidates this year alone were multi platform. Mass Effect 3, Borderlands 2, Assassins Creed 3, Dishonored, and The Walking Dead. Last year Skyrim got it, year before that, Red Dead Redemption. Yes i know ps3 has a few more exclusives but you act as if Halo, Gears, Madden, and COD is all 360 has. I own a ps3 and have no desire to play GoW or Uncharted. I played and beat the first Uncharted and that was it, had no desire to continue with the series. I love online games which is why i'm not a big fan of Uncharted and GoW. Yes i know uncharted has online but i'm good on that.
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