Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

eugenile gts eugenile gts Damn, they called you this late? Didn't their raffle end last Monday or was it Tuesday? I was thinking about swinging by there but didn't want to be stuck in that 880 traffic.
yall hang in there . ended up getting a ticket at champs this morning and got a call back from footlocker even though they told me i didnt win friday . thank god i kept that ticket . was praying for 1 and now im 3 in . theres obviously a lot to go around . i think a lot of younger cats not answering their phone , a lot of them didnt have id today , and/or backing out because they dont have the money . wouldnt hurt to call some of these stores back yourselves and check the status of the raffles . . .
Say what you want but judging from my local spot this release is going to be madness. First off I stop by to get a raffle ticket mind you they rarely out of the close to 18 years I've been going there did a raffle (maybe a total of 6 times). The co-owner who I've known for all the years I've been going there is like first read the rules which is on a log book, open it up to see 3 pages of names roughly like a good 60+ names (this is a small store so a max 24-30 pairs I'm guessing). Here is the complete BS and catch 22 you have to buy the matching shirt and socks with the shoes and the ultimate slap in the face are not guranteed your size once the raffle is drawn. You can line up almost 15 hours before the store opening to pick up the shoe. :smh: I'm so glad I just paid that $285 resell price. Can you imagine your ticket gets called and you then have to wait in line with the savages just to hope you can get your size for over 15 hours? FOH.
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@endeesee My bad, overlooked that last part. Yeah, HOH Sunvalley in Concord does that too. I'm not a fan because it doesn't even guarantee your size. I found that out after the Bred 1's release (didn't win). They do that same string of numbers and those are the winners. It makes no sense to me.
i always thought Willowbrook Mall only did this... I kinda like this format though
eugenile gts eugenile gts Damn, they called you this late? Didn't their raffle end last Monday or was it Tuesday? I was thinking about swinging by there but didn't want to be stuck in that 880 traffic.

yea man.. they JUST CALLED! like 5 mins ago.

i thought all hope was gone because no one from the bay area post any info here really cause we shady like that when it comes to helping each other out with kicks :smh:

but yea they just called

so all the rest of the lurkers from the Bay area who grabbed tickets at HOH Valley Fair.. theres still a chance as they doing calls right NOW
any idea what the numbers are in terms of how many they made of this shoe? It seems like super GR, but everyone wants em?

Seems like many want more than 1 pair. I just want 1 damn pair and locked it up. I'm wondering if the numbers are the same as the Gamma 11s. I slept on those and want em now, heard they were a lot and effort was put on release date it was "easy cop"

now im thinking if its equal value trade bait if i can manage an extra pair of these to trade for some gamma XI or the upcoming carolina or hwatever they called next month :tongue:
How can I be the captain of this pizza party and I still don't have a pair on lock :frown:


no no no...ive been here since page 1

its serious now...

Say what you want but judging from my local spot this release is going to be madness. First off I stop by to get a raffle ticket mind you they rarely out of the close to 18 years I've been going there did a raffle (maybe a total of 6 times). The co-owner who I've known for all the years I've been going there is like first read the rules which is on a log book, open it up to see 3 pages of names roughly like a good 60+ names (this is a small store so a max 24-30 pairs I'm guessing). Here is the complete BS and catch 22 you have to buy the matching shirt and socks with the shoes and the ultimate slap in the face are not guranteed your size once the raffle is drawn. You can line up almost 15 hours before the store opening to pick up the shoe.
I'm so glad I just paid that $285 resell price. Can you imagine your ticket gets called and you then have to wait in line with the savages just to hope you can get your size for over 15 hours? FOH.
So you're saying you only went to one store for a crack at the raffle (with a variety of stores giving out tickets in a 2 week span), didn't ask for help from friends or from here (and if you read some of the posts, there were a lof of people from Jersey extending their help out to you), didn't try for online releases with all the major and minor sites releasing them, could have waited until after the release to buy for resale (which will be lower than $285 in a week or so), and still went ahead to drop $100 over retail on a pair from someone halfway across the country that you've never met and did business only once before, with sneaker that honestly COULD be fake...?! I guess that's cool...
eugenile gts eugenile gts You could try Shoe Palaces (although I haven't won anything from them since the Shadows) :smh: I know their raffle ends today. I ended up putting myself in for my friend because I don't like the way they do business (having to buy shorts or socks with the shoes).
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]u have to be one of the first person to comment on this forum to get Internet credit? To show that u wanted this shoe from the get go?
any idea what the numbers are in terms of how many they made of this shoe? It seems like super GR, but everyone wants em?

Seems like many want more than 1 pair. I just want 1 damn pair and locked it up. I'm wondering if the numbers are the same as the Gamma 11s. I slept on those and want em now, heard they were a lot and effort was put on release date it was "easy cop"

now im thinking if its equal value trade bait if i can manage an extra pair of these to trade for some gamma XI or the upcoming carolina or hwatever they called next month :tongue:

Yeah definitely I think you can trade a pair of these for some gammas.
Pickup window for Shiekh's is until 1pm
  • Items will only be held until 1pm the day of the release. After 1pm they will be available for purchase by the general public.
That's really early IMO. Some of you may luck out and pick up any unclaimed pairs.
harryho harryho I thought they would've pushed the pickup window a bit later because it's not the normal Saturday release and a lot of people have work on Black Friday. Malls do open earlier. I think some are even open on Thanksgiving :smh:
yea man.. they JUST CALLED! like 5 mins ago.

i thought all hope was gone because no one from the bay area post any info here really cause we shady like that when it comes to helping each other out with kicks :smh:

but yea they just called

so all the rest of the lurkers from the Bay area who grabbed tickets at HOH Valley Fair.. theres still a chance as they doing calls right NOW

Wait... They told me that they did raffles last week when I came Saturday/Sunday.
So are they calling those people? or were they doing raffles yesterday too?
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