Can I get a reward for uncovering a growing operation?

You guys saying I am a snitch are clowns if you wouldn't turn in some low life local drug dealer anonymously for 5 thousand dollars. +*%% outta here.
try to justify it however you want, but don't be mad when something bad happens to you because what goes around comes around.

prolly were the kid who would run to the principals office when you heard people had bud on them.
Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

try to justify it however you want, but don't be mad when something bad happens to you because what goes around comes around.

prolly were the kid who would run to the principals office when you heard people had bud on them.

That makes sense... I potentially get a drug dealer off the street and the person who's responsible is the bad guy.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

try to justify it however you want, but don't be mad when something bad happens to you because what goes around comes around.

prolly were the kid who would run to the principals office when you heard people had bud on them.

That makes sense... I potentially get a drug dealer off the street and the person who's responsible is the bad guy.

let me ask you this though... who is this "drug dealer" bothering? is he making your community any less safe? does what they're doing have any effect on you at all? yet you wanna run to the police for monetary gain, trying to come up off ratting on someone instead of going out and getting yours on your own. just remember that karma is a %#$$!.
Originally Posted by sparklecity SC

But how you going to report a so called "crime"..when it has nothing to do with you
It has to do with me if it doesn't directly affect me?

The greenriver killer's murders were crimes, but I had nothing to do with them.
hey hey not a snitch at all you fools would def turn in some strangers for a cool 5 large
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

You guys saying I am a snitch are clowns if you wouldn't turn in some low life local drug dealer anonymously for 5 thousand dollars. %%!@ outta here.

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

try to justify it however you want, but don't be mad when something bad happens to you because what goes around comes around.

prolly were the kid who would run to the principals office when you heard people had bud on them.

That makes sense... I potentially get a drug dealer off the street and the person who's responsible is the bad guy.

let me ask you this though... who is this "drug dealer" bothering? is he making your community any less safe? does what they're doing have any effect on you at all? yet you wanna run to the police for monetary gain, trying to come up off ratting on someone instead of going out and getting yours on your own. just remember that karma is a %#$$!.
In my eyes, a crime is a crime. And if I get lucky and accidentally come across it? Then why not, it isn't like they are benefiting the community in any way? I or anybody else would be doing nothing wrong by turning in a drug dealer.
no, up to 5 grand... if its worth an outrageous amount more

which means you're losing out by not robbing them yourself or tipping off someone that will
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

try to justify it however you want, but don't be mad when something bad happens to you because what goes around comes around.

prolly were the kid who would run to the principals office when you heard people had bud on them.

That makes sense... I potentially get a drug dealer off the street and the person who's responsible is the bad guy.

let me ask you this though... who is this "drug dealer" bothering? is he making your community any less safe? does what they're doing have any effect on you at all? yet you wanna run to the police for monetary gain, trying to come up off ratting on someone instead of going out and getting yours on your own. just remember that karma is a %#$$!.
In my eyes, a crime is a crime. And if I get lucky and accidentally come across it? Then why not, it isn't like they are benefiting the community in any way? I or anybody else would be doing nothing wrong by turning in a drug dealer.
well, you said yourself that you used to smoke, so what if someone accidentally came across you smoking one day and called the cops, and you got arrested? i'm sure you would feel like whoever called the cops shouldn't have been sticking their nose in your business.

and what's really so bad about growing weed? because the government says so? this isn't an inherently evil crime like murder or rape, this is something that's ONLY wrong because the government says it's wrong.. but hey if you need the money that bad...
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

try to justify it however you want, but don't be mad when something bad happens to you because what goes around comes around.

prolly were the kid who would run to the principals office when you heard people had bud on them.

That makes sense... I potentially get a drug dealer off the street and the person who's responsible is the bad guy.
Is this fake life or real life? Do you know what marijuana is and what the effects of it are? Have you ever been to a college campus? a concert? any gas station? This stuff isn't harming anybody dammit. This is America, Land of the free. People everywhere love it, yet you want to make somebody waste part of their life in a cell that was making more people happy than you probably ever will. Greedy bastard, rat on the next man trying to earn his money and provide a service to the community. You think you are really taking a drug dealer off the streets? You are just making way for another one to take their place.

"I hope you snitches burn in hell"
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

hell id snitch for $100 bucks

if you cant do the time then dont do the crime.
Exactly! and We are talking 5 grand here

you better never ever do anything "shady" in your life....i ain't religious but da universe has a funny way of making sure if you ever sell out someone

it comes back to you 10 fold....(karma baby)
everyone calling ljlukelj a snitch is prob some sour pothead. go buy some jordans and quit throwing around morals that you learned from 2pac and jay-z vids. ljkukelj go get your 5k and spend it on something sick!!!
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

hell id snitch for $100 bucks

if you cant do the time then dont do the crime.
Exactly! and We are talking 5 grand here

you better never ever do anything "shady" in your life....i ain't religious but da universe has a funny way of making sure if you ever sell out someone

it comes back to you 10 fold....(karma baby)

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

try to justify it however you want, but don't be mad when something bad happens to you because what goes around comes around.

prolly were the kid who would run to the principals office when you heard people had bud on them.

That makes sense... I potentially get a drug dealer off the street and the person who's responsible is the bad guy.
Is this fake life or real life? Do you know what marijuana is and what the effects of it are? Have you ever been to a college campus? a concert? any gas station? This stuff isn't harming anybody dammit. This is America, Land of the free. People everywhere love it, yet you want to make somebody waste part of their life in a cell that was making more people happy than you probably ever will. Greedy bastard, rat on the next man trying to earn his money and provide a service to the community. You think you are really taking a drug dealer off the streets? You are just making way for another one to take their place.

"I hope you snitches burn in hell"
Earning his money? Providing a service to the community? Until Marijuana is legalized, it is still a drug man. They are the ones taking the risk, doing this crime. I don't care if people want to smoke it for recreational purposes or medicinal purposes, go for it. I am not against it, I am just saying, if by some chance I could come up 5 grand by getting rid of a drug dealer, then why the hell not? It's still a drug, decriminalized or not.
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

hell id snitch for $100 bucks

if you cant do the time then dont do the crime.
Exactly! and We are talking 5 grand here

Never been so ashamed to be part of this community
. To the dude who started this thread.... Homie, just mind your business
karma for doing something good? If he reported someone for selling fake gucci bags then thats messed up, dudes just tryin to make a living.

we are talking about DRUGS here.
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