Can someone explain "American Arrogance" to me?

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by tmukg21

The brokest country is the most arrogant and cocky

The replies in this thread sum it up
Brokest? America is still the richest country in the world. Its just having economic trouble.
Are you guys referring to richest in the GDP per capita? If so, our country is def not number one on the list.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Originally Posted by BEATSLIM

But is it not?

Cultural capital, sports capital, financial capital, military capital, pornography capital, and on and on and on.....
No, it's not. Quality of life trumps all that and that is not exclusive to the United States. Yeah, it's a cultural melting pot, but nobody wanted leave their homeland to come here for fun. They came for the scrilla.

Living the good life doesn't mean working 60/hours a week, eating at chain restaurants, and driving gas guzzlers.
Then don't come here. Stay in your crappy home country. There are people who are willing to work hard when they come here. This country was built by people who emigrated from their home countries and worked hard.
This country was founded after the genocide of the Native American race, and was built on the blood of slaves.

There is an aspect of jealousy. The sheer fact that Americans have so much, and other countries do not. Yes, that is an aspect.

But there is a certain arrogance to Americans, not just of the civilians but of the government as well, which I think is important.

The American government bullies all other countries based on their power and strength.
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