Concord and Cool Grey XIs this year. PRODUCT CODE ON PG 1.

Fingers crossed on both, wonder if they'd repeat the whole "Special Packaging" gimmick they used on the Space Jams.
im just saying i believe the majority of the info is probably dead on... but someone has to be wrong.

and yes we have had releases like this in previous years but we havent had the ammount of information like we do right early in the year.
im just saying.
Jordan23 4xL wrote:
I hope this is true...
I hope so too, hopefully my prayers will be answered
Each pair $175 or more. Watch and see. This is what we all get for whining about quality. Hope everyones happy now.
Want as many Concords as possible come release day, some to rock and the rest for stock for future wear.
Originally Posted by freshair

cool grey color code is 011 not 001.. 001 is a mostly black Colorway. Just sayin...
This is true. Me and some friends were talking about them coming out with a new color way??
As much as I'm looking forward to these, I know the hype will beridiculous and somehow JB will mess these up
Both Concords and Cool Greys will be copped! JB is sure causing a rutkus with these XIs lately...LOL
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