Could You Ever Actually Take Someone's Life?

If need be then of course. If you really need to take someone's life I don't think in that situation you could afford to double think yourself. That's why I got a list in my mind of reasons I know I should kill someone should that time arrive.
Originally Posted by biff lawson

you aren't a G travis but i Am and i could do it
C'mon Rudolph. You're a nurse who hustles Yorkshire terriers... you couldnt.

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

depends on the situation. I will kill for sure.
Op u are def. not a G,  look at ur avy 

Originally Posted by SINce1987

chicks dig dangerous guys, come on OP, I know you see all the james bond movies, he always in that case i'd easily do it!

p.s. in that case OP, YNS...

Originally Posted by spincv

OP are you from Boston?

Nah. its my birthday... not the Boston area code
we're all capable of doing anything, dependin on wat the situation is and my state of mind, i can see myself doin it
Like most said if I had to and honestly with no problem. I'm just glad I haven't been in a situation like that yet and hopefully never be in one either.
if someone killed my brothers or my parents, its a rap i just thought about all the ways to get away with it

1- steal gun from someone i know who will claim it stolen
2- dont drive anywhere have a friend drop you off in desired location 2 days prior
3- sleep you gotta long day ahead of you
4- a fedora and sunglasses (street cameras)
5- wait for the mark to go home or leave home
6- lose the clothes you wont need em where you're going
7- i will be on foot so under my regular clothes i will have a jogging uniform set-up
8- jog casually in the sunset having avenged my family member
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