Crazy stories from your job.

I work at a behavioral & autistic residential care place. One night at 11PM, I literally clocked in, and was called upon to help out with restraining a client named "Jacob O' Hare". After about 45 mins of restraining him, we finally escort him to the cafeteria and as we surround him... He begins to pee on himself. This is his defense mechanism for not being restrained. So, I told my supervisor that was present in the cafeteria that I was not trained and not capable of restraining any client that has bodily waste on his/her body. So being the great guy that he was, he told me to get another staff over here and switch places with them. Which I ever so gladly did.
you have to love when people say something disrespectful or slick then hit them with the no offense at the end :lol:
you have to love when people say something disrespectful or slick then hit them with the no offense at the end :lol:

No disrespect intended, I was just pointing out that it would be stressful ( at least for me ) working with the mentally challenged. Im not saying I don't respect what he is doing, but it must be difficult dealing with some of the sicker patients.
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I work at a behavioral & autistic residential care place. One night at 11PM, I literally clocked in, and was called upon to help out with restraining a client named "Jacob O' Hare". After about 45 mins of restraining him, we finally escort him to the cafeteria and as we surround him... He begins to pee on himself. This is his defense mechanism for not being restrained. So, I told my supervisor that was present in the cafeteria that I was not trained and not capable of restraining any client that has bodily waste on his/her body. So being the great guy that he was, he told me to get another staff over here and switch places with them. Which I ever so gladly did.
I used to work with mentally disabled adults
This one guy would fake seizures to stop us from either continuing our day as a group
Or just for attention
He would literally drop to the floor and shake
Then open his eye and see if anyone was paying attention
Of course we all treated it like it was a real thing
But was irritating
Definitely a taxing job so respect
I did it for about 4 years
I was definiy under paid
But I loved working at that place
Cliff notes: come into work, see older guy I know, said guy has a huge **** stain on his pants, like straight **** himself, tell everyone and laugh. Later in the day there was a meeting and everyone is still laughing and cracking jokes, guy asks what is so funny... Someone tells him he **** himself. His response "why didn't you guys tell me already !?!?"
great thread..I work in a corporate environment so nothing really to guy got yelled at on the phone and then hang up and grabbed his wastebasket and kicked it like a field goal..other than that nothing at all..ZZzzZZZzzz
It's my first week on the job, and I'm accompanying some co-workers to a sales meeting with a current customer. Again, it's my first week on the job so I've never met these people I was going with or the customer.

One guy, we'll call him Larry, was supposed to pick me up and the airport and we were gonna carpool to the meeting. This Mug picks me up and he's all sweating and ****. Wiping his forehead with his hands and whatnot, talking all fast, playing with his shirt. Weird. 

We get on the freeway and are in the left lane and this dude VEERS right through three lanes so he can make the exit. This dude floors it to the nearest gas station, parks, runs inside. MF'er comes back out fifteen minutes later (and we're already about to be late for the meeting) talking about, "Chopper, I'm real sorry and this is very embarrassing, but I **** myself so I'm not gonna be able to make the meeting. 

I wasn't gonna ride back with him so I told him to bounce and caught a cab back to the airport. MF'er was 40 years old and straight crapped himself before a customer meeting. He still works here 
. I done told everyone about that isht at our last Sales Conference. 
Hilarious, but I wouldn't have put him on blast man. **** happens, but he still has to work there :smh:
pretty sure i posed this when the thread was first started, but I worked at the gap for a bit before my current job. One day I was working the fitting room. As I was cleaning one out (removing clothes) I noticed a plastic bag tied closed on the floor. I pick it up and its filled with liquid. I put it down to see if there was a drink container or something on the floor thinking a customer had an accident. Turned out to be urine. fun.
I worked at a call center and the training manager (who everyone knew and was well-liked) flooded the toilet. The restrooms were located in the middle of the room with cubicles surrounding it. So dude runs out of the bathroom yelling Halp! Halp!... everyone is looking confused... and then doodoo water starts flowing out into the floor and soaking the carpet. The whole building stunk until a janitor came and poured ajax on the area and set up orange cones around it. His name was Cameron and people started referring to him as Clogga Cam as sort of a play off Killa Cam because Dipset was really hot at the time and most of the reps were minority youths. I hate it had to be him.
It's my first week on the job, and I'm accompanying some co-workers to a sales meeting with a current customer. Again, it's my first week on the job so I've never met these people I was going with or the customer.

One guy, we'll call him Larry, was supposed to pick me up and the airport and we were gonna carpool to the meeting. This Mug picks me up and he's all sweating and ****. Wiping his forehead with his hands and whatnot, talking all fast, playing with his shirt. Weird. 

We get on the freeway and are in the left lane and this dude VEERS right through three lanes so he can make the exit. This dude floors it to the nearest gas station, parks, runs inside. MF'er comes back out fifteen minutes later (and we're already about to be late for the meeting) talking about, "Chopper, I'm real sorry and this is very embarrassing, but I **** myself so I'm not gonna be able to make the meeting. 

I wasn't gonna ride back with him so I told him to bounce and caught a cab back to the airport. MF'er was 40 years old and straight crapped himself before a customer meeting. He still works here :smh: . I done told everyone about that isht at our last Sales Conference. 

Op you worked in loss prevention? I use to work lp for burlington and seen a dope fiend walk into the main isle pull down her pants and take the biggest doodoo I have ever seen. Shorty pulled her pants up no wipe or nothing.
One of my boys was telling me a story like this. He used to work at one of those abercrombie places and in the middle section, some kid **** all over the floor, took a shirt to wipe his *** n left. It was so ridiculous that it drew everyones attention, and when they went back out into the front section everything was gone...
I just walked in on my coworker picking up a CRUMB
A DAMN CRUMB of a Doritos chip off the floor and putting it in her mouth
Mind u I work at the county building so it's already nasty
We have carpets that as long as I can think hasn't been cleaned yeah it may get vaccumed
But the carpets are originally green
They're gray now
Plus on that floor there's a rat problem
Rat droppings on people's computers
Their chairs and all that literally over night
I walk into her cubicle to give her something
She is already in motion
She can't stop
She picked it up and only saw me as she was headed on her way up
She puts the chip
No scratch that the crumb if the Doritos in her mouth
U shoulda seen my face
I can tell she was embarrassed but didn't wanna say anything
old work place...dude left a crusty napkin on the floor. i came in the morning and noticed his browser was still open to some xxx
quickly washed my hands as he was the last to leave the building and i was the first in the morning
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Ok so as my part time job doing lp work I see a pretty nice looking Spanish chic stealing mad perfumes in the fragrance department. Shorty was mad quick with it loading up a bookbag and headed out the door quickly. I run out the lp office n wait for her outside. I stop her n bring her back to the lp office. She starts saying how she ran away from a Colombian prostitute ring in elmhurst. She said she had to pay money back to them or they would have killed her family members out there. Dunno if she was telling ducktales but she offered to slurp me n my team if we let her go. Too bad the cameras are always rolling
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