Déjà vu.......A granting of the wish to correct past minor decisions?

Jun 17, 2009
First off, I want to start by saying, I personally don't believe this theory, but it's an idea I had and I just wanted to share it.

Anyway, everyone experiences dÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu, correct?

And doesn't everyone have little past mistakes that they want to correct? Like you want to go back in time so badly, that you wish and wish that you had asecond chance to do things differently.

Well (excluding a 'god' or higher power that grants this wish, because I don't want to bring religion into this discussion), what if your wish weregranted by some miracle act. And for an instance you are back to the point you want to fix (just don't think how it happened, rather just accept the factthat you went back in time). It seems very familiar to you. The problem is, you don't remember where you have seen this before. DÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu. Your wish wasgranted, you are set in the exact time, place, and situation where you have to revise your decision. The only catch is you have to remember what you wished forand wanted to go back to fix. But people most likely never remember and therefore it's a wasted wish. But for the lucky few that were able to remember,congratulations you have experienced time travel.

To sum it up in a different way, why do people always think that if they had the option to go back in time via a time machine or anything, that they wouldstill remember what they were going back in the past for? I mean, if time travel were really possible wouldn't it be so easy to just go back in time andbuy everything you wanted, help all the people you can, etc. There should be a challenge, and that obstacle is actually holding on to your thought of what youwere sent back in time for. Hence dÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu.

Yeh, I know. This is reaching, but it was just an idea. Thoughts?
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[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Btw, that's a pretty good concept if you ask me, DMT?[/color]
people dont forget big regrets , only small and insignificant ones . for deja vu to be sending people back in time only to rectify their small regretswould seem sort of like a waste of time . also , most of the big regrets people have are long term decisions rather than snap judgement ones , like regrettingnot spending enough time with their children , or not studying enough in college
Very true Prez, I'll be back with an add on to that statement, after more people chime in. So I can absorb some more thoughts like a sponge, and then rinseout my newly formed idea after getting more feedback and insight

And yeh, I might have to revise my original post so people can just get the gist of it by skimming through. The only problem is, it's lengthy and kind ofin depth so the concept can be instilled into the readers head, so that they could grasp it better.

And what does DMT mean, to the one that posted The Rock gif? (Thanks for that by the way, but no need, I'm with you, I just want to contribute to some mindblowing discussions).
Originally Posted by Prez T

people dont forget big regrets , only small and insignificant ones . for deja vu to be sending people back in time only to rectify their small regrets would seem sort of like a waste of time . also , most of the big regrets people have are long term decisions rather than snap judgement ones , like regretting not spending enough time with their children , or not studying enough in college
I agree with this. Even if they couldn't remember the complete reason why they went back...something, Anything would eventually sparkremembrance of a situation that is probably embedded in your heart and mind pretty deep

Major regrets are like scars they dont go away. period
You guys have made your point and I totally agree with you about 'regrets'. Therefore I have rephrased the question, to correcting smaller decisions,even though going back in the past to fix those is kind of pointless like you have said. Just want to check out some of the responses
Originally Posted by Ar Love Arlovski

You guys have made your point and I totally agree with you about 'regrets'. Therefore I have rephrased the question, to correcting smaller decisions, even though going back in the past to fix those is kind of pointless like you have said. Just want to check out some of the responses
the idea of it being small regrets is interesting and seems like a kind of game whatever higher being you subscribe to is playing on us ashumans . if regret worked in a diff way (heavily regretting snap judgement situations) than you could argue it was the higher being's way of 'grantinga wish' or giving people 'a second chance'
Yeh Prez, definitely what I was hoping people would see in giving us a second chance. Too bad if religion were really added into the discussion, it might go ina different direction about beliefs
You think a lot dude. It's a good observation no doubt but it's not backed by any scientific evidence.
my deja vu is always in dream form first
then my de ja vu moment is usualy in real life

makes me think i dream insignificant future happenings
And what does DMT mean, to the one that posted The Rock gif? (Thanks for that by the way, but no need, I'm with you, I just want to contribute to some mind blowing discussions).
DMT is a psychedelic drug like shrooms or acid, but much stronger.
Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

my deja vu is always in dream form first
then my de ja vu moment is usualy in real life

makes me think i dream insignificant future happenings
what about viewing deja vu as a glimpse into the future to warn you about something youre going to encounter later on ?
It depends can I go back in time and leave notes for myself to tell him what to do or will I have to just rool up on him and set him straight. If I had thefirst option with the notes I would do it alot
Thanks for clearing up DMT, I initially thought it was something else like a new internet saying like YNS and stuff. In that case, no DMT for me.

And again Prez, good thought, that's the other idea that always lingered in my mind when thinking about this. At the other end of the spectrum, I alwaysrelate DÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu with something that deals with time in real cases. Mostly with going in the past, but the future premonitions thought is definitely a good idea,but I never elaborated on it.

To the poster above me, it's all up to interpretation, but I would say to me, you can leave notes, however, I feel like the wish would never be grantedbecause it only happens when no 'cheating' is involved
there is no point in talking about this since u cant go back in time, well unless u're flying to hawaii or something

regardless, you have a valid point that people wouldnt remember to change the past since they wouldnot remember what happens in the future, however that doesnot leave out the fact that going back in time would completely alter the future

thusly, if you COULD go back in time based on experienced experiences which you wanted to change, you would probably end up back at point A, where you want togo back in time and fix something you **#%+* up in the past
I'm guessing OP wanted to go back in time and change his S/N or a bet he made considering the love of his life lost his last fight in 22 seconds

"why do people always think that if they had the option to go back in time via a time machine or anything, that they would still remember what they weregoing back in the past for?"

Because they're dreaming about going back in time knowing what they do now.
Interesting theory nonetheless

"Don't live in the past, don't ponder about the future, stay at the PRESENT moment NOW...always."
- Mark Twain
DMT is a psychedelic drug but I don't think that's the context they intended on using when speaking on DejaVu.

DMT is also a natural chemical in the brain that we produce which causes our dreams. The reason as to why only sometimes we dream is unknown.
Anyways, DMT is thought to be in link with some phenomena which causes Deja Vu, but for now it's still all speculation.
Also, they say when we pass away all the DMT in our brain is released creating "Heaven".

Then again, who knows?
DMT... I will look more into that.

Haha good one BC2310, and your Mark Twain sig is very fitting. I always live for the moment and try to just 'be', but potential timelines andhypothetical situations always intrigue me.

I'm just interested in hearing other people's thoughts, it's fun to get into these kinds of discussions. Here's hoping this post picks up speedlike my last one around primetime hours of 7:00 EST...... Do u think it'spossible to discover BRAND NEW COLORS? Vol. Camron inventing shade of purple
Would anyone else like to add on to this discussion?

Think of a recent time where you have felt a dÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu moment. For argument's sake, let's just say time travel is possible, if what we said was trueabout neither of us not knowing when we have been in this moment before, does that mean our present selves are from the future going back in time?

If you recently have had a dÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu moment, were you able to recall where you have seen this situation before? If not, do you really think it is possible (Ireally don't) that you, RIGHT NOW (when in the dÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu moment) are your future self? Does that make sense? When we experience those moments, imagine if weare really our future selves, not knowing it?
Originally Posted by BC2310

I'm guessing OP wanted to go back in time and change his S/N or a bet he made considering the love of his life lost his last fight in 22 seconds

"why do people always think that if they had the option to go back in time via a time machine or anything, that they would still remember what they were going back in the past for?"

Because they're dreaming about going back in time knowing what they do now.
Interesting theory nonetheless

"Don't live in the past, don't ponder about the future, stay at the PRESENT moment NOW...always."
- Mark Twain
I'll see your Mark Twain quote and raise u one by Joseph Budden

"Leave the past in the past, tomorrow's not promised. And today's just a gift, I guess that's why it's the present"

I don't know why but when I experience deja vu it's more like a dream. I know I've been at this point before but don't really rememberspecifics, just small things like how I moved my arm and what I said afterwards, etc. When I realize it was an incident when I got into an argument, etc, I tryto carry out the "reenactment" carefully not to spark the vague memory of the negative. I feel a lot better afterwards

OP, when ppl say if I could back in time, I'd change this and do this instead of that..." But a smart man knows they only say that b/c they know goingin the past is impossible except for the strange occurance of deja vu, which doesn't really count. It reminds me of what 2Pac said in "HailMary" "Penatentaries are packed w/ promise makers..." meanin, they say when they get out they gon change, do good, blah blah blah, when inreality, their current state forces them to say that b/c they know they are not out and won't be for some time.
This would be pretty cool if it were true

but usually when I have dÃ[emoji]169[/emoji]jà vu its just a random moment its nothing like I did something bad or I wanted to change something
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