Déjà vu.......A granting of the wish to correct past minor decisions?

I swear I have had a weird dream with a vivid setting/picture i remember in the morning

and anywhere from months to years later I experience the exact same setting/picture etc...
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

So are you all saying you think Deja Vu is like living a life you've already lived with little hints dropping in to remind you of the mission? i.e. inception...but with time travel?


what if we have discovered time travel (in the future)... and dejavu is our future self traveling back in time and that split moment/thought of "hasn't this happen before" is our subconscious trying to remind us that it has, but due to the millions of immediate sensations we are exposed to at that moment (visual, physical, auditory, emotional, etc.) we continue on living in the present (past)


Interesting notion. I'll leave it there. 
I'll ponder on it more though. 

My only problem is, why would EVERYONE experience this? according to your theory does everyone get a "do-over"? 

Maybe everyone "thinks" they experience dejavu, but only a few of us actually fully experience the notion?
When I have deja vu, I just stop for a moment. It causes me to intently think, and my mind stops.

Sometimes, I may have never been in this place before. But it all feels so familiar. Whether it is the way that the light is shining down, the arrangement of something, or just the general atmosphere. It is the oddest feeling, because sometimes I know for a fact that I haven't been there. But also, I think that sometimes I have been there, possibly in my childhood.

The perfect timing of time, place, and the circumstances trigger some type of response.
After reading this theory, I definitely see the possibilities. These places could be a connection to some place I have been in the future, and everything lines up for me to feel as if I have "already" experienced it.

And it can also be for the past. I haven't had Deja Vu in a while, because I'm at college now, and not much triggers it, but I am really going to be on the look out when I go back home.
Very interesting, thank you for the bump, I would have never read this otherwise.
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