Dallas police woman breaks into home of young man and shoots him to death Update: GUILTY of murder

Nothing is going to change anytime soon, when it comes to the crookedness and unlawful advantages that our judicial system gives to law enforcement. It’s nothing to even get mad about anymore. It’s gotten to the point to where, if your a innocent civilian, you better off shooting first if you want to stay alive in any type of confrontation. It might sound harsh, but everybody has a shoot first mentality nowadays.

In a state like Texas, I’m more surprised that there’s not more people getting killed senselessly out there on a daily basis. Between legal carriers, and non legal carriers, its as if everyone has a gun down there, if not, they can get one in a few seconds by making just a phone call. Getting a gun in Texas, is like getting a gun in Chicago, it’s like that’s their culture down there, because of the easy access to them.

It’s funny always seeing people talk about, more people need to vote in order to change things. That hasn’t changed anything in the past, and it won’t change anything in the future. After knowing how the system was created, it would have be gutted from the inside, all the way to the outside. Which is never going to happen. The people in power know this, that’s why these situations will continue to happen, while the victims families and sympathizers will keep praying and protesting, while nothing changing.

The only way these situations stop happening, is if it was thousands of blacks/minorities formed groups that fought back with an eye for eye mentality. Meaning, putting their life on the line by protecting and retaliating when our people are done wrong. There’s really no repercussions for these people’s actions, especially when it comes to harming black people.

To many people are to comfortable with their lifestyle to even take it to that level. It might be little different today, if we weren’t given the opportunity to make a certain amount of income. People love money/lifestyle more than anything now. If it wasn’t for that, things wouldn’t be so bad. The people in power knows this though. Everything is designed to make you think we’re free, when in reality, we’re really not.
Just asking if you're referring to a vicious, corrupt, racist and structured system.

Ok, I’m asking if a murderer is standing over a person, weapon in hand, and the last words to a witness are “they did it”, murderer admits to it, confesses, and is given the death penalty. Is that a legitimate death penalty ?
This thug could’ve been selling drugs in that apartment. We don’t know the details. How could he afford that nice apartment anyway? All lives matter. The officer had a tough decision to make. She was out there putting her life on the line and being a blue hero.

She should have tried to let it close slowly. Or simply open it slightly and crack the door. I know lots of doors that you can sort of set to be slightly ajar. With less momentum to close it from a distance of less than an inch, we need all the info to come out before the cops paint their own picture.
She should have tried to let it close slowly. Or simply open it slightly and crack the door. I know lots of doors that you can sort of set to be slightly ajar. With less momentum to close it from a distance of less than an inch, we need all the info to come out before the cops paint their own picture.

Which is why I’m glad the Rangers are investigating.
She should have tried to let it close slowly. Or simply open it slightly and crack the door. I know lots of doors that you can sort of set to be slightly ajar. With less momentum to close it from a distance of less than an inch, we need all the info to come out before the cops paint their own picture.

Yep, that's exactly what I was saying too. With less momentum some doors won't lock. They will close and look locked but actually be unlocked(or ajar) because it's not closed all the way.
I wish she filmed it from outside to show if the door actually locks. I've been in plenty of hotel rooms where the door will close but not with enough momentum to lock the door and I will have to check the door to make sure it locked
inside the apartment, don’t know if the door locks
So I never really thought they knew each other but now that I think about it, he opened the door in his underwear. That means they knew each other. People don't just open the door for strangers in their underwear. You throw on some ball shorts real quick and then open the door.
If dude was in his underwear, what sort of threat was he really, even if she is somehow in the right to even ask for verbal commands?

Then again, we hear stories of cops shooting naked people all the time who got a little too close to police. No one wants a scuffle with the scary black man. Yet we see scuffles with white dudes and cops all the time. That genetically inferior mindset cops have is sad.

We can also paint the guy as overworked and tired. I've been so tired sometimes that I don't even remember answering my phone and talking. It also takes a good 2-3 minutes for me to re orient myself into my surroundings upon waking up.

She basically said , 'stop or I will shoot' to a sleep deprived working individual who had no time to react. Like I said, what's the worst thing a dude in his underwear could do or have on him? A knight stick or baton, or taser or some physical use of force. Or yelling. Or you know, retreat. Someone mentioned a page back about her size and stature. I know some great smaller cops who can handle their own. While others use the gun first. Our police aren't exactly made up of the finest physical or mental specimens.

Again though, why bum rush a dude or jump on his back. Why break a nail If that gun is there on your side. She already shot a dude last year who teaches for her taser. So this gun only solution had to have been on her mind this entire time.
Crazy how we’re sitting up here discussing the functionality of a door when the FACTS are that he was murdered in HIS house by a trespasser. Mfer could’ve had no door at all it doesn’t matter. Give this ho the chair.

It's crazy but as we have seen juries have decided that cops have the right to kill people by mistake so if the defense can prove that her story sounds even remotely plausible, she is not getting convicted.
We haven’t even heard anything about her even announcing that she was police, which would be obvious to include if it occurred. From my understanding, she gave verbal commands and expected a citizen in his own home to even know who tf she was or what she wanted.
So I never really thought they knew each other but now that I think about it, he opened the door in his underwear. That means they knew each other. People don't just open the door for strangers in their underwear. You throw on some ball shorts real quick and then open the door.
I go to the door all the time in my draws. That ain’t out the ordinary Fam :lol:
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