Damn NT, I just had a near life experience...

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I wasn't the one talking about waiting in the first place
... basically, I couldn't really spell it out because shorty asked me to ask NT about it so she was over my shoulder. But she just thinks I'm the horniest __ on earth and I try to tell her that it's way more people like me than like her. I been tagging that for months now but low key, being extra Christiany and all, she feels guilty about that. Like, that deep seeded guilt. I feel sorry for her and I want her to embrace those NEEDS, instead of shunning them..... for both our sakes..

But anyway, why you gotta get my thread all off topic and what not?
It'll get back on. But I know how she feels. Me and my girl are saving it. But it aint easy at all. Trust me. Take the foot off the pedal and coast. It'll help ease her mind.

But back to the subject at hand. Whats this Good Morning America stuff ya'll talking about?
Moms used to watch GMA every morning.... one day in middle school, some driving expert was on there talking about handling spinouts. I'm really good at remembering "unnecessary" bits of info and I can see him clear as day in my mind.
Thats a good memory. I get clowned sometimes for remembering the "unnecessary" things
. Amazing it popped in your head like that.
Popped? It never left. Nothing "unnecessary" ever does. It's the vital stuff that flees. Giraffes have the highest blood pressure in the animalkingdom because of their necks. Male seahorses give birth. Peaches are a part of the walnut family. Etc....

i sorta wish something like this would happen to me.. because right now im not really seeing a point in living
ay man thats a good wake up call. Lemme tell you somn you already kno...Life is short...theres no time to be downnout or sour about any situation. Make themost of what you can do and all the loved ones around you cuz one day your here and the next day could be your calling. Im startn to look at my life dailyaskin myself...if i died today would i leave on good terms with all my family and friends and has my life been good enough for the lord? Your on the right pathbro..peace
My dude.


Always a wizard w/ the words.

But you need to put them blacks down...Lung Cancer is not what's popping...

Even if you take the 'cancer paper' out...
Good read and all but, I'm still confused on your title. Are you trying to say that most of the time, you feel like you're dead? The car accident storyis clearly a near death...while the first half you could say is "near life."
For those that still can't figure out the title, a near life experience is when you feel closer and more important to the people that matter in life. Lifebecomes real and not so far away. A lot of me has been dead for a long time, and last night I woke those parts back up.. I hope. I write A LOT ofpoetry so a lot of what I write has an abstract feel to it. It' up to you to interpret it. But in a nut shell, I feel more alive now that I nearly died.I'm nearer to life, so to speak.

And I don't smoke THAT many blacks drizzle. It's funny you should say that though because in that lil family meeting, the younger kids pleadedwith their older brother to stop smoking and he said he did it because he doesn't really hate smoking all that much in the first place. Plus hesay he has an oral fixation, as do I. I can relate.
i wish people would think this way when they get angry and filled with hate or try to take another persons life. My moms always told me " A dog doesntknow the use of its tail until its gone" and i always remember that because we take for granted so many privileges and beauties that life puts in front ofour face. The riches in life have nothing to do with money.
I never said that, pooch. What I'm saying is that since I rarely pray, I always assume God hears my heart's wants and needs and so I never voice them. Today, I did pray, and I prayed a lot. I prayed with my "new family" and as I left their home, my lady prayed for my safety. I feel as if it was my awareness of God's authority that made him display it. He gives the faithful signs to show them their faith is warranted. Some guy once said those that don't believe in miracles will never see one and that those that do believe will see the miracles in everyday life. Call it what YOU want, but I'ma call it fate. And I won't knock your jaded views on God because I've had my doubts in the past, but out of decency you should at least do the same for me and my faith. It's not childish to think there is someone up there that cares whether I live or doe but it is childish to think that your personal belief is any more valid than anyone else's. We all shape our beliefs from our own individual experiences, so as long as you feel I'm childish, I'll look down on you and pity you for it. Either that, or you can grow up, and look me eye to eye.
Great story OP.
I've been in a few situations where I knew my life was about to end. But I believe GOD has kept me here because my job on Earthisn't done yet.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Glad you good, God works in mysterious ways .
so you back wit ol girl?
Thanks man. Yeah, I'm back with her. Hopefully for good and for the better.

God def does work in mysterious ways. I sit back sometimes and think about the random things that happend to me in life and how in the end God is lookin downon me w/ the "Told u so." face
I don't even smoke so I think about this sober and it's even more powerful.

I'm glad u back w/ ya girl brah. Yall gon always argue and fight but at the end of the day, it's nothin but love between yall which is always a goodthing.
i really need one of these situations to take place in my life...

still searching for that reason to keep pushin

last 6 months been real rough

and like someone said in the other thread, sometimes you think whats the point ?
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