Damn Steve Nash is winning. I approve his wife

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

You are both wrong. His previous wife banged Jason Richardson
You too are wrong, my good man.

It was Nash who cheated, with his current, apparently. 

The kid that's supposedly J.Richardson's is as white as white chillun get. J.Rich dark self aint father that third kid...




That's cuz it was that white center that got cut from the Suns that banged her.
Didn't dude date Liz Hurley too?

That man is winning forreal.

Now, only a championship left on the to-do list.

i thought it was leandro barbosa who smanged nash's wife, and thats why they traded him
Their wives are all cheating on these fools cause they all gold digger hoaaars.. But Nash is winning even if barbosa and jrich tag teamed his wife
One thing I've noticed throughout the years is white dudes who are really into hip-hop/rap music usually end up with a black/mixed chick.

Let's not forget the white dudes who can play ball with the best of em...same thing. Check out Dirk...and I bet Larry Bird-on the low he probably keeps a black woman around.

Originally Posted by Carver

Their wives are all cheating on these fools cause they all gold digger hoaaars.. But Nash is winning even if barbosa and jrich tag teamed his wife

sad but truth tho

never get married if you become an Entertainer
That dog has those Stuart Scott/DMoney82 eyes. Nash is winning though
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