David Fincher: House of Cards( BEWARE OF SPOILERS) (series) starring Kevin Spacey

Without a doubt she'll be back, but if it's based on the English show somebody's got to die

Why must people always do this? Whether a show is based on a book or another show someone always has to make comments like this and spoil things for everybody watching.
Would ya put it past frank to have claire murked to get sympathy voted back into office?

I was thinking this just yesterday when I heard that Eminem song where he says:

Where you going?
I'm leaving you...


Interesting correlation, I know. But the scene where Frank gripped her face and put the fear of God in her heart... I wouldn't put it past him to off Claire somehow.
Why must people always do this? Whether a show is based on a book or another show someone always has to make comments like this and spoil things for everybody watching.

Calm down, man. Everyone could pretty much foresee a death along the way. The show is called house of cards and the running theme is "power never lasts forever". Every house of cards falls eventually.
claire was so 
 this entire season

it was one thing when she was helping protect what they were building, but now it just seems selfish and resentful 
Why must people always do this? Whether a show is based on a book or another show someone always has to make comments like this and spoil things for everybody watching.

The original show is 25 years old there is no spoiler anymore b. Here's your dunce cap go sit down.
Why must people always do this? Whether a show is based on a book or another show someone always has to make comments like this and spoil things for everybody watching.

The original show is 25 years old there is no spoiler anymore b. Here's your dunce cap go sit down.
Yeah but In his defense
I honestly tried to get into the original
Got 2 episodes in
And was like **** this :lol:
Kinda heated if yall spoiled the next season with him murking Claire though
Yeah but In his defense
I honestly tried to get into the original
Got 2 episodes in
And was like **** this :lol:
Kinda heated if yall spoiled the next season with him murking Claire though

So did I :lol: British accents always throw me off. Just ended up reading about it online after season 2 ended last year.
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Why must people always do this? Whether a show is based on a book or another show someone always has to make comments like this and spoil things for everybody watching.

The original show is 25 years old there is no spoiler anymore b. Here's your dunce cap go sit down.

What does that have to do with anything? Let me guess, everybody in this thread watched that show before this version was made. So if I post exactly how the Og version ends it isn't a spoiler because it came out in 25 years ago?
What does that have to do with anything? Let me guess, everybody in this thread watched that show before this version was made. So if I post exactly how the Og version ends it isn't a spoiler because it came out in 25 years ago?

Read the post above yours. And the og show didn't exactly end that way so you getting worked up over a prediction/opinion
Why must people always do this? Whether a show is based on a book or another show someone always has to make comments like this and spoil things for everybody watching.

The original show is 25 years old there is no spoiler anymore b. Here's your dunce cap go sit down.
Kinda heated if yall spoiled the next season with him murking Claire though

That's what I was getting at. If his comment was just that someone was gonna die I'd be cool with that but if Claire gets murked by Frank and it also happens in the British version then that's weak on his part.

It's like the people in the GoT thread pretending to make prediction when they're just saying what happens in the book :lol: :smh:

If it doesn't happen that way in the OG version and it was actually an opinion than I apologize :lol:


My humble alologies, good sir.
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I was thinking of watching the original show on netflix but the standard def preview pic made me say nah.
just finished the series.
every one on this show is either scum, soft, or annoying (edit: except freddy and remy) and i miss when frank spit so many bars with his quotes in season 1. now he's scum. and not the respectable kind.

still addicted tho.
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Just finished. I'm going to have to agree with those who weren't too fond of this season as the previous two. Still enjoyed it a lot, though; it really picked up the last few episodes.

I really like Seth's character. He's been my favorite character since last season. 

I thought ***** Riot's cameo was awesome (Nadezhda 

I thought Gavin would have done a better job to not be found so easily.

The episode with the debate was entertaining, probably my favorite episode this season.
I just finished season 2 on netflix so I'm still avoiding this thread til I finish season 3
Ok guys I finished season three yesterday. Do you guys think frank was in the wrong for having claire resign from the UN? Also I thought they would actually show Doug killing Rachel with the van.

Also do you guys think frank should become president?
claire shouldn't have even had the job in the first place. She didn't earn it or get voted in. I like that the russian president was being a douche to them.

I don't like underwood so I keep waiting for someone to put him in his place.
I loved watching Frank and Claire take th the Ls this season. Claire wasn't who we thought she was. Word to Green.
Frank was not in the wrong for making her resign. Claire was so far in the wrong it's surprising. Her behavior doesn't fit the character they've developed. All of a sudden she's just realizing what the reality of her position is? That's tough for me to accept considering she's been written as his backbone and just as intelligent as frank.
The way I see it, Frank got 3 options:

1. Kill Claire

- Among the other options I'll suggest I think this is the one he should do the most. Removes all doubt and future potential problems. Now I know that's a drastic move but Claire is being erratic. The **** she been saying don't make sense. They've been lying to each other. It's not enough. Frank's not enough. That's a whole lot of bull **** cuz she fooled herself in to not knowing what it was. She got to the mountain top and got the nerve not to be impressed. She's revealing herself to be the type to never be satisfied unless she's in complete control and fails on her own. Don't doubt the many *****s in Claire's armor they showed this past season. She would crumble on her own or as pres. She only gets so far on her own. Same with Frank. Like the writer described, they're better together but she's just having ego and pride problems. Talking about that she had to ask makes her sick and that she doesn't like that, at the end of the day the president makes the final decision. She must be deluded. Never thought I'd see a down *** chick expose herself like this. It hurt to see. That's why I was just a little envious of this relationship. To really have it you'd have to deal with a situation like this where she talking about you're not enough and asking why are they doing this like she don't know. Plus the fear that she might leave you and **** everything up. All stupid ****. The writing exposed her when she bugged out in Russia. You can't have a loose cannon like that around especially as your first lady.

The only problem with this solution is Frank. He truly believes he couldn't have done it without Claire and that he needs her. I won't doubt that. He really loves her. He's gonna need to decide if following through is more important than her. Cuz if she leaves him there's no way he wins anything. He'll be more of a disgrace losing alone if he lost with her help. If he kills her though, he can pin it on anybody and then he can be the widower president. It won't matter who on the republican side he's facing. He'll have all the sympathy in the world. Earlier Claire called Petrov a thug but he's only that cuz he doesn't have a Claire of his own. Francis in many ways has been described to be a thug and he's really no different than Petrov and without Claire it'd be time to make a thug move; kill Claire. He'll just mention Claire's name during debates and win the nations vote. That's a guarantee win for Frank.

2. Blackmail Claire

- As far we saw, only one pg of that journal was burned by Doug. I hope, truly HOPE Francis was like stop, I'll hold on to this and do it myself with Claire, told Doug to leave and then kept the journal somewhere. I almost wish that was the last scene when Claire said she was leaving him. Frank should've hit her with "I think you forgot something" having the journal in hand. This way she has to stay. If revealed she'll be ruined completely and Frank would do it too cuz he already knows what's left if he loses. It may even work if they burned the journal anyway. Just the mention of it had Claire shook like crazy. Just say he burned it but he made copies first. So maybe without proof of evidence he could hold it over on her for the rest of the campaign and they can just be distant the next 4 years.

The problem with this is Claire can in turn blackmail Frank for mad ****. More **** than she's done. They've both killed but in this series Frank got more direct bodies. She's been complicit but not as direct. Thing is she has no proof but her word goes a long way and it'd depend who she has on her side to get to prove it. If this were to happen once again I think Frank's only option would be to kill Claire :lol: So to me this course of action is a bit more risky.

3. Make Claire VP

- Seems like an obvious move and a good one. The chick he had in place betrayed him and Frank don't really want to keep that lame he has a VP currently. VP aint the POTUS but the position has mad power. She can be left to do her own things and not be overridden as much as ambassador of the U.N. It also gives her a direct path to run automatically after Frank's term is up and we know that's what she's been aiming to do since forcing her appointment to the U.N. Also in this situation, Frank can't be put in another bind where Petrov could leverage him with Claire. Asking her to resign from the U.N. is one thing but he don't got the balls to ask a VP to vacate. Wouldn't even make sense. So Claire on the ticket would have a lot of pros if she could keep it together. There'd be some push back with the announcement since she has little experience and her resigning as ambassador would look like she was always going to be groomed as VP to the public but since so many love her given these polls she'd be widely accepted despite the nepotism.

Problem I see is if she can keep it together. She's been erratic as **** this whole season and it seems to be stemming from this depression after realizing Frank is truly in charge. She just been ******* up and acting out. That Russia stunt was her lashing out to try to be in control. Everything was in place with this dude's death and she ruined it, why? Cuz at the end of the day it was Frank who got it done while she couldn't convince the activist and he hung himself while she slept. She couldn't get over it and tried to sell it to Frank as a moment of conscience where she was doing right by someone. Not buying it. After Petrov made her resign she was spiraling and was probably loathing campaigning for Frank even more. Then the writer's first chapter had her all screwed up in the head after reading and then talking with him. So if she brings that to VP who knows how she'll **** things up more. Plus like some of you mentioned she can easily do what Frank did to the last pres and drive him crazy in to stepping down or just straight up have him killed. So yeah this is probably the best story route for future seasons but that's not always how this series goes. I thought Kate Mara's character would be around a lot longer and Frank nipped that in the bud with the quickness. I wouldn't be surprised at all if next season Claire has a meeting with a train herself (yeah I know they're filming next season now and Robin Wright is on set).
Rewatching this season now for the first time since March. Interested to be reminded of how things played out.
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