
wen my x left me
i swear i wont let a girl get as close to me as she did....
Originally Posted by dland24

A few months ago.......Marley & Me.....did me right in. (I dare any guy to watch this and not shed some)

i'll be honest

few days ago when i watched 6th man ( last time i saw this movie was like 6 years ago)
a couple tears on my fathers Bday (April 14) and fathers day...

R.I.P. deddy...
few months ago....held back my emotions when my g-ma died and it came out from nowhere one evening.
The day after Christmas. IDK whenever Im feeling down and then my mother of all people decides its a good time to start some +##!*!!#, that always gets megoing.
I cry when i laugh so... But seriously emotional crying would be the day after my daughter was born. I was looking at the pics of her on my phone and I justbecame overwhelmed with pride, fear, and happiness all at the same time.
In January at the Funeral of one of my former teachers.


But before then, it had to be a good 10 years.
about a year ago when I found out my 4 year old nephew had a tumor on his optic nerve and had to have brain surgery..
Got a little chocked up when I thought about my childhood idol today.

...Damn sad.
Originally Posted by psykhO

Originally Posted by AmberElise04

I'm going to be honest.

The last time I cried was May 4, 2009. That was the day I called my then boyfriend (now ex) and another girl answered. I was stunned, but I didn't go into "accuse" mode, I just said, " _____ there?" And she replied with, "No, not at the moment, but I'm his wife.........."

After those words, I remember her saying "can I take a message" but I was so heartbroken, stunned, and hurt, I just said no and hung up.

Thinking about it now makes me tear up. I was so ____ stupid.
Damn, that sucks
@ some people these days

Yeah that really does suck
How long were you with him?

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