Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I'm just messenger
Tell knightlovesqueen to email me...I will pm my email addy, wj4
bro i posted pics of it. TSB did a piece on winter whites too. definitely not bad this year considering aside from the one blizzard winter in the NE was pretty mild
bro i posted pics of it. TSB did a piece on winter whites too. definitely not bad this year considering aside from the one blizzard winter in the NE was pretty mild

I wasn't speaking in general, just for me. My skin gets fairly light in the winter so I can't do white jeans because it just doesn't look right. :rolleyes

Plus at school all the snow gets pushed to the side of everything and stays all year :/

However, in the spring in summer when the Portuguese in me comes out I get pretty dark, and the white denim gets thrown in rotation. :D

Light wash denim is worn all year for me though
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That Blazer is awesome Carlin! Mind if we ask how much it was?

Thanks Serg, it was $350 and I had $25 gift card from a twitter promo they ran.  So $325 shipped and took about 3 weeks

Looking real good Bama! How did you take your measurements.

We've had a rainy past few days here and there was gonna be some sunshine today so I decided to give this a wear before putting it away until next Fall/Winter:

I don't really anyone to snap my pics and I only have my iPhone currently so I may have to invest in a tripod and auto timer app :lol:
this is awesome btw. good job Storm. Really enjoy the houndstooth and larger lapels/tie :pimp:

Thanks a lot, A. I appreciate it. I'm gonna try to post more fit pics when I can.

bro i posted pics of it. TSB did a piece on winter whites too. definitely not bad this year considering aside from the one blizzard winter in the NE was pretty mild

The past two winters have been extremely mild. It's just turning to 50 degrees and girls are already breaking out skirts :lol:

Ahead of the curve with the light washed denim :pimp:

Btw had to get my LE's cargos altered...just for too lose for my liking...
Already started:

Denim Supply : http://www.ralphlauren.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=11757742&ab=global_men_denimsupply

I got these too, Hudson Byron:

I like both of those man. How would you say the sizing is?
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Meek Mill? Son, you need to upgrade to an HD computer display :lol:

I'm so excited to get my Ben Sherman Herrington Jacket. Can anyone explain what "memory nylon" is exactly? They have a 100% cotton one and a memory nylon one, which is made of polyester. I know what that is, but am just wondering if there's anything specific about "memory nylon" outside of that.

The jackets in question: http://www.bensherman.com/us/clothing/jackets-coats/memory-nylon-harrington-navy-blazer.html & http://www.bensherman.com/us/harrington-bomber-burnt-olive.html
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Been on that white/wheat denim swag since last year...actually remember some people clowning it :lol:
Denim Supply : http://www.ralphlauren.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=11757742&ab=global_men_denimsupply

I got these too, Hudson Byron:

Link didn't work but I like the (colfax?) wash. Your preference is what matters but I think those could fit a lot better, I'm surprised Denim & Supply labeled them as slim. Not everything has to be tailored but they look a little sloppy, I don't mean for that to be offensive. I love the Arenas, those don't sit right on them as well and kind of take away from the shoes.
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Link didn't work but I like the (colfax?) wash. Your preference is what matters but I think those could fit a lot better, I'm surprised Denim & Supply labeled them as slim. Not everything has to be tailored but they look a little sloppy, I don't mean for that to be offensive. I love the Arenas, those don't sit right on them as well and kind of take away from the shoes.

No offense is taken. These are the Colfax. Just the lighting at time was bad.

The slim fit is actually slim. I had to get a size bigger because of my thighs. I have big thighs.
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Why do you say that?

I know boat shoes have been an East Coast/Southern staple for a while now, but here in Cali it is definitely just part of a trend (for the most part, not saying this applies to everyone who wears them). Up until a few years ago I never saw anyone wearing boat shoes here, except for the extremely annoying preppy type. Now people do too much with them and even think that they're the equivalent of dress shoes :x :lol: Flip flops with shorts in the summer>>>>boat shoes IMO, but I know a lot of East Coasters would think the opposite.
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boat shoes have been around for 75 years. probably qualifies them for one of the longest trends in history, second only to shirts with buttons
boat shoes have been around for 75 years. probably qualifies them for one of the longest trends in history, second only to shirts with buttons

Again, 99% of people in Cali who wear boat shoes didn't start wearing them until the past few years. They were looked at as part of the typical Southern/East Coast douchebag fratboy attire. Even now not too many people wear them here besides the clowns who think they're "dressing up" by putting on a pair with formal outfits
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