eBay question

Jul 7, 2001
So I'm on eBay trying to find some Watch the Throne tickets in Chicago for next Friday and come up on a deal of a lifetime. 2 floor seats for 150 a piece. Or so I thought. This jack rabbit go send me a email talking about he can't sell me the tickets because he forgot to set the reserve, after I won the auction and after the tickets had been up for auction for a week. Do I have any options or do I have to lean on the power of NT to send dude a bunch of bad feedback?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

If it were you, would you have sent the tickets out for $150?

Actually I would. He had them up for a week, and he sells other stuff on there, not like he new to it
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

If it were you, would you have sent the tickets out for $150?

of course you dont want to, but its part of using an auction site.

OP youre not gettin them tickets (Know that) but give negative...bout all you can do.
Yea people do that all the time, but you can't force them to send you the item..
Neg feedback is about all you can do.
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