It's more foolish & dishonest rhetoric from dems trying to discourage anyone from considering taking their vote elsewhere, right in line with this

You don't vote Democratic "you ain't black"
You don't vote Democratic your a closet racist
You don't vote Democratic as a black man...... you hate black women :lol:

This is Trump levels of dishonest

Nah, it’s much more simple than that-

“if you vote for Trump you are complicit with racism”.

Slick attempt to spin this into more than it is🤣

There’s a reason so many people here on NT are afraid to come out and say that they support Trump. He is a proud racist and being racist and supporting a racist is socially unacceptable for the most part.
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Nothing. Zero.

The changes will be minor in the grand scheme of things.

There are no consequences for Biden not meeting expectations.

I doubt he runs for a second term. Trump will be back in ‘24 to run again and he will only get louder in the meantime (that is of course if he doesn’t meet his demise in the interim).

People should arm themselves if they haven’t already because things are going to be ugly if not uglier under Biden with the Trump shadow presidency operating out of Mara Lago.

"Illusion of Choice."
I was looking at the map regarding the presidential results and every state has blue pockets (usually the major city or college town) except for OK and WV (not surprising there). OK has two major cities plus some big colleges and it's still completely red. Safe to say they won't be getting my tourism money.
AOC will be the 1st female president
Given how many votes Trump got. More than in 2016. How entrenched ppl were to vote for him I think its impossible for AOC to ever be president. She's super far left.

She gonna get that Hilary treatment.

Gonna need more of a centrist for the first female president.
In the middle of all this I forgot that if Biden wins then we’ll have our first female Vice President.

That‘s historic.

While he’s not wrong, that man is DEFINITELY not one to be speaking like this because he had the means to do more but didn’t.

This man has a history of saying the right thing and turning around and doing the opposite.

Wasn’t he just calling for $14 Trillion in reparations?

Lip service without tangible plans or action or advocacy is better known as BULL****.
While he’s not wrong, that man is DEFINITELY not one to be speaking like this because he had the means to do more but didn’t.

This man has a history of saying the right thing and turning around and doing the opposite.

Wasn’t he just calling for $14 Trillion in reparations?

Lip service without tangible plans or action or advocacy is better known as BULL****.

Ya’ll say some OUTLANDISH s****. He’s done a heck of alot for black folks. Wt least he’s discussing reparations
Ya’ll say some OUTLANDISH s****. He’s done a heck of alot for black folks. Wt least he’s discussing reparations

Maybe you need it in simpler terms:

let’s say I owe you $25k

I keep talking about how I’m gonna pay you but I never actually do it.

Meanwhile you see me doing all types of other things with my money. Vacations, buying apartment buildings, houses cars etc. But never settling up with you and my debt.

We’re good right? No hard feelings?

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Maybe you need it in simpler terms:

let’s say I owe you $25k

I keep talking about how I’m gonna pay you but I never actually do it.

Meanwhile you see me doing all types of other things with my money. Vacations, buying apartment buildings, houses cars etc. But never settling up with you and my debt.

We’re good right? No hard feelings?


which is EXACTLY what white American has done to black folks. Luckily I’m not insecure and don’t give a care about people flaunting material possessions. Because at the end of the day, they aren’t me, and I’m not them.
I was looking at the map regarding the presidential results and every state has blue pockets (usually the major city or college town) except for OK and WV (not surprising there). OK has two major cities plus some big colleges and it's still completely red. Safe to say they won't be getting my tourism money.

I mean, were they ever going to get your tourism dollars in the first place? :lol:
which is EXACTLY what white American has done to black folks. Luckily I’m not insecure and don’t give a care about people flaunting material possessions. Because at the end of the day, they aren’t me, and I’m not them.

yeah I don’t care either but you’re getting away from the point.

that man does not have black people’s best interest at heart but he LOVES talking about positive things that should happen for black people.

All talk... very little substance.
It's more foolish & dishonest rhetoric from dems trying to discourage anyone from considering taking their vote elsewhere, right in line with this

You don't vote Democratic "you ain't black"
You don't vote Democratic your a closet racist
You don't vote Democratic as a black man...... you hate black women :lol:

This is Trump levels of dishonest

It doesn't have to be as extreme as writing everyone off who isn't Democrat, but there's no room for giving any Black person who would vote for someone who's harmful to their own community the benefit of the doubt. She's right.
It doesn't have to be as extreme as writing everyone off who isn't Democrat, but there's no room for giving any Black person who would vote for someone who's harmful to their own community the benefit of the doubt. She's right.

to say that in reference to a tweet that is bigging up votes for one of the Authors of the Crime bill & a prosecutor is quite odd
which is EXACTLY what white American has done to black folks. Luckily I’m not insecure and don’t give a care about people flaunting material possessions. Because at the end of the day, they aren’t me, and I’m not them.
Nah, white America hasn't even entertained the idea of reparations for black ppl. Won't even acknowledge it. According to them they don't owe black folks anything.

I will say I'm not looking at Bobcat Rob saying you could've done more in a discussion about white ppl or the Democratic party not doing enough.

How Democrats cheating here in GA & PA & want to stop the count but in AZ its cool smh. Real life clown.
Nah whats still hilarious is how he can say he's being cheated by mail in ballots but talk up the right holding the Senate when all those votes are on the same ballot :lol:
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Reparations are never coming, you're a fool of you think otherwise, so stop letting people sell you on a dream that's never coming, it's a moot point.
I was looking at the map regarding the presidential results and every state has blue pockets (usually the major city or college town) except for OK and WV (not surprising there). OK has two major cities plus some big colleges and it's still completely red. Safe to say they won't be getting my tourism money.
eracism eracism DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican Come out here, I'll show you a good time. Ask storm2006 storm2006 We can even go to Whole Foods, Costco, West Elm, and Trader Joe's. Those your ****s right?:lol:. Separate those votes by age. I thought Cleveland and Oklahoma County might turn blue but whatevs. You should have seen the commercials for the local race. Token black people and oil and gas center of the propaganga and slander.
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