Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Why are you so against him tho

He killed innocent people in cold blood. He also killed cops. Who knows if the ones he killed were crooked? I'm SO against him the same way I'm SO against: Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, James Holmes, Adam Lanza, Anders Behring Breivik, Seung-Hui Cho, and anyone else that kills INNOCENT people for whatever reason. That includes police officers, the U.S. government, and random Joe Schmoe's.

Theyre on one end of the spectrum, much like youre on the opposite end. If you dont have any compassion or understanding for what fueled his fire, then i dont know what to say. I hate that some innocent people died, and i dont think he went about this the right way- but who knows what the right way really was (youre dealing with a very corrupt system in the first place). So on one hand, im glad its over for those that feared, but on the other- i wish his message had gotten across in a better, more respectable manner. I just hope there is some justice to whats going on with LAPD

I actually do co-sign his CAUSE. If I heard on the news that an ex-LAPD officer and war veteran was filing suit for being fired after whistle blowing and trying to uncover corruption and racism within the LAPD, I'd 100% be on his side. But he crossed the line into immorality and is now no better than the mass shooters I mentioned above. His actions are the lowest form of human behavior, executing innocent people including a woman.
The guy who got carjacked by Dorner said Dorner told him "he didn't want to hurt him."

He didn't seem shaken up at all but the media kept trying to tell him how scary it must have been that he was almost killed.

More of the media telling us what to think and who our enemies are.
I agree...but

Try telling it in your own words next time.
he was too prideful. a regular man would have taken the L and look for another job. he decieded to kill innocent people to get back at them. corruption is bad and all but i dont think its ever going to be perfect.

If he didnt lose his job over it im damn sure he would still be working as a cop today. he did it mostly cuz he lost his career :smh:

If he really wanted to expose the lapd he should have done it another way, not with murder.
The guy who got carjacked by Dorner said Dorner told him "he didn't want to hurt him."

He didn't seem shaken up at all but the media kept trying to tell him how scary it must have been that he was almost killed.

More of the media telling us what to think and who our enemies are.
I agree...but

Try telling it in your own words next time.

Dudes are straight plaigiarizing in here. Homie really wants that A+. 
getting his top secret clearance taken away must of been what set him off completely. i use to do government contracting jobs back then, and for you to be able to get a clearance it will cost the company or government 40k and more for each person they cleared.. once you cleared you are set for life. earning 40k-150k yearly.. even being a regular security in a government building you would be getting paid $26 at least lol.. i would get mad as hell if they fired me and took my clearance back then like that... plus the whole police thing... dude was holding to much emotions in.. he was bound to burst one day.
This is why Dorner went out in a blaze of glory


Tracy Lawrence, Notary Public Who Blew The Whistle On Massive Foreclosure Fraud, Found Dead

Tracy Lawrence, the notary public who blew the whistle on a massive foreclosure fraud scheme, was found dead in her Las Vegas home on Nov. 28, MSNBC reported.

Cause of death has not yet been determined, but Officer Jacinto Rivera, a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department spokesman, said the case was not being investigated as homicide. She was 43.

Earlier this month, Lawrence came forward and admitted to the Nevada Attorney General's Office that she notarized 25,000 fraudulent documents for Lender Processing Services, a Florida company used by most major banks to process home repossessions. The documents were filed with the Clark County Recorder's Office between 2005 and 2008, The Los Angeles Times reported.

Lawrence also accused two loan officers of allegedly running the massive robo-signing scheme, saying they forged signatures on tens of thousands of default notices. Nevada now alleges that Gary Trafford, 49, of Irvine, Calif., and Gerri Sheppard, 62, of Santa Ana, Calif., directed their employees to forge foreclosure documents, notarize the signatures on the documents they had forged and file the fraudulent paperwork in order to begin foreclosures on homes throughout the county.


Human rights Wall Street whistleblower death threats, New details

In relation to the untimely death of bank fraud whistleblower Tracy Lawrence and threats of violence against internationally recognized Human Rights Alert head Dr. Joseph Zernik now in Jerusalem, he further exposed Monday through Examiner.com the United States government high-level corruption involving bank fraud directly related to today’s financial crisis resulting in hundreds of thousands of Americans now without home, struggling for food and shelter, basic human rights, the violations of which Occupy Wall Street represents. In Dr. Zernik's Declaration signed Dec. 26, he includes information about threats against him, including that of gunning him down.

This is how these types are dealt with. One "mysteriously dies" and the other threatened and flees to Jerusalem.

Either hunt or be the hunted.
yeah i dont think that's a different body in there.. chris dorner is dead b. if they're faking it then it's gonna make them look stupid af when he goes killing more ppl, so they cant afford to fake it. RIP to dude, wished he killed at least 10 cops before going out the way he did

Really? Not a big fan of the popos but I dont wish death on them.
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Who knew he'd go out like Doakes. lol


Man, that's the first thiing I thought of when I watching the news and saw the cabin on fire.

On another note, I'm out of the loop, last time I checked the news was around midnight last nite Pacific Time.
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So, then why were you still trying to argue with me thinking I had "left"? So you could get the last word? :lol:


I was using your post as an example showing the extent people like yourself are going to to validate Dorner. Wasn't looking for a reply from you.

Coward? Coward's kill innocent people. AKA the dude you've been fappin to since this story broke.
Im not about to go back a bunch of pages, so can somebody just answer the following, was the charred body found a women? No sign of Dorner?
Im not about to go back a bunch of pages, so can somebody just answer the following, was the charred body found a women? No sign of Dorner?

Yep. Turns out it was a woman doing all the killing. She had Dorner locked up in her basement and was just framing him for the murders.
I was using your post as an example showing the extent people like yourself are going to to validate Dorner. Wasn't looking for a reply from you.

Coward? Coward's kill innocent people. AKA the dude you've been fappin to since this story broke.

and the LAPD aren't cowards? they kill innocent all day. they ruin families for decades. their only hope to get out of the hood. but when a cop dies he gets a foundation and donation under his name. oh and a plaque on a wall.

but according to your logic, a cops family is more important. they should be put into hiding because ONE man has a vendetta :lol:
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