Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Man, that's the first thiing I thought of when I watching the news and saw the cabin on fire.

On another note, I'm out of the loop, last time I checked the news was around midnight last nite Pacific Time.

Why did I think the same thing? They slightly favor too. lol
and the LAPD aren't cowards? they kill innocent all day. they ruin families for decades. their only hope to get out of the hood. but when a cop dies he gets a foundation and donation under his name. oh and a plaque on a wall.

but according to your logic, a cops family is more important. they should be put into hiding because ONE man has a vendetta :lol:

When did I say a cop's family is more important than an average Joe's?

If that were the case, I'd be admitting that police families are more important than my own :rofl:

If you're gonna debate, at least don't twist words intentionally. I've already stated at least 5 or 6 times that killing innocent people is low. Doesn't matter who kills and it doesn't matter who's killed. Dorner, Columbine shooters, Sandy Hook shooter... they're all the same type of scumbag in my book.
I was using your post as an example showing the extent people like yourself are going to to validate Dorner. Wasn't looking for a reply from you.

Coward? Coward's kill innocent people. AKA the dude you've been fappin to since this story broke.
The military kills innocent people
When did I say a cop's family is more important than an average Joe's?

If that were the case, I'd be admitting that police families are more important than my own :rofl:

If you're gonna debate, at least don't twist words intentionally. I've already stated at least 5 or 6 times that killing innocent people is low. Doesn't matter who kills and it doesn't matter who's killed. Dorner, Columbine shooters, Sandy Hook shooter... they're all the same type of scumbag in my book.

first of all you first said, 'oh i guess i have to pick sides' then you say i chose sides long time ago. FALSE. i just exposed that lie. second, you nullify chris' purpose because he killed 'innocent people. what you fail to understand because you are not from here, you don't know how the LAPD operates on the street, all you hear/read are what the media tells you. come down here and let's walk through skid row, let's see how your true colors come out.

you are inadvertently stating that because now chris is a scum bag because he killed a family member of the cops. had he killed a no body, then this would be nothing. you would not even know about it. but you don't answer how is it that the cops kill innocent people all day. they beat down bums and get promoted. they high five each other and play games to see who can draw more blood. to me, that's worse because they guys do this on the daily, as to where chris did it ONCE.

since they are all scumbags, why is that chris was burned down in a house? yet james holmes was taken into custody after killing and injuring over 70 INNOCENT people? why is it when a minority goes gun crazy, he is a menace, but when a white person does it, he is mentally ill and has the right to a fair trial ?
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What an interesting world we live in. Killers chasing killers. Murderer's chasing murderer's. Who is ever really right when a human being takes the life of another? Wars are started over the clashing of ideologies, paradigms and beliefs. What ugly truth about war that far outweighs any other is that it is a selfish act. It's an act so selfish that when bullets rip through the skulls of toddlers, bombs fry the skin off teenage lovers and mothers are hacked to pieces in front of their children we can say, "we did it for freedom and we did it for a righteous cause."We sleep soundly at night knowing that soldiers are murdering in the name of our freedoms so all is forgiven. This man just like any nation,entity or government had a set of beliefs,ideologies and paradigms that he was willing to die for and wage war for. Do I agree with what he did? No, but It's safe to say that he was a product of the culture of his nation tho.....
So much misinformation out there.  For the past day we've been told it was the maids that were held hostage.  Turns out it was the owners of the property.  

**** like this is what makes people skeptics.  
first of all you first said, 'oh i guess i have to pick sides' then you say i chose sides long time ago.

No I didn't. I said people shouldn't be choosing sides. Dorner can be wrong. The crooked LAPD can be wrong. There doesn't have to be a moral "winner." You make it sound like because I'm against Dorner, I'm siding with corrupt LAPD cops. That's fallacious reasoning on many levels.

second, you nullify chris' purpose because he killed 'innocent people. what you fail to understand because you are not from here, you don't know how the LAPD operates on the street

Again, no. I never condemned his purpose. I condemned HIM. I understand why he flew off the handle. Doesn't justify his actions. LAPD should be addressed as a separate issue.

you are inadvertently stating that because now chris is a scum bag because he killed a family member of the cops. had he killed a no body, then this would be nothing. you would not even know about it.

A double homicide involving a college basketball coach and her fiancee would be "nothing?" Not sure I believe that.

since they are all scumbags, why is that chris was burned down in a house? yet james holmes was taken into custody after killing and injuring over 70 INNOCENT people? why is it when a minority goes gun crazy, he is a menace, but when a white person does it, he is mentally ill and has the right to a fair trial ?

Cho was a minority. After Virginia Tech, the media portrayed him as mentally ill. They even went so far as to release his mental health records showing he was in a psych ward and was being seen by mental health professionals. So there goes that theory.

And I don't need to go to LA to learn about the cop culture there. I studied it and had professors that were ex-NYPD that quit the force because of what was going on in the 80's with Diallo, Bernard Goetz, etc. And I didn't need them to tell me that cops are just as flawed as ordinary people and can be driven to immorality. I've seen it firsthand.
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Chris Dorner is more of a hero than any member of the LAPD. 

The evil he's committed pales in comparison to that vile institution.

Any news on the identification of the body?
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Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783 View Post

Just murk the dude and bounce. No burial. Just let the coyotes have a feast. smokin.gif

so much for not choosing sides

so much for not choosing sides

No I didn't. I said people shouldn't be choosing sides. Dorner can be wrong. The crooked LAPD can be wrong. There doesn't have to be a moral "winner." You make it sound like because I'm against Dorner, I'm siding with corrupt LAPD cops. That's fallacious reasoning on many levels.
Again, no. I never condemned his purpose. I condemned HIM. I understand why he flew off the handle. Doesn't justify his actions. LAPD should be addressed as a separate issue.
A double homicide involving a college basketball coach and her fiancee would be "nothing?" Not sure I believe that.
Cho was a minority. After Virginia Tech, the media portrayed him as mentally ill. They even went so far as to release his mental health records showing he was in a psych ward and was being seen by mental health professionals. So there goes that theory.

And I don't need to go to LA to learn about the cop culture there. I studied it and had professors that were ex-NYPD that quit the force because of what was going on in the 80's with Diallo, Bernard Goetz, etc. And I didn't need them to tell me that cops are just as flawed as ordinary people and can be driven to immorality. I've seen it firsthand.

so much for not choosing sides

yup, i guess you didn't choose

LAPD should be addressed different? it's obvious, you are not from here, because he is a product of the LAPD. had he kept shut, like monica quan's father this would have never of been brought up. you crucify a man who spoke out for injustice, now that he does the same injustice as the cops he is now a scumbag? he played an eye for an eye because he went through the proper channels and was left with being label a outkast.

oh really huh

have you heard of this story?

no, you haven't. therefore you do need to live in LA to live the injustice.

and just for clarification


you don't even live in NYC to make these claims. you live in a city where minorities(latin, black, arab, asian, indian, middle eastern) outnumber the majory(white aka european, american white)
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So am I reading these chapters right? Son went on a killing spree because he tried to tell on a female officer who he says kicked a suspect?

Is this what this is all about?
So am I reading these chapters right? Son went on a killing spree because he tried to tell on a female officer who he says kicked a suspect?

Is this what this is all about?


and the attorney for the case lied for the female officer because the LAPD code of conduct is NEVER EVER TELL OF INJUSTICE AGAINST YOUR FELLOW OFFICER
...and that granted him a license to kill.

That's your thought process, correct?

You spelled outcast wrong, by the way.

correct and incorrect. if you were stripped of your career because your 'fellow' comrade lied to give advantage to your boss (in the same field) how would you react?


cops are giving the same conduct. a license to kill JUST because they feel threatened. wouldn't it be right, for chris to feel threaten?
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correct and incorrect. if you were stripped of your career because your 'fellow' comrade lied to give advantage to your boss (in the same field) how would you react?

Damn...it's different when you put it like that...I suppose I'd go on a killing spree.

Your idiocy is astronomical.
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