Ex-Ny Giants Super Bowl Hero David Tyree: Gay Marriage Will Lead to 'Anarchy'

StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by ninjahood

StaXX wrote:

Which is why I'm all for it. It won't bother me one bit.
oh yeah? wait till your kids ask you if they should date maria or joe this week?

"normalizin" and equating homosexuality to heterosexuality is gonna have serious consequences to da kids growing up...

I'll proudly tell them to love whoever they have feelings for.


Most gay people were raised by straight parents, some of whom are very homophobic.....figures. No matter how much you teach your children to go against their "nature" if they feel a certain way the truth will eventually come out....word to homophobic politicians and religious figures. You can't fight who you are your entire life.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by ninjahood

oh yeah? wait till your kids ask you if they should date maria or joe this week?

"normalizin" and equating homosexuality to heterosexuality is gonna have serious consequences to da kids growing up...
I'll proudly tell them to love whoever they have feelings for.

dont act like you wouldn't feel like a failure of a father if your son ends up being a fudge packer....alot of people on NT like to talk that talk, when da rubber

hits da road, none of ya tryin to hear about it when it comes to ya front yard....

such ignorance in this post 

people are gonna be attracted to, who there attracted to.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by ninjahood

oh yeah? wait till your kids ask you if they should date maria or joe this week?

"normalizin" and equating homosexuality to heterosexuality is gonna have serious consequences to da kids growing up...
I'll proudly tell them to love whoever they have feelings for.

dont act like you wouldn't feel like a failure of a father if your son ends up being a fudge packer....alot of people on NT like to talk that talk, when da rubber

hits da road, none of ya tryin to hear about it when it comes to ya front yard....

C'mon bruh 
,I don't agree with homosexuality but #%+% people can love whoever they want.
I'd rather my son marry a women and start a family but if he ends up gay I wouldn't call myself a failure as a father knowing that he didn't choose to be that way and that he's doing whatever makes him happy. 

Who the !%+% would shun their own child cause of their sexual preference??? 
da very essence of da words "straight" sex and "gay" sex carry superior/inferior undertones

but its w/e...we're all going to hell eventually...i'll see ya all there #kanyeshrug
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Huh? For a fact? What fact is that? Word of mouth?

Can we see your facts and scientific proof?

Yea remember ninjahood got a round the way shorty from da heightz that used to mess wit dudes but now she only eat da chocha. Science.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

StaXX wrote:

Originally Posted by ninjahood

oh yeah? wait till your kids ask you if they should date maria or joe this week?

"normalizin" and equating homosexuality to heterosexuality is gonna have serious consequences to da kids growing up...
I'll proudly tell them to love whoever they have feelings for.

dont act like you wouldn't feel like a failure of a father if your son ends up being a fudge packer....alot of people on NT like to talk that talk, when da rubber

hits da road, none of ya tryin to hear about it when it comes to ya front yard....

reported....I hope you get banned

you prolly won't tho, but I'll report you anyway.

Anyhow if my son or daughter ended up gay, just as long as they're decent human being with good values I'll be more than proud to be their father. We don't all think like you.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by RKO2004

MANY women CHOOSE to stop dealing with men. An ex coworker of mine got ditched by her ex husband and turned to women. She is attracted to her so which is it? Lifestyle or DNA with her?Now are there people born gay? I'd be a liar if I said I knew for sure either way.

assuming you're right and many people do choose the gay lifestyle.

what does that have to do with the gay marriage debate?  (bear in mind i probably will make a race based marriage comparison soon.  don't blame me, blame the united states government, churches, and generally ignorant people everywhere.)

Nothing really but I just don't understand why people gay or straight want a title that comes from a source that isn't meant for them. I'm done here.
Traditional monogamous christian marriage isn't an African institution.  One of the reasons it was originally denied to slaves here (well that and because those fools made us legally less than a person).  We still fought for the right to not only marry other Blacks but people of other races too... 

The reason the Supreme Court sidesteps a lot of marriage and social debate is it isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution but it is understood by many to be a fundamental right.  That's why it's governed by state law and not federal law.

The thing is marriage is specifically a religious institution.  The second governments started to regulate it and dole out the right to every heterosexual couple regardless of their religious affiliation they opened up a can of worms.

You see my point?  Why regulate something that you should have never touched in the first place.  Either acknowledge marriage as a fundamental right and let everyone do it, or treat everyone equally, and say "No, this is something you can get done in your temple and church" but we won't recognize it and give special treatment to those who do it when we specifically won't allow certain other people to.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Huh? For a fact? What fact is that? Word of mouth?

Can we see your facts and scientific proof?

Yea remember ninjahood got a round the way shorty from da heightz that used to mess wit dudes but now she only eat da chocha. Science.

When it comes to serious topics, I take what ninjahood says with a grain of salt. He needs to stick to his ninja turtle/friends metaphors.
I wonder if his parents feel like failures for raising such an ignorant kid. Think moms opens his closet sized room and shakes her head when she sees Porsche money worth of sneakers and his bum $+% still living at home? That'd make me more embarrassed than what sex my child is %+%*%+@.
You dudes keep talking about just waking up and liking the same sex are talking with the same ignorance as you say others are talking with. Everything chances over time that goes from taste in shoes to taste in women.

And kill the noise about the term bisexual It's no such thing... you gay or you not
Originally Posted by CasperJr

@ the thought of you thinking somebody is being overwhelmed by you standing up for gays...... who are you again?

@Nako I said what I said how I wanted to say it, don't change nor put words in my mouth that I didn't say. And just because you replied don't mean you answered my question so answer it or leave it be ......

Getting catty there. 


Your question: "Who in here would want to grow up with 2 men or 2 women raising them?"

My answer:  I love my heterosexual parents.  They did an exceptional job.  I wouldn't trade them for anyone.  Had I been born into and raised by a same sex couple, if they treated me half as well as my actual parents do I'm sure I'd love them too.  Would I WANT to be raised by 2 men or 2 women?  I don't know.  I'm not sure that I'd mind though.

An ex of mine has two moms.  They're pretty awesome and their biological daughter is a smokeshow who went to an ivy league school on a full scholarship and she rolls good blunts, so I'd say they did a pretty good job.  Oh, and to repeat, she's heterosexual herself.  No gay domineering in her raising.  Doesn't seem like she's had such a bad life.

Now answer my question?:  Why'd you ask?

Originally Posted by ninjahood

da very essence of da words "straight" sex and "gay" sex carry superior/inferior undertones

but its w/e...we're all going to hell eventually...i'll see ya all there #kanyeshrug

yes.  it's a social construct.

you act like the word "straight" is the formal term or something, and not a slang denigration. 

the word "Straight sex" arose as a way to say anything but is straying from the path.  it's an instrument of slander.

Originally Posted by CasperJr

You dudes keep talking about just waking up and liking the same sex are talking with the same ignorance as you say others are talking with. Everything chances over time that goes from taste in shoes to taste in women.

And kill the noise about the term bisexual It's no such thing... you gay or you not

A. If your tastes change over time you're not choosing it.
B.  How would you know if there's no such thing as a bisexual person?
C.  Show me one person you know that was 100% absolutely not attracted to the same sex then one day decided to start "liking" the other sex.  I'll show you a person who just didn't feel comfortable enough to tell you they were "q u e e r (not a slur)".
Originally Posted by CasperJr

You dudes keep talking about just waking up and liking the same sex are talking with the same ignorance as you say others are talking with. Everything chances over time that goes from taste in shoes to taste in women.

And kill the noise about the term bisexual It's no such thing... you gay or you not

if your tastes  are changing over time then your not choosing it 
Originally Posted by CasperJr

You dudes keep talking about just waking up and liking the same sex are talking with the same ignorance as you say others are talking with. Everything chances over time that goes from taste in shoes to taste in women.

And kill the noise about the term bisexual It's no such thing... you gay or you not

Hold on so gays choose to be gay and straight ppl choose to be straight but a person is incapable of choosing to be attracted to both sexes?? Really solidifying your choice theory there bud.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by CasperJr

You dudes keep talking about just waking up and liking the same sex are talking with the same ignorance as you say others are talking with. Everything chances over time that goes from taste in shoes to taste in women.

And kill the noise about the term bisexual It's no such thing... you gay or you not

Hold on so gays choose to be gay and straight ppl choose to be straight but a person is incapable of choosing to be attracted to both sexes?? Really solidifying your choice theory there bud.

Originally Posted by CasperJr

You dudes keep talking about just waking up and liking the same sex are talking with the same ignorance as you say others are talking with. Everything chances over time that goes from taste in shoes to taste in women.

And kill the noise about the term bisexual It's no such thing... you gay or you not
The contradiction 
See this is what happens when people try to intellectualize ignorance, they end up looking stupid. Take the ninjahood route, call them f^%# packers and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyhow if my son or daughter ended up gay, just as long as they're decent human being with good values I'll be more than proud to be their father. We don't all think like you.
oh yea? how much u wanna bet da same sex marrige bill dies in da bluest democratic NY senate again......

for ever person like you that thinks perpetuating this to da kids coming up now is a "good" thing there's a couple more cats that not only ain't messing with it, but

resent da fact that you're trying to take a religious premise such as "marriage"  and manipulate it to their agenda?...there's a reason da bill includes da clause that no religious

group is obligated to or should feel compelled to marry people they don't feel comfortable marrying...and if it doesn't come up for a vote in da senate its gonna die again.

so u keep thinking that people who got a problem with it don't have a legitimate gripe....

smh @ people comparing da plight of gays of that of race in America.
Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Anyhow if my son or daughter ended up gay, just as long as they're decent human being with good values I'll be more than proud to be their father. We don't all think like you.
Ninjahood yous a wild ignorant dude. 

im done with this thread, i watch da news, i listen to popular culture, i got my ears to da street...da issue is definitely alot more contested then what NTers

will lead you to believe.

our own president obama that this forum worships dont cosign gay marriage...yet "im da ignorant" one.....

ya just ignorant of da fact that this story has more then 1 side.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyhow if my son or daughter ended up gay, just as long as they're decent human being with good values I'll be more than proud to be their father. We don't all think like you.
Ninjahood yous a wild ignorant dude. 

im done with this thread, i watch da news, i listen to popular culture, i got my ears to da street...da issue is definitely alot more contested then what NTers

will lead you to believe.

our own president obama that this forum worships dont cosign gay marriage...yet "im da ignorant" one.....

ya just ignorant of da fact that this story has more then 1 side.
so i guess since other people have your same line of thinking as you that somehow makes u right? 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by CriminalMinded

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyhow if my son or daughter ended up gay, just as long as they're decent human being with good values I'll be more than proud to be their father. We don't all think like you.
Ninjahood yous a wild ignorant dude. 

im done with this thread, i watch da news, i listen to popular culture, i got my ears to da street...da issue is definitely alot more contested then what NTers

will lead you to believe.

our own president obama that this forum worships dont cosign gay marriage...yet "im da ignorant" one.....

ya just ignorant of da fact that this story has more then 1 side.
MTV news and Hot97 dont count b
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

smh @ people comparing da plight of gays of that of race in America.

May 19, 1996
By Eric Zorn
Statement No. 1: Same-sex marriage must be forbidden, said the Republican senator from Wisconsin, "simply because natural instinct revolts at it as wrong."

Statement No. 2. An organization opposed to gay marriage claimed legalizing them would result in "a degraded and ignoble population incapable of moral and intellectual development," and rested this belief on the "natural superiority with which God (has) ennobled heterosexuals."

Statement No. 3. "I believe that the tendency to classify all persons who oppose gay marriage as 'prejudiced' is in itself a prejudice," grumped a noted psychologist. "Nothing of any significance is gained by such a marriage."

Statement No. 4. A U.S. representative from Georgia declared that allowing gay marriages "necessarily involves (the) degradation" of conventional marriage, an institution that "deserves admiration rather than execration."

Statement No. 5. "The next step will be that gays and lesbians will demand a law allowing them, without restraint, to . . . have free and unrestrained social intercourse with your unmarried sons and daughters," warned a Kentucky congressman. "It is bound to come to that. There is no disguising the fact. And the sooner the alarm is given and the people take heed, the better it will be for our civilization."

Statement No. 6. "When people of the same sex marry, they cannot possibly have any progeny," wrote an appeals judge in a Missouri case. "And such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid their marriages."

Statement No 7. Same-sex marriages are "abominable," according to Virginia law. If allowed, they would "pollute" America.

Statement No 8. In denying the appeal of a same-sex couple that had tried unsuccessfully to marry, a Georgia court wrote that such unions are "not only unnatural, but . . . always productive of deplorable results," such as increased effeminate behavior in the population. "They are productive of evil, and evil only, without any corresponding good . . . (in accordance with) the God of nature."

Statement No. 9. A gay marriage ban is not discriminatory, reasoned a Republican congressman from Illinois, because it "applies equally to men and women."

Statement No. 10. Attorneys for the state of Tennessee argued that such unions should be illegal because they are "distasteful to our people and unfit to produce the human race. . . ." The state supreme court agreed, declaring gay marriages would be "a calamity full of the saddest and gloomiest portent to the generations that are to come after us."

Statement No. 11. Lawyers for California insisted that a ban on same-sex marriage is necessary to prevent "traditional marriage from being contaminated by the recognition of relationships that are physically and mentally inferior. . . . (and entered into by) the dregs of society."

Statement No. 12. "The law concerning marriages is to be construed and understood in relation to those persons only to whom that law relates," thundered a Virginia judge in response to a challenge to that state's non-recognition of same-sex unions. "And not," he continued, "to a class of persons clearly not within the idea of the legislature when contemplating the subject of marriage."

To sum up: Legal recognition of such marriages would offend tradition, God, the sensibilities of the majority and the natural order while threatening conventional marriage, children and the future of our

The quotes are culled from a Boston University Law Review article and a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, though I did take the minor liberty of changing the subject of the strangled rage, fear and righteous indignation.

Everywhere I quoted the speakers referring to same-sex marriage, homosexuality and heterosexuality, they were actually referring to interracial marriage and their views of black people, white people and the proper interaction thereof. And yes, that includes statement No. 6, which in original form articulated the old white supremacist belief that offspring of whites and blacks were--like mules that result when horses mate with donkeys--sterile.

The quotes date from 1823 to 1964 and, though the sentiments look hatefully ridiculous to us in 1996, they had sufficient appeal and staying power that 15 states still criminalized black-white marriage until the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously overturned those laws in the appropriately named 1967 case, Loving vs. Virginia.

Those whose unaltered words today resemble statements 1 through 12 above, take note. The stench is familiar. The future is listening.
You always know what you get with Ninjahood. Sadly that is someone who is a pretty awful, myopic person. Keep up the good fight Ninjahood...you make it easy to not only despise you but to also feel somewhat sorry for you.
Da ignorance is strong in this one. Da "Why don't Dominicans consider themselves to be black" thread illustrated that as well
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