EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

I don't get why some of you seem to "dislike" America so much but stay here
These cliched responses are so ignorant of the actual processes that one has to go through to actually live in another country.

As if one can buy a plane ticket somewhere and just pick up where they left off, living the same lifestyle they had previously 
Loving a country is not taking it how it is, it is about actively trying to make it a better place for the next generation. Pointing out that America doesn't f-ed stuff too could start a dialogue that could lead to pressure being put on government to change it foreign policies

Or people could just stick their heads in the sand and act like America does nothing wrong, that would be much much easier. :rolleyes

So what would be your solution to stop terrorist training camps/group in foreign countries who are unstable and don't have the finances to combat these groups.
I despise the killing of innocent people. Don't you, Stillin79?

Or does America get an exception?
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Loving a country is not taking it how it is, it is about actively trying to make it a better place for the next generation. Pointing out that America doesn't f-ed stuff too could start a dialogue that could lead to pressure being put on government to change it foreign policies

Or people could just stick their heads in the sand and act like America does nothing wrong, that would be much much easier. :rolleyes

there is a difference between trying to making it a better place and down right despising it; I think we see were you stand

No you don't, you just labeled me as anti-American because it was an easy solution.

I love America, but I refuse to act like it is some do no wrong utopia
Does our military just kill innocent people for the fun of it? for a thrill? because they were bored? Wanted revenge?
Is this a serious country? What military doesn't kill for fun when the chance presents itself?

I am sure they kill for all reasons above.
I don't get why some of you seem to "dislike" America so much but stay here
son are you that dense.
matter of fact I love this country more than you. you know why? because I have to guts to criticize it like a TRUE american should for all of its faults, just as I am to applaud it for all the positive things that it has provided. I am an american and I want whats best for my country, so why should i stand for some hypocritical look the other way bs when i know that this country was founded on the democratic principals that allows me to voice my opinion and discontent with things to create discussion and debate?

the guy was finally caught and people felt the need to go outside, celebrate and chant USA, and that's fine with me, that's how they chose to celebrate.
PERSONALLY i would've been more quiet about it since there's really nothing to 'celebrate'. people got hurt, some died, and the dude got caught. just gotta try to move on.
i don't feel more "patriotic" because they caught the "terrorist".
At the end of the day most countries of the world, INCLUDING the US is responsible for some effed up shib.

But so are all these countries we drone strike.

There's no right side or wrong side in the grand geopolitical power struggle.
I haven't looked at anything since this time last night.

What's happened since?!
People arguing over whether or not it was right for People to cheer at his capture.

Suspect is in hospital in serious condition.

Could face charges by tonight, could have prelim hearing by next week.
what's the latest update on the kid. is he in stable condition? last i heard it was still serious
I despise the murder of innocent people. Don't you Stillin79?

Or does America get an exception?

Does our military just kill innocent people for the fun of it? for a thrill? because they were bored? Wanted revenge?

Individually and/or collectively, our military has killed innocents for all of those reasons above.

And I don't know what you've been told, but foreign terrorist attacks on America have had ideological motives behind them. They weren't done for no reason, fun, or the thrill of it.

Why should America be exempt from criticism?
At the end of the day most countries of the world, INCLUDING the US is responsible for some effed up shib.

But so are all these countries we drone strike.

There's no right side or wrong side in the grand geopolitical power struggle.

It seems like many people in here (and the public in general) have problems when we voice any criticism about the United States, even when they are valid.

Why should America be exempt from such criticism?
Loving a country is not taking it how it is, it is about actively trying to make it a better place for the next generation. Pointing out that America doesn't f-ed stuff too could start a dialogue that could lead to pressure being put on government to change it foreign policies

Or people could just stick their heads in the sand and act like America does nothing wrong, that would be much much easier.
The thing is if we just sit back and not attack Al-Qaeda they will spread and multiply even faster.  Yes it's sad that we use drone strikes in places like Yemen  to target their members and in doing so we also kill innocent people by blowing up an entire block the Al-Qaeda members live in.   Some will blame our government for that but I will put the blame on the Al-Qaeda members.   My reasoning is this.   Not to long ago (1970's) we actually helped  Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda out.  The US and Saudi Arabia not only trained them but we provided weapons to them in their war vs the Soviets.  For half a  century the United States and many of it's allies saw the Islamic right as convenient partners in the Cold War.   So in return of us helping them out and thinking we were gonna become allies they started to attack us. 

here's a link to an interesting read about the subject

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I despise the murder of innocent people. Don't you Stillin79?

Or does America get an exception?
Does our military just kill innocent people for the fun of it? for a thrill? because they were bored? Wanted revenge?
Individually and/or collectively, our military has killed innocents for all of those reasons above.

And I don't know what you've been told, but foreign terrorist attacks on America have had ideological motives behind them. They weren't done for no reason, fun, or the thrill of it.

Why should America be exempt from criticism?
this thread has become a circle jerk of the same few people repping negative views on America

brah I ain't trying to Uncle Ruslan your Jimmies

We got two groups of guys in there, one saying "America ain't perfect" and other group saying "LALALALALAL No they don't, USA! USA! USA!"
Though dissent being the highest form of patriotism may ring true in some instances, does that also mean that any time a large scale crime is committed we should measure it according to the crimes that were perpetrated in the name of our country?

It REALLY trivializes things when every act of terror is met with "yeah but America does stuff way worse than that".
You guys are watching the Anderson Cooper special?

This Carlos Carlos Arredondo guy (Hero cowboy) has gone through alot. One son gets killed by a sniper in Iraq, the other commits suicide.

Saves a guy who's legs were blown of in the marathon (Bomber placed the bag near him).

This has Motion picture written all over it.
You guys are watching the Anderson Cooper special?

This Carlos Carlos Arredondo guy (Hero cowboy) has gone through alot. One son gets killed by a sniper in Iraq, the other commits suicide.

Saves a guy who's legs were blown of in the marathon (Bomber placed the bag near him).

This has Motion picture written all over it.

I read up a lot on the guy, really brought tears to my eyes

Dude is just a good hearted soul
Loving a country is not taking it how it is, it is about actively trying to make it a better place for the next generation. Pointing out that America doesn't f-ed stuff too could start a dialogue that could lead to pressure being put on government to change it foreign policies

Or people could just stick their heads in the sand and act like America does nothing wrong, that would be much much easier. :rolleyes

The thing is if we just sit back and not attack Al-Qaeda they will spread and multiply even faster.  Yes it's sad that we use drone strikes in places like Yemen  to target their members and in doing so we also kill innocent people by blowing up an entire block the Al-Qaeda members live in.   Some will blame our government for that but I will put the blame on the Al-Qaeda members.   My reasoning is this.   Not to long ago (1970's) we actually helped  Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda out.  The US and Saudi Arabia not only trained them but we provided weapons to them in their war vs the Soviets.  For half a  century the United States and many of it's allies saw the Islamic right as convenient partners in the Cold War.   So in return of us helping them out and thinking we were gonna become allies they started to attack us.  :smh:   

here's a link to an interesting read about the subject

This is a quote from that page.

In other words, if the U.S. and our allies hadn’t backed the radical violent Muslims instead of more stable, peaceful groups in the Middle East, radical Islam wouldn’t have grown so large.

You blame Al-Qaeda, yet the link you gave says the opposite.


Why don't you just leave the country, you America-hating hippie!
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