EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

To each their own. You guys are hating NAF1 for expressing his opinion freely. I didn't see him single anybody out or personally attack any of you. In essence, what he was doing was patriotic and "American". The freedom to express one's feelings and thoughts is what America is about in my opinion (without attacking, belittling, etc.).

I never understood why patriotism has to be connected to violence, war, law enforcement, and the killing of others. I wish patriotism was more associated with choosing to do the right thing among all the wrong choices a person could make. I wish patriotism was focused more on empathy and respect. I can understand why people would be chanting "USA" but also don't know that it's something I would be doing. This whole mess has left four (and more if other victims don't recover) dead and almost 200 injured. I wish events like this didn't have to happen for people to find "patriotism".

You guys may not agree with NAF1 (and I'm not saying I do either), but at least have respect for his viewpoints. Disagreements between people do not have to be aggressive or destructive.

My take on all of it is that we're arguing over semantics. Regardless if he's a "terrorist" or not, he still (allegedly) carried out horrible crimes against people, depriving them of their God-given rights (namely life). Americans, sadly, murder people everyday and do horrible things to the people around them, whether it is through murder, economics, abuse, etc. You don't have to be American to be a good person or be labeled a "terrorist" to be a bad person. I hope we move past that at some point. Nobody talks about the person who murders, abuses, steals, maims, etc., as a terrorist, but you can believe that that person ruins many people's lives. Maybe not at first, but over the course of generations, it can happen.

Admittedly, there are times I'm ashamed to be American. I'm grateful to live here, but sometimes I'm ashamed of what our society deems appropriate. For example, I was in Mexico and at the resort I was staying at there were many Americans. Most of them, however, were fat, rude, obnoxious drunks who belittled hotel staff and were demanding and insulting towards others. That's not exactly something I'd like to associate myself with. Watching people parade around with no moral ethics, no integrity, not caring for what's right and helping others, but focusing on themselves and making sure they "get theirs" is frustrating and oft-times disheartening. Like I said, I just wish that more people (and I include myself in that statement, I'm not perfect in any way) would choose to do the right thing, just because it's the right thing. Not for a reward or recognition, but rather just to help a person in need and make sure we all get "there", to happiness.

I am proud of the principles behind America, the Constitution, and the founding ideas that the country was created upon, but I can't say that I'm always proud to be "American" because in a lot of ways I see America losing its focus on doing the right thing and shifting towards a more selfish lifestyle.

As I stated earlier though, each person is entitled to their opinions and, in my opinion, that's the most "American" thing any of us can do. I won't be upset or angry with anybody (and I'm sure there will be some) who disagrees with me.
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So some of you are telling RustyShackleford to leave and saying he's a terrorist sympathizer just cause he's making a criticism? @#$% your "patriotism". Being proud of your country is one thing, being blind about its faults is just a stupid @#$ mentality to hold.

People are bringing up the shady @#$% the US does because it's the same @#$% that inspires these idiots to attack our civilians. I want the root cause of these attacks to be eradicated, so that something like this won't happen again in the future. I guess wanting to prevent further harm to my fellow Americans makes me a terrorist sympathizer and anti-American :rolleyes :stoneface: Crticism=hatred? What an ignorant mentality

I thought most of NT was from civilized places like Cali and NYC, but we're sounding like a bunch of typical uneducated rednecks up in here
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If it was John Smith and Gary Williams, people would have celebrated, but not chanted USA. It was done because all over the news, on every channel, all we heard was "Chechnya rebels, Islam, Russia, terrorists" and seen their names over and over..

Did people chant USA and wave flags after the 3-4 week manhunt for the DC snipers?

Either way, I couldn't care less. It didn't affect me at all...
Man who cares if they cheered. Let them do their thing. Dude is caught. Bro is dead. Justice has been served partially.
Oh hey let's minimize what these two lunatics did because America has committed atrocities as well.

Seems about right.
Do you guys not know what true americans mean? Nor defined by their citizinship status but by their actions. Little bros was an American but obviously the rest of the Americans dont go bombing public places. Don't give me "we kill 8 year olds in Iraq". Those are not inentional. Tragic? Yes. Intentional like these dudes? No.
So where can I go to see new news on this thing. Should we just change the title of this one to When is it appropriate to chant USA and celebrate?
I just wish the US had more chants.  Watch an English soccer match, and you'll hear dozens.  All we got is "USA" x100000
Do you guys not know what true americans mean? Nor defined by their citizinship status but by their actions. Little bros was an American but obviously the rest of the Americans dont go bombing public places. Don't give me "we kill 8 year olds in Iraq". Those are not inentional. Tragic? Yes. Intentional like these dudes? No.

So bombing them is ok, as long as we say, "Oh, I hope we don't hit any kids because that's not our intention"?
wtf is a true american 
Oh hey let's minimize what these two lunatics did because America has committed atrocities as well.

Seems about right.

:lol: right?

some of ya'll don't be making sense.

i used to be like some of you guys but as i got older and looked more into the politics of diff parts of the world i realized that the US, for all its atrocities, is only a participant in a much larger game that these countries ya'll are feeling so bad for are also playing. As bad as we are, these other countries are just as bad but in different ways.
America uses drone strikes, known kill innocent civilians, never apologize for it, barely knowledge it happens, and then never provide legal justification for the act to the public.

To a lot of people consider those attacks are acts of terror

-And their have been other American bombers and "domestic terrorist" that could have provided this inspiration for these brothers.

dog just go ahead and make an anti america thread because clearly your real true agenda is finally leaking out..

What agenda, what of anything I said was false? I was point out that the USA gives these extremist groups a constant supply of material to put in their recruiting brochures.

You telling me that he kid whose goat farming mother/father/brother was blown to bits by a predator missile doesn't have a justified right to out right hate the USA and would be easy picking for an extremist groups to scoop up.

People are trying to saying that bombing civilians is not something America does, that is simply not true.

Exactly. If you have something against this govt than go live in another country and see how really corrupt can be.

**** wit that "America take it or leave it" BS

America is not the least corrupt country in the world. First off

Second off, I'm a naturalized citizen, and I have travel to over 23 countries in my life for work and vaca. I have had opportunities to make friendships with people that view the world very differently than me.

Throught my life I have been offered good paying jobs in Germany, Norway, Brazil, Chile, Canada, New Zealand, St. Lucia, Dominica and Singapore. My major reason for turning down these opportunities, many of which very well paying, is because I love living in America. Absolutely love it

And because I love it so much I try my best to be the best citizen I can me. I call and write letters to my reps (both state and national) I go attend town council meetings, I vote in local elections. I used to volunteer at a VA and give 10% or every dollar I make to charities (not some ******g church). I don't think these things makes be better than anyone else, but I do believe it gives me the right/privilege to criticize my country when it does something wrong because I'm doing my part to make it better/

I try to be a good citizen not some "**** yeah Murica" patriot

-And their have been other American bombers and "domestic terrorist" that could have provided this inspiration for these brothers.

Yeah, could have.

This proves zero first off

Second I wasn't making the assertion that domestic terrorist where their inspiration, I was saying that they "could" as in "possibly" been inspired by someone like McVeigh.

If it turns out to be not the case, then fine, doesn't change the fact that their are extremist influences within the USA

-Why can't I try to understand what makes these men what they are? I know not every terrorist is on some Joker "Watch the world burn" type steez
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some of ya'll don't be making sense.

i used to be like some of you guys but as i got older and looked more into the politics of diff parts of the world i realized that the US, for all its atrocities, is only a participant in a much larger game that these countries ya'll are feeling so bad for are also playing. As bad as we are, these other countries are just as bad but in different ways.
But, as a country that espouses democracy, moral standards, and respect for human life and  human rights, that is why Western countries have some criticism for their foreign policies.  It is about the double standards when it comes to foreign policy. As a country proclaiming to be the leader of the free world and all that talk about respect for human life and rights, its foreign policies say something different. So of course that is why they get that criticism, because they should be held accountable on moral grounds above that of other rogue states and regimes. 
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one of his friends posted this on twitter a lil while ago. they going full on with trying to say he/s innocent.


This may be the connection between the officer killed.

Sean Collier, slain MIT cop, volunteered at gym where Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev boxed

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...l-mit-officer-article-1.1321727#ixzz2R3GRjEGM

People acting like it was impossible for him to commit these crimes, like that not his character.

Men and women go to sleep every night with their partner who they think they know and would never cheat on them and is faithful, but we all know that isn't always true.
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I don't get why some of you seem to "dislike" America so much but stay here

Loving a country is not taking it how it is, it is about actively trying to make it a better place for the next generation. Pointing out that America doesn't f-ed stuff too could start a dialogue that could lead to pressure being put on government to change it foreign policies

Or people could just stick their heads in the sand and act like America does nothing wrong, that would be much much easier. :rolleyes
Loving a country is not taking it how it is, it is about actively trying to make it a better place for the next generation. Pointing out that America doesn't f-ed stuff too could start a dialogue that could lead to pressure being put on government to change it foreign policies

Or people could just stick their heads in the sand and act like America does nothing wrong, that would be much much easier. :rolleyes

there is a difference between trying to making it a better place and down right despising it; I think we see were you stand
Gonna be interesting to see where they got the weapons. Gotta think more were involved.

If we got big bro instead of little bro would we get more intel and talking?
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