The pedestal some put jay-z on is comical.

As double j's said it best. I look at him as a rapper and nothing else. I don't expect him to be some super charitable figure but at the same time I don't take him seriously when it comes to issues of importance either.

I'm going to agree with this paraphrasing off the quote. Jay is an excellent entertainer and all the Jay riders want him to be this holy figure because that's the dude they grew up listening to. There's nothing wrong with that but he's no political figure out there making moves to change the world. He might be a good philanthropist relative to other rappers but he's not the greatest philanthropist there is. Charity is something a person does out of the goodness of their heart to benefit others. I can't say or deny that Jay has that in mind when he's making his music but for those who previously said his presence is "charity"... :rofl: :rofl:

I think those who call Jay out on his lack of charity work is comparing him to the real influential figures out there...maybe an Aung San Suu Kyi or a Dalai Lama. (I'm not sure I can think of an American figure that's out there making moves) Jay has been a major force in changing the entertainment industry as we know today since he became relevant on the scene but don't overdo it and claim that he's on the level of MLK or Malcolm. IMO, when there's not a social figure out there for this and the forthcoming generations to follow other than entertainers, that says enough about the actual societal values and where the priorities are...

YA'LL TALKIN BOUT THIS [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I Think alot of dudes really have put JAY on a super high pedestal & its pretty sad the excuses for him biting off BIGGIE, Losing the Battle to NAS etc.. I was & still am a huge JAY fan but facts is facts this is hiphop.. Its like some of these dudes takes when he calls himself "god MC" literal like "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT HOV" GTF outta here man this dude is just a sucessful rapper nothing more nothing less...But JAY is running on fumes man I really noticed when RIHANNA'S "TALK THAT TALK" come out anybody hear how awful the verse was?? & what about "HOLY GRAIL" 1st verse "BLU TOLD ME REMIND YA'LL ****** **** THAT **** YA'LL TALKIN I'M THAT *****" I was like [emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji] that had to be the corniest line of this year...
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YA'LL TALKIN BOUT THIS [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I Think alot of dudes really have put JAY on a super high pedestal & its pretty sad the excuses for him biting off BIGGIE, Losing the Battle to NAS etc.. I was & still am a huge JAY fan but facts is facts this is hiphop.. Its like some of these dudes takes when he calls himself "god MC" literal like "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT HOV" GTF outta here man this dude is just a sucessful rapper nothing more nothing less...But JAY is running on fumes man I really noticed when RIHANNA'S "TALK THAT TALK" come out anybody hear how awful the verse was?? & what about "HOLY GRAIL" 1st verse "BLU TOLD ME REMIND YA'LL ****** **** THAT **** YA'LL TALKIN I'M THAT *****" I was like [emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji] that had to be the corniest line of this year...


Honestly Jay been bunz since after the black album dropped minus BP3

YA'LL TALKIN BOUT THIS [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
I Think alot of dudes really have put JAY on a super high pedestal & its pretty sad the excuses for him biting off BIGGIE, Losing the Battle to NAS etc.. I was & still am a huge JAY fan but facts is facts this is hiphop.. Its like some of these dudes takes when he calls himself "god MC" literal like "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT HOV" GTF outta here man this dude is just a sucessful rapper nothing more nothing less...But JAY is running on fumes man I really noticed when RIHANNA'S "TALK THAT TALK" come out anybody hear how awful the verse was?? & what about "HOLY GRAIL" 1st verse "BLU TOLD ME REMIND YA'LL ****** **** THAT **** YA'LL TALKIN I'M THAT *****" I was like [emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji] that had to be the corniest line of this year...

You can pull corney line from any rapper lol

Since you used holy grail as an example, that song and concept was pretty dope, and he killed that second verse (almost like he was talking to kanye)

But I'll admit he ain't the same hov,
I still listen to can I live and devils like where did this dude go, he had to adapt to continue to dominate the market and I'm cool with that
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agreed. i personally don't respect any person with vast wealth who do little to nothing to better society, especially when the economic disparities are increasing between rich and poor. NYC, the gap is the biggest and has been increasing every year.

being rich and not giving a **** about people is one thing. but if ur rich and repping a city all the time publicly, but don't do **** for that city, that commands little respect imo.

and im not even talking about buying new computers for a classroom n **** and getting some press coverage to better your public talking about real impact. like work with the city to create more after school programs, create a REAL scholarship program that helps kids study something meaningful (STEM field). a kid who graduates an engineer is the best ROI you could ever ask for.

dude is worth half a billion dollars, and prolly close to a billy with beyonce. and now that i think about it, he sort of has this yeezy mentality, where he just wants a seat at the table with those who have, and not give a **** about those who don't. that lowkey house negro mentality...

View media item 714396

nothing wrong with being rich. i support a capitalist economy although i don't have anything against a socialist one either, word to cuba. but there is only so much u can do with money to live it up. help a brotha out, word to warren buffet and his notion of too much money to spend.

[i have nothing against this


i have a problem with this


You're 100% spot on but here's my thing.....

There are zero, count 'em zero black American male billionaires.

And only one black American billionaire.

So honestly? I can't knock him. People EXPECT him to start divvying up that pie before he's like these rich white bankers. How many ******g decades did it take before these rich white men start to give back? How many years did they and their families spend exploiting the system before they gave back? Hell rich Jewish dudes don't even put their money back into American inner-citties, guys like Sheldon Adelson give their money STRICTLY to Israel. :lol:

Why suddenly does Jay got to be held to a different standard? Because all along he acted like he'd be different? O rly, I guess in all that self-promoting, self-righteous rap he spit all his career must've gone over a lot of heads. He never promised none of that, this isn't Nas, this is Jay.

Maybe when he's got 3 billion in the bank he'll start giving back but until then I can't honestly knock him for exploiting his own fan-base until he gets there. I mean damn it, it's the god damned American way. Hell white people exploit their own, white women have been exploited by white men for decades. As long as the hood is enamored with Jay-Z he's going to continue to get this money.

there is only so much he can do, but i see where you are coming from. however, i think giving back as a black entertainer is more impactful to the community he is widely known, from, etc than you realize, wouldn't you agree? jay doesn't have to hold himself to a different standard, but why would he not? i would if i were in his shoes. it would be stupid to put positive social value to the entertainment industry as a whole, but the reality is that, these people are flat out rich. and the rich stand to make a meaningful impact in a community. if a teacher who is underpaid by the city can impact children's lives with what little means they have by providing the best education then can, why can't rich people with all that money and social (and in some cases political) influence do the same? the american way has always been **** you pay me. everyman for themselves, but honestly, that makes for a broken society. and it is a massive reason why we aren't the greatest country in the world.

now giving back is one thing, but frontin like you giving back is a travesty.

for example..


Have you looked up Jay-Z's charitable work at all?

In 2010, Jay-Z only reportedly donated $6,431 of his $63 million earnings to his own Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund, and Beyonce is being drawn into the mix too. Out of the $87 million she earned in 2010, not a single penny went to her husband's foundation.


like really? really? again, i realize dude isn't in the billions of dollars, so i don't expect him to be in africa fighting malaria, and helping develop drought resistant crop seeds. but if you gonna support something like kids going to college, don't ******** about it. 6 grand?

my parents are from haiti, and my mother is retired, but still gives up a grand a month supporting a kid she knows in haiti through school. and she never made it even close to six figures in her microbiology career. oh jay z came up in bed stuy, when NYC was hardcore? my family was raised under a dictator, a death dealer, duvalier. oh jay was poor coming up? ....haiti.

i could go on, but my point is, if u trying to give back, be about it 100% otherwise, don't be about it at all, and make a mockery of it, knowing full well you will be filthy rich whether u support 3, or 50 kids thru college. be true to the cause or ****. and that goes for any rich celebrities frontin on the people that made em rich in the first place.
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Dude a few posts above talking about "hating" sounds silly.

Jay-z the person and jay-z the rapper aside how is it "hating" stating a personal opinion that alot of his recent work post black album has been subpar. That doesn't take away from the fact he put out classic albums before that but in my view and the views of alot of other people his recent work has been subpar.

Regarding jay-z the person. People shouldn't put celebrities and entertainers on a high pedestal to begin with and expect stuff out of them. Do some celebs go out of their way and go the extra mile to do stuff charity wise and make huge philanthropic efforts? Yes some do, but it isn't required of them but it shows what type of person they are.

I could care less about jay-z the person. He's a rapper and entertainer. His job is to make music. His views on serious real world issues shouldn't be taken seriously going off his track record.
Dude a few posts above talking about "hating" sounds silly.

Jay-z the person and jay-z the rapper aside how is it "hating" stating a personal opinion that alot of his recent work post black album has been subpar. That doesn't take away from the fact he put out classic albums before that but in my view and the views of alot of other people his recent work has been subpar.

The term/s "Hater/Hating" as a whole are weak.

Any contrary opinion about the people some of these jokers out here worship is perceived as "hating".

Calling a lame dude lame now is "hating". Where once upon a time, it was just perceptive.
Nah...hating is ignoring blatant facts is hating

'I don't like Jay as a person' - opinion...

'Jay never gives to charity'

*Article posted*

'Nah...jay never gives back to charity' that's hating (just an example)

There's opinions and facts, when you blatantly ignore facts that's hating.
The term/s "Hater/Hating" as a whole are weak.

Calling a lame dude lame now is "hating". Where once upon a time, it was just perceptive.

Forreal man you can't say nothing about somebody these days cause you would be classified as a hater these days...The rappers are the reason for that anyway just cause a ninja think you song/album was wack you wanna say he hating...smfh
Ok, ive read a good portion of this thread, and I came up with most people complain about this man making moves via good or bad. He is trying to eat and do what he does. Let em cook. Although everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just understand you have the same 24 hours he has to make moves. '

Now the other part of that, people saying he fake or he this or he that and he don't give back. Well that could go either way. You are not with this man everyday so its hard to say if he has given back anonymously. And if he does something big with his name attached to it aside from the Barclays Centers then haters would vandalize thus costing more money to fix it OR once he does do something for the the city it'll be someone saying he didn't do enough.

He is in a lose/lose no matter what he does because of those without millions will always assume he didn't do enough. And its not just him its anyone with money didnt do enough. "They could of did more" would be the next thing out of people mouth. Let him cook. We never here of the stories of the extra rich white celebs giving back to the community or city or what have you. (And it isn't a race thing either) And even then it simply wont be good enough when they do.

Just my opinion. I don't care either way because that is his bread and he can do what he will with it.
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i hate how he markets with his lyrics, as a fan.

like okay rap about dusse, as a fan i now feel like i have to rock with dusse, whatever any before the black album is his best work. 
How does someone sound like a coward for saying that?

Its one thing to have different opinions.

If someone says Magna Carta sucked and gives there reasons why there stating an opinion. There's no hate in that its a subjective opinion.

Just like when dudes put jay-z on what I consider to be a crazy pedestal, their views are subjective opinion as well.

If someone goes outta there way to discredit and nitpick everything he's done I could see how that could be considered hating but for the most part that word "hating" gets thrown around way to easily. Not just on here but in real life to. Alot of people see disagreeing or having a different opinion as hating.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen View Post

Originally Posted by sreggie101 View Post

agreed. i personally don't respect any person with vast wealth who do little to nothing to better society, especially when the economic disparities are increasing between rich and poor. NYC, the gap is the biggest and has been increasing every year.

being rich and not giving a **** about people is one thing. but if ur rich and repping a city all the time publicly, but don't do **** for that city, that commands little respect imo.

and im not even talking about buying new computers for a classroom n **** and getting some press coverage to better your public talking about real impact. like work with the city to create more after school programs, create a REAL scholarship program that helps kids study something meaningful (STEM field). a kid who graduates an engineer is the best ROI you could ever ask for.

dude is worth half a billion dollars, and prolly close to a billy with beyonce. and now that i think about it, he sort of has this yeezy mentality, where he just wants a seat at the table with those who have, and not give a **** about those who don't. that lowkey house negro mentality...

nothing wrong with being rich. i support a capitalist economy although i don't have anything against a socialist one either, word to cuba. but there is only so much u can do with money to live it up. help a brotha out, word to warren buffet and his notion of too much money to spend.

[i have nothing against this


i have a problem with this


You're 100% spot on but here's my thing.....

There are zero, count 'em zero black American male billionaires.

And only one black American billionaire.

So honestly? I can't knock him. People EXPECT him to start divvying up that pie before he's like these rich white bankers. How many ******g decades did it take before these rich white men start to give back? How many years did they and their families spend exploiting the system before they gave back? Hell rich Jewish dudes don't even put their money back into American inner-citties, guys like Sheldon Adelson give their money STRICTLY to Israel. laugh.gif

Why suddenly does Jay got to be held to a different standard? Because all along he acted like he'd be different? O rly, I guess in all that self-promoting, self-righteous rap he spit all his career must've gone over a lot of heads. He never promised none of that, this isn't Nas, this is Jay.

Maybe when he's got 3 billion in the bank he'll start giving back but until then I can't honestly knock him for exploiting his own fan-base until he gets there. I mean damn it, it's the god damned American way. Hell white people exploit their own, white women have been exploited by white men for decades. As long as the hood is enamored with Jay-Z he's going to continue to get this money.

there is only so much he can do, but i see where you are coming from. however, i think giving back as a black entertainer is more impactful to the community he is widely known, from, etc than you realize, wouldn't you agree? jay doesn't have to hold himself to a different standard, but why would he not? i would if i were in his shoes. it would be stupid to put positive social value to the entertainment industry as a whole, but the reality is that, these people are flat out rich. and the rich stand to make a meaningful impact in a community. if a teacher who is underpaid by the city can impact children's lives with what little means they have by providing the best education then can, why can't rich people with all that money and social (and in some cases political) influence do the same? the american way has always been **** you pay me. everyman for themselves, but honestly, that makes for a broken society. and it is a massive reason why we aren't the greatest country in the world.

now giving back is one thing, but frontin like you giving back is a travesty.

for example..
Originally Posted by cguy610 View Post

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72 View Post


Have you looked up Jay-Z's charitable work at all?
In 2010, Jay-Z only reportedly donated $6,431 of his $63 million earnings to his own Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund, and Beyonce is being drawn into the mix too. Out of the $87 million she earned in 2010, not a single penny went to her husband's foundation.


like really? really? again, i realize dude isn't in the billions of dollars, so i don't expect him to be in africa fighting malaria, and helping develop drought resistant crop seeds. but if you gonna support something like kids going to college, don't ******** about it. 6 grand?

my parents are from haiti, and my mother is retired, but still gives up a grand a month supporting a kid she knows in haiti through school. and she never made it even close to six figures in her microbiology career. oh jay z came up in bed stuy, when NYC was hardcore? my family was raised under a dictator, a death dealer, duvalier. oh jay was poor coming up? ....haiti.

i could go on, but my point is, if u trying to give back, be about it 100% otherwise, don't be about it at all, and make a mockery of it, knowing full well you will be filthy rich whether u support 3, or 50 kids thru college. be true to the cause or ****. and that goes for any rich celebrities frontin on the people that made em rich in the first place.


You know what though? I think he sees the bigger picture. At the end of the day you can make a difference right now or you can be "selfish" and continue to stack until you've got billions.

I think from an impact stand-point, he knows that being the first male black billionaire (from America) is a lot more powerful than being worth half a billion. You can put a few hundred kids through college now OR you can **** around and build an institution. Instead of donating to a hospital he can **** around and build one. Instead of helping Marcy he can **** around and completely change Bedford-Stuy.

See the difference? It's hard to see the big picture above when people are looking down on their high-horse talking about what he should do. Truth is until you have those type of ends you cannot fathom the potential power you can have.

Maybe he shouldn't be like the white American capitalists that came before him but it certainly doesn't hurt to have a seat at their table. You see how many people Oprah helps right? That **** don't come cheap.

It's more than just money people, it's stature, it's power. This country is run by a small group of wealthy people who tell politicians what to do. People who collectively have more money than the ENTIRE American middle-class. You want to help out the little guy? Or do you want to be one of those select elite who have the power to actually have a say?

I'd much rather have a black representative at that table than that same black male squandering (it's true, ultimately it would be a squandering) it on little cutsie charities.

And if you listen to him, I think this is clearly his goal. His music reflects a much grander plan.
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Some dudes just don't get it JAY-Z will NEVER been on those people he raps about in his recent songs level.. JAY-Z is looked at by rich WHITE REPUBLICANS as a dumb rapper that bites off more than he can chew..I mean look at how sports agents clown this dude they have ZERO respect for JAY sad but true..JAY will never be on those people that run this country level because for
As long as there is a FOX NEWS around JAY will NEVER become apart of AMERICA'S elite RACISM is still alive folks..
If any rappers gonna be the 1st black billionaire its gonna be DRE or DIDDY they have great investments that are money making machines BEATS HEADPHONES,CIROC & REVOLT TV
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Some dudes just don't get it JAY-Z will NEVER been on those people he raps about in his recent songs level.. JAY-Z is looked at by rich WHITE REPUBLICANS as a dumb rapper that bites off more than he can chew..I mean look at how sports agents clown this dude they have ZERO respect for JAY sad but true..JAY will never be on those people that run this country level because for
As long as there is a FOX NEWS around JAY will NEVER become apart of AMERICA'S elite RACISM is still alive folks..

so there you go, he's hyper-aware of the elite and how he viewed by them. he admits himself he's not at their level.

so what do you think drives him? why isn't he comfortable yet?...........

he's not going to stop trying to be at that level of power and persuasion until he gets there or he's dead. Wifing Beyonce was a calculated move as well. They both aspire for absolute supremacy.
Some dudes just don't get it JAY-Z will NEVER been on those people he raps about in his recent songs level.. JAY-Z is looked at by rich WHITE REPUBLICANS as a dumb rapper that bites off more than he can chew..I mean look at how sports agents clown this dude they have ZERO respect for JAY sad but true..JAY will never be on those people that run this country level because for
As long as there is a FOX NEWS around JAY will NEVER become apart of AMERICA'S elite RACISM is still alive folks..
If any rappers gonna be the 1st black billionaire its gonna be DRE or DIDDY they have great investments that are money making machines BEATS HEADPHONES,CIROC & REVOLT TV

"I will not lose"

The reasons you listed are the same reasons he keeps pushing forward

By the way dr dre doesn't even own half of beats by dre
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How do u guys view Oprah
She gives back but some blacks don't like her

She built her brand partially through philanthropic gestures. It was part of her gimmick so to speak and her target demographic ate it up.

In other words, she's a far keener business woman than people realize.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen View Post

Originally Posted by sreggie101 View Post

agreed. i personally don't respect any person with vast wealth who do little to nothing to better society, especially when the economic disparities are increasing between rich and poor. NYC, the gap is the biggest and has been increasing every year.

being rich and not giving a **** about people is one thing. but if ur rich and repping a city all the time publicly, but don't do **** for that city, that commands little respect imo.

and im not even talking about buying new computers for a classroom n **** and getting some press coverage to better your public talking about real impact. like work with the city to create more after school programs, create a REAL scholarship program that helps kids study something meaningful (STEM field). a kid who graduates an engineer is the best ROI you could ever ask for.

dude is worth half a billion dollars, and prolly close to a billy with beyonce. and now that i think about it, he sort of has this yeezy mentality, where he just wants a seat at the table with those who have, and not give a **** about those who don't. that lowkey house negro mentality...

nothing wrong with being rich. i support a capitalist economy although i don't have anything against a socialist one either, word to cuba. but there is only so much u can do with money to live it up. help a brotha out, word to warren buffet and his notion of too much money to spend.

[i have nothing against this


i have a problem with this


You're 100% spot on but here's my thing.....

There are zero, count 'em zero black American male billionaires.

And only one black American billionaire.

So honestly? I can't knock him. People EXPECT him to start divvying up that pie before he's like these rich white bankers. How many ******g decades did it take before these rich white men start to give back? How many years did they and their families spend exploiting the system before they gave back? Hell rich Jewish dudes don't even put their money back into American inner-citties, guys like Sheldon Adelson give their money STRICTLY to Israel. laugh.gif

Why suddenly does Jay got to be held to a different standard? Because all along he acted like he'd be different? O rly, I guess in all that self-promoting, self-righteous rap he spit all his career must've gone over a lot of heads. He never promised none of that, this isn't Nas, this is Jay.

Maybe when he's got 3 billion in the bank he'll start giving back but until then I can't honestly knock him for exploiting his own fan-base until he gets there. I mean damn it, it's the god damned American way. Hell white people exploit their own, white women have been exploited by white men for decades. As long as the hood is enamored with Jay-Z he's going to continue to get this money.

there is only so much he can do, but i see where you are coming from. however, i think giving back as a black entertainer is more impactful to the community he is widely known, from, etc than you realize, wouldn't you agree? jay doesn't have to hold himself to a different standard, but why would he not? i would if i were in his shoes. it would be stupid to put positive social value to the entertainment industry as a whole, but the reality is that, these people are flat out rich. and the rich stand to make a meaningful impact in a community. if a teacher who is underpaid by the city can impact children's lives with what little means they have by providing the best education then can, why can't rich people with all that money and social (and in some cases political) influence do the same? the american way has always been **** you pay me. everyman for themselves, but honestly, that makes for a broken society. and it is a massive reason why we aren't the greatest country in the world.

now giving back is one thing, but frontin like you giving back is a travesty.

for example..
Originally Posted by cguy610 View Post

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72 View Post


Have you looked up Jay-Z's charitable work at all?
In 2010, Jay-Z only reportedly donated $6,431 of his $63 million earnings to his own Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund, and Beyonce is being drawn into the mix too. Out of the $87 million she earned in 2010, not a single penny went to her husband's foundation.


like really? really? again, i realize dude isn't in the billions of dollars, so i don't expect him to be in africa fighting malaria, and helping develop drought resistant crop seeds. but if you gonna support something like kids going to college, don't ******** about it. 6 grand?

my parents are from haiti, and my mother is retired, but still gives up a grand a month supporting a kid she knows in haiti through school. and she never made it even close to six figures in her microbiology career. oh jay z came up in bed stuy, when NYC was hardcore? my family was raised under a dictator, a death dealer, duvalier. oh jay was poor coming up? ....haiti.

i could go on, but my point is, if u trying to give back, be about it 100% otherwise, don't be about it at all, and make a mockery of it, knowing full well you will be filthy rich whether u support 3, or 50 kids thru college. be true to the cause or ****. and that goes for any rich celebrities frontin on the people that made em rich in the first place.


You know what though? I think he sees the bigger picture. At the end of the day you can make a difference right now or you can be "selfish" and continue to stack until you've got billions.

I think from an impact stand-point, he knows that being the first male black billionaire (from America) is a lot more powerful than being worth half a billion. You can put a few hundred kids through college now OR you can **** around and build an institution. Instead of donating to a hospital he can **** around and build one. Instead of helping Marcy he can **** around and completely change Bedford-Stuy.

See the difference? It's hard to see the big picture above when people are looking down on their high-horse talking about what he should do. Truth is until you have those type of ends you cannot fathom the potential power you can have.

Maybe he shouldn't be like the white American capitalists that came before him but it certainly doesn't hurt to have a seat at their table. You see how many people Oprah helps right? That **** don't come cheap.

It's more than just money people, it's stature, it's power. This country is run by a small group of wealthy people who tell politicians what to do. People who collectively have more money than the ENTIRE American middle-class. You want to help out the little guy? Or do you want to be one of those select elite who have the power to actually have a say?

I'd much rather have a black representative at that table than that same black male squandering (it's true, ultimately it would be a squandering) it on little cutsie charities.

And if you listen to him, I think this is clearly his goal. His music reflects a much grander plan.

unfortunately contemporary american politics maintain this with us or against us motif when it comes to being a multi billionaire. the rich are a small fraction of the greater society, but a majority of that small group of people are about the money. those who aim to do good with their money, will have their voices overpowered by the otherwise greedy collective. word to warren buffet, as im sure there aren't many Bs on the same page as him. this isn't to say that the small rich progressives can't do a damn thing. but it would be harder, if that makes sense. so for someone like jay z, i wonder if just entering the billionaire realm would make much of a difference. i wouldn't put it on someone like him to think big and try to take on something he doesn't have the shoulders for. but if he was worth double, would his voice be that much louder? i wonder...(this makes for a totally different discussion i feel like :lol:)

also giving back whether it be a dollar or a million, is giving back at the end of the day, but those who are rich i feel shouldnt have that sprewell mentality about money. mutombo was never near a billionaire, but he still built hospitals in africa via a career in blocking the **** out of people.

i hear wat ur saying tho.
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