General McAurthur is no different than any other general who had victories in a war

TERRRRRRIBLE analogy. Please stop. Is Jay winnin wars now? :lol:

its a perfect anology... somebody excelling at what they do... and for some reason that alone is not worthy of praise.

What separates MacArthur from Patton? What seperates Jay Z from other successful entertainers who grew up poor?
I WAS a huge jay fan but as I got older my perspective about him changed. I now think he is a lame who uses the hood and the drug dealing culture as a crutch and say in interviews that he is about the people and the hiphop culture...but I see him promoting product that no one could afford kicking it with people who is just milking him for money and following TERRIBLE music trends of today at 44. And he still talking about drugs smh...if I ever see jay I would yell "we dont believe need more people"
I WAS a huge jay fan but as I got older my perspective about him changed. I now think he is a lame who uses the hood and the drug dealing culture as a crutch and say in interviews that he is about the people and the hiphop culture...but I see him promoting product that no one could afford kicking it with people who is just milking him for money and following TERRIBLE music trends of today at 44. And he still talking about drugs smh...if I ever see jay I would yell "we dont believe need more people"

What product does he promote that no one can afford?
So you pretty much giving dame credit for all of jays riches??? How's same doin right now

Now all you guys are admitting that he is a rags to riches story but discrediting it cause he's not a billionaire lol
What?  I don't know who said that.  You tried to compare dude to true innovators, and all he really did was exploit his ability to piece gibberish together to gain meanness fame.  Then he took that fame, and used it as a tool to exploit the less fortunate through clothing; because they knew they had a huge cult like following that would do whatever he said. 

Ya'll give these rappers and actors wayyyyy to much credit.  These people are here to help us fill or lecher time nothing more.  Anyone that says these entertainers have changed their lives are just pathetic weirdos with 0 identity. 

This guy hasn't done anything that hasn't been done ten times over.  He found a niche and he rode it into the sunset.  Other then rapp and clothing dude has really barley made a ripple in this body of water we call success and wealth.  If it wasn't for rap dude wouldn't be anywhere near as rich as he is if at all. 

His own dogs that he shout out in his raps even say he was a runner.  Dude was never that guy before rap.  He's not a all around money getter innovator like he says or like some of you want him to be.  He did what everybody else was doing back in that day in NYC which was being an aspiring rapper.  He just had connections and a machine behind him which was Dame and Biggs. 
what does that have  to  do with the music the two artists put out. most people would say  nas is the better rapper.  there outside of  rap  ventures are irrelvant to  me.
Black people need to stop seeing captialism as a way out and look at collectivism .Jay and Kanye not about to do anything that puts me or you in a position to compete with them . That's not how you make a trillion dollar company like Kanye or the first black male billionaire like jay z . Capitalism been tgr number one killer and destroyer of black people since the first slaveship touched shores
Black people need to stop seeing captialism as a way out and look at collectivism .Jay and Kanye not about to do anything that puts me or you in a position to compete with them . That's not how you make a trillion dollar company like Kanye or the first black male billionaire like jay z . Capitalism been tgr number one killer and destroyer of black people since the first slaveship touched shores
Bob Johnson (BET) was the first African American male billionaire
Black people need to stop seeing captialism as a way out and look at collectivism .Jay and Kanye not about to do anything that puts me or you in a position to compete with them . That's not how you make a trillion dollar company like Kanye or the first black male billionaire like jay z . Capitalism been tgr number one killer and destroyer of black people since the first slaveship touched shores

Terrible advice. I be damned if I'm going to tie my success to people just because they look like me. You get ahead by working with other like minded ambitious people, no matter what race.
I cringe every time a Jay-Z fan cites a lyric from his songs to bolster their argument.
How is this rapper any more fake than all these other sell a brick then rap about it ******?

I mean personally speaking.

I don't take any "sell a brick" rappers serious, I look at most as one hit wonders or trend hoppers. For those that turn out to actually make rap a career I listen to them to see what their story is and who they are. Whatever you talk about is what YOU as an artist and thats cool but there has to be some foundation to what your saying to keep me interested.

who you are
what you represent
where your from
whats your character built of
what your story is

over hov's career (and worst so as he's gotten older) he has done so little to really let me as a listener know what his foundation really stands on and why I should care. I mean we have most of the basic level information. He's from BK - he sold drugs - he's a hustler - he's now a millionaire. But that's all shallow (not deep enough) to me and the story hasn't TRULY changed, the cars - watches - jets - shoes - paintings he has have changed but the story hasn't. A car is a car and a watch is a watch, talk to me about life my nig.

I love stories. I like the fact that nas made a song about his daughter, I liked camron's I hate my job. I'm not saying this is an easy feat because hov nas and cam have been in the game since the early 90s but the music is still ART to me and I won't accept excuses for making music that has little to no digestible content. Jay is mad talented at making music that sounds good but I hold the bar higher for talented people. After all the years of the same stories about new cars, jewelry, exotic locations and other stuff it's not impressive any more TBH. I will never call jay z fake for rapping about what he ACTUALLY owns and DOES but I will call him fake for not talking about what makes him real as a person which is something that a good hand full of the "sell a brick guys" do from time to time.
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"He beat nas"

"false statement"

*shows Jay sonning Nas in the ABSOLUTE WORST possible way. Ignoring all the other ways Jay has progressed since their beef began, in comparison to Nas*

**He backpedals**

Don't see how that's sonning anyone.

They put their differences behind them, which is a good thing.

Regarding the progress in life part, nas is doing just fine. He's always had that introvert like personality. He's never pursued outside ventures on the level jay-z has nor do I think he's wanted to.
i don't really see that as sonning, though.

you know Nas got a **** load of money out of that deal.

and you know Jay Z made a name for himself as an exec with that move and signing The Roots.

i feel like that was just a power move made amongst two powerful dudes.

it ain't like Nas HAD to take the deal. And i bet you that deal came with huge figures, like numbers you see for Jay Z or a mainstream non-rap artist.
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so if were going off numbers, mc hammer got a top 10 best selling rap album of all time which sold more then any individual jay-z album did. mc hammer is on the top 10 best selling rappers of all time list as well. he sold more then biggie so i guess by the "facts are facts and numbers are numbers" logic, mc hammer is a better rapper then biggie in your eyes right?
The funniest thread on here hands down fam.

I can't tell if this is the most sophisticated trolling since Ninjahood or boys really have capes on this tight for a 40yr old man.

Homie is pretty good rapper not the messiah.
So when it benifits you its men lie women lie numbers don't. When it doesn't benifit you its how many albums did they make?

Btw that's going off albums biggie made after he died, greatest hits CDs and what not.

That word hate is so overblown btw. Saying Nas is a better rapper is an opinion. An opinion alot of people would agree with. In the eyes of a jay-z caper that's considered hating I guess though. You seem like the type who feels that anyone with a differing opinion then yours is a hater

If you wanna talk turkey with me bring facts to the table
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