Gas Prices

I never liked Tesla for Elon Musk being a fraud and anti worker. now he's also pro racism so do you bro. :lol:

EV limitations, Elon's antics, and odd fan boys aside, Teslas have always looked horrible imo. That's basically
where it starts and ends for me

And while I can appreciate the efficiency and acceleration, not sure I'm with a completely silent vehicle just yet :lol:

(Though less noise pollution is definitely a good thing)
I think we also need to normalize riding a bicycle in America when it's feasible.

If the destination is less than 5 miles away and I don't need to bring a large object back with me, odds are I'm riding my bike to get there.

Great exercise, eco-friendly, and $0 spent on gas.
I sweat when I bike. Don't think people want to go to work or school sweaty unless there is a shower available
Ev is going up too. My state announced potential rolling blackouts as they switch from coal to ‘green’. Electrical costs are up 100% year over year.

Unless you can charge at a library or big box outlet, the pros are getting closer and closer to the cons.

How do you charge if your whole neighborhood is without power?
Too many environmental folks didn’t think things through.
Exactly. People don't realize that if everyone drives an EV, then electricity prices will go up. The increased demand puts a strain on the power grid. Not just passenger cars need a charge, now you have buses and EV tractor trailers/heavy machinery that need to be charged also.

How is the country going to meet this new electricity demand. Hydro, wind, solar and coal plants won't be enough.

Nuclear power has to be revisited
The future as I see it is huge investment in bulk energy storage and distributed energy storage

The cost of wholesale electricity will move from a market clearinghouse approach to one where the cost is based on the % of charge of the bulk storage systems

This dynamic would change everything and make prices stable, require way less oversight, and be very transparent

Instead of managing this insanely complicated balancing act of wholesale transmission and generation, utilities would spend those cumulative billions on better batteries

It would reduce administrative costs to the point where we might as well have a single national grid, it would be so easy to manage

I joined “Da V8 Hemi” gang. Terrible time to get it :lol:

But if yall ain’t liking Tesla, the Rivian truck is pretty damn awesome.
Don’t like Ev’s never will.

Doesn’t hit like American V8s
Teslas & most EV's are ugly *** cars imo. Their design language isn't appealing + Tesla has major panel fitment issues. The only good looking EV on the market is the Porsche Taycan. The tech is kool & lessens pollution but no one ever mentions the pollution caused from mining the lithium. I am gas powered all the way. I can't drive a silent car. I like & need an exhaust note from my cars. People who have made the switch to electric is kool, more power to them but I hate how it's being shoved down everyones throat...EV this EV that, electric is the future & blah blah blah 🥱. EVs will never invoke a visceral driving experience the way gas powered cars can. They have no soul.
Teslas & most EV's are ugly *** cars imo. Their design language isn't appealing + Tesla has major panel fitment issues. The only good looking EV on the market is the Porsche Taycan. The tech is kool & lessens pollution but no one ever mentions the pollution caused from mining the lithium. I am gas powered all the way. I can't drive a silent car. I like & need an exhaust note from my cars. People who have made the switch to electric is kool, more power to them but I hate how it's being shoved down everyones throat...EV this EV that, electric is the future & blah blah blah 🥱. EVs will never invoke a visceral driving experience the way gas powered cars can. They have no soul.
I pretty much agree.
I will definitely get a electric car when there Is one I like, but for now gas car looks 100x better. I need that exhaust sound as well. Those cold starts>>>

These EV companies are trying way too hard to make them look futuristic.
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