Google Project Glass

thought of this when I was 7 years old. More to be like a power ranger though. Never thought it would come true. Still can't be a power ranger though.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

But can it detect power levels tho

People are gonna stay running in to each other/ getting ran over.
Simply walking in the street seems hard enough as it is for some people out there.
No thank you.
I don't want to live in a world with accurate GPS and two way cameras working simultaneously.

Y'all don't see the danger. 
Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

at the 17 year olds that think Google is spending millions on some glasses to track them.

You guys are missing his point. Google already spends hundreds of millions tracking anybody with an internet connection. It's not some government conspiracy theory it's consumer research. A population of people walking around with literally EVERYTHING they see and do on display? Someone in at Google's HQ just creamed their pants.
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