HBO: The Last of Us (Season 2 is a go)...Sundays @ 9PM EST...Pedro Pascal&Bella Ramsey=Joel&Ellie...NO SPOILERS IF YOU'VE PLAYED THE GAMES

Watched episode 3 with my wife and that part where Bill tells Frank he doesn't want to live without him, and chose to chug the wine hemlock, hit me. I'm not for suicide at all, but I just related because I can't imagine living without my wife and if given the option I'd love to pass together.

As for the episode, I read how it deviated from how the characters are in the game. However, I thought it was cool that they did that to show how this wasn't a pitstop for Joel and Ellie to get crap and bounce. In a world where folks hardly give a **** about others and just tried to survive, these were his people. Watching the sadness of Joel, it seemed like something he finally realized/admitted after Bill and Frank passing; him storming outside with the letter was powerful too. This wasn't just a pit top, it was a goodbye and something I think that will drive Joel on his mission to "save as many people as possible."

Never played the game but knew it came out in the early 2010s so I was wondering if the relationship was in the game or if the show just decided to do that all on their own.

Either way it was well executed but if it had not been in the game I could see ppl complaining regardless of how good the ep was.

They hint it in the game that Bill and possibly Frank was gay. Ellie made a joke about the gay boy magazine she found were sticky.
Suicide is a serious topic.

Though the story was slightly changed, Frank’s fate was still the same despite the cause (infections vs terminal disease). It’s heavy.

I need to listen to the accompanying podcast. Only listened to the Ringer podcast.
the way bill and franks story was told in the show could not have happened in a video game 10 years ago or even now really. It’s 1 of the reasons I said I do not like when people expect film makers and show runners to follow the source material 100%
I really liked the transition from Bill getting shot, telling Frank to call Joel, leaving it up in the air if he'd even survive to then someone in a wheelchair 10 years later and it turns out to be Frank.

They sure did age like **** though.
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the way bill and franks story was told in the show could not have happened in a video game 10 years ago or even now really. It’s 1 of the reasons I said I do not like when people expect film makers and show runners to follow the source material 100%

yup, gotta translate what works and ditch what doesn't.

I had this problem with Black Panther,
they took some stuff from the comics that doesn't work on screen.
So is it Frank running away from Bill? Or Bill committing suicide because he’s infected in the game? I’m listening to the accompanying podcast and Neal is saying Frank was trying to run away because he wanted to live his life.
So is it Frank running away from Bill? Or Bill committing suicide because he’s infected in the game? I’m listening to the accompanying podcast and Neal is saying Frank was trying to run away because he wanted to live his life.
Frank's suicide note:

"Well, Bill, I doubt you'd ever find this note cause you were too scared to ever make it to this part of town. But if for some reason you did, I want you to know I hated your guts. I grew tired of this ****** town and your set-in-your-ways attitude. I wanted more from life than this and you could never get that.

And that stupid battery you kept moaning about -- I got it. But I guess you were right. Trying to leave this town will kill me. Still better than spending another day with you. Good Luck, Frank"

Frank was trying to leave, and on his way to the truck he got infected. He hanged himself to not turn into one.
Will say I was disappointed there wasn't a cold open for this one. Was hoping it would be a regular thing.
I thought the episode was mid.

It wasn't heartbreaking or anything to me unlike the beginning of the actual game.

It also didn't make sense for Joel to stash his AR15

There's an abundance of ammo for it around since you could use both 5.56 or .223 which a lot of hunters would probably have.
Nah no jokes with the aids question. I thought it would've been a weird turn. But they were intentionally ambiguous. I just remember how dude was deteriorating and how when they were sitting in the garden, bill apologized for aging faster than him. Then it jumped forward to bro being ill and broken. Idk what happened. Then he was taking medication, we see all the time that HIV and aids can be managed with meds. My question was genuine. No shots to homosexual people.
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