Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Let me give you the reality to all this;
. Keeping masks on won’t happen
. Keep sick kids home won’t happen
. 6th apart can’t happen
. Sanitizing won’t happen
. All adults adhering to guidelines won’t happen
. Correct contact tracing can’t happen
. Correct quarantine procedures won’t happen
. School closing due to outbreaks won’t happen

You basically sum up US how we handle this pandemic.
There's room for being pessimistic around both sides of the politics.

Pelosi and her haircut. Whitmer and her boat. NM governor and her jewelry store run. Fauci and not being fully masked during a Nationals game. I'm sure there's hundreds of other examples of politicians on both sides not taking this as serious as their bills or health orders dictate . It's a do as I say, not as I do attitude and many Americans are calling out both sides. No one knows who to really trust. Sad times.
And how many cops had masks on during these protests/celebration riots? LA is about to have a huge surge.

And you have umps and refs removing their masks to talk into the PA system. Covid doesn't work like this folks. It can remain in the air space for many minutes. Think of a fart that lingers.

We've taken too many half measures in the us.
There's room for being pessimistic around both sides of the politics.

Pelosi and her haircut. Whitmer and her boat. NM governor and her jewelry store run. Fauci and not being fully masked during a Nationals game. I'm sure there's hundreds of other examples of politicians on both sides not taking this as serious as their bills or health orders dictate . It's a do as I say, not as I do attitude and many Americans are calling out both sides. No one knows who to really trust. Sad times.

Eh if I was at a Nationals game sitting with my inner circle and no one else anywhere close yeah I would take my mask off too.
Eh if I was at a Nationals game sitting with my inner circle and no one else anywhere close yeah I would take my mask off too.
They told us to hide away and not do anything non essential. And unless he lives with the close friend, this cross family contamination is why they don't want us doing close friends or close family Halloween parties or holiday gatherings. My governor is telling us to limit trips to 3 or 5 per day or per week. Nothing for fun or non essential.

MI governor wanted her boat taken out from storage. But she closed everything and suddenly wanted to cut the line.

NM governor closed all non essential businesses many months back. This was before curbside was available. She had a friend get a jewelry store to open, grab a piece, and deliver it to her mailbox.

Pelosi got a non essential haircut when she's been telling us to stay the hell home
They told us to hide away and not do anything non essential. And unless he lives with the close friend, this cross family contamination is why they don't want us doing close friends or close family Halloween parties or holiday gatherings. My governor is telling us to limit trips to 3 or 5 per day or per week. Nothing for fun or non essential.

MI governor wanted her boat taken out from storage. But she closed everything and suddenly wanted to cut the line.

NM governor closed all non essential businesses many months back. This was before curbside was available. She had a friend get a jewelry store to open, grab a piece, and deliver it to her mailbox.

Pelosi got a non essential haircut when she's been telling us to stay the hell home
Dude, the people IN CHARGE are the republicans. You’re nitpicking random BS and holding them to the same degree as the people that ****** our country up? You’re bringing up the most idiotic points in an attempt at throwing out the “both sides” argument.
Dude, the people IN CHARGE are the republicans. You’re nitpicking random BS and holding them to the same degree as the people that ****ed our country up? You’re bringing up the most idiotic points in an attempt at throwing out the “both sides” argument.
They set mandates and orders that they themselves couldn't uphold and then are surprised when citizens don't follow the same orders and mandates. That's the jist of it. This has nothing to do with sides. Its true from the very top it's been bad but weren't governor's given their own freedom and choice to mandate as they see fit? States that locked down are now surging as much as those who didn't. If trump told all of the USA to lock it down, Democrats would attack him too. This is ugly with just a week to go.
They told us to hide away and not do anything non essential. And unless he lives with the close friend, this cross family contamination is why they don't want us doing close friends or close family Halloween parties or holiday gatherings. My governor is telling us to limit trips to 3 or 5 per day or per week. Nothing for fun or non essential.

MI governor wanted her boat taken out from storage. But she closed everything and suddenly wanted to cut the line.

NM governor closed all non essential businesses many months back. This was before curbside was available. She had a friend get a jewelry store to open, grab a piece, and deliver it to her mailbox.

Pelosi got a non essential haircut when she's been telling us to stay the hell home

I mean you’re not wrong but I also think your being a bit too literal. Who knows. Not here to argue with you however.

I will say I think the Trump White House has done more foul/harm than any mayor by contradicting his own cabinet and health advisers. He literally set the examples himself.

COVID-19 isn’t going away anytime soon that’s for sure. No one is willing enough to shut everything down for an extended time.
they canceled Halloween out this *****...shutting down PVMX at 8pm all weekend, bars to beaches.

I´d write a longer report, but I´ll be doing my fair share of journalism up north next week so I´m resting up.

it's gonna be so difficult and tricky to explain this disease to kids in the future.

us: it was this deadly virus that killed hundreds of thousands and we had to stay at home and out of restau-
kid: what about the protests
us: well yeah, people were outside for that
kid: what about the dude in the world series that tested positive but was still on the field hugging people.
it's gonna be so difficult and tricky to explain this disease to kids in the future.

us: it was this deadly virus that killed hundreds of thousands and we had to stay at home and out of restau-
kid: what about the protests
us: well yeah, people were outside for that
kid: what about the dude in the world series that tested positive but was still on the field hugging people.

Depends on how you raise your kids.

I’ll tell mine that we were in the streets because protesting gave us the best chance to stop the police from killing us. And that was the dangerous predicament of black life in 2020: protesting gave us the best chance to stay safe even as it made us vulnerable to COVID.

And I’d add that Justin turner was jerk.
it's gonna be so difficult and tricky to explain this disease to kids in the future.

us: it was this deadly virus that killed hundreds of thousands and we had to stay at home and out of restau-
kid: what about the protests
us: well yeah, people were outside for that
kid: what about the dude in the world series that tested positive but was still on the field hugging people.
“What about the protest?”

well this country has a long history of systemic racism and police brutality that has targeted black ppl. There are times in our lives when the oppressed have limited tools for their voices to be heard, even in a pandemic. Remember when I told you how also the virus disproportionately affected ppl who look like us, whether by lives lost and economically? unfortunately we have to risk our lives just to be heard about the risk of our lives.

“what about that dude in the World Series”

Well remember when I told you how the virus couldn’t be eliminated but we had multiple chances to contain it and save lives. Well we had a large subset of ppl in our country who were completely selfish, ignorant, they thought wearing mask was like "slavery". The virus was dangerous but some ppl are able to catch it and pass it on and while they were fine but they could potentially harm someone else. Someone like your uncle or grandma, that would be horrible right?

dont think it’ll be that hard tbh
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great info. When they say ventilation, will a simple box fan or even a heater work? Is it about circulation or truly pushing bad air out and new air in? Many companies are spending tens of thousands for revamped HVAC systems. Should this be the future?

Probably posted here months ago. They showed smoke/aerosauls in a closed room vs. one with air flow. Big difference.
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