Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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PLENTY of people, including scientists, predicted it would be this bad
Not in the very beginning when we were tracking it in China before it made the jump overseas. Sure there were definitely uncertainty, but at that time(January) it was to early to make any useful models other comparing it to other pandemics. I'm not talking around March or April, I'm talking in the very beginning of it all in February when I was personally tracking cases to see if we would get any in the Bay Area.
Not in the very beginning when we were tracking it in China before it made the jump overseas. Sure there were definitely uncertainty, but at that time(January) it was to early to make any useful models other comparing it to other pandemics. I'm not talking around March or April, I'm talking in the very beginning of it all in February when I was personally tracking cases to see if we would get any in the Bay Area.
My dude, tracking pandemics have been done for generations. They need to know how it’s spread, where it’s coming from and that’s all the data points they need. As complicated as treatment is, the actually statistics for spread is simple. Government knew of everything back in December if not earlier. US didn’t shut down until March if you even want to call that a shut down.
just got a email saying amc theaters reopening today
as much as i love the theater experience and am bored af, there's no way i am rushing back regardless of all the deals they are offering :lol:
heart rates going to go up whe the first person coughs/sneezes during the movie. going to get that stink eye from everyone
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mayor pleading with folks not to party this halloween
folks bringing the party outside. looking packed now that everything is outdoors. every restaurant getting their outdoor dining set up
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us on here that’s from nyc saw this coming before the numbers started going back up
school and restaurant openings
plus the Labor Day weekend and 2 or so weeks after it the cases in nyc
Dr. Fauci predicted it to go up and the whole country is going to hell in the fall to winter season
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Here's a question though: I wonder how many of these "total hospitalizations" are incidental findings. I had a patient the other day that came in solely for abdominal pain, but since we test everyone that comes into the hospital as a precaution we found out that he had COVID yet was completely asymptomatic.

I'm sure the percentage is small, but I'd be curious to know it.
Here's a question though: I wonder how many of these "total hospitalizations" are incidental findings. I had a patient the other day that came in solely for abdominal pain, but since we test everyone that comes into the hospital as a precaution we found out that he had COVID yet was completely asymptomatic.

I'm sure the percentage is small, but I'd be curious to know it.
Shouldn't be any higher than the overall positivity rate for tests, which is ~1.5% in NYC.

But if you break it down further by symptomatic vs asymptomatic, it's like 0.5% or less for asymptomatic testing. So 1 in 200 patients would spuriously test positive.

The reality is more complicated but I think that offers a decent rule-of-thumb to start with.
My dude, tracking pandemics have been done for generations. They need to know how it’s spread, where it’s coming from and that’s all the data points they need. As complicated as treatment is, the actually statistics for spread is simple. Government knew of everything back in December if not earlier. US didn’t shut down until March if you even want to call that a shut down.
Well every virus is different, some are more virulent than others. On top of that, the only models to go off of is H1N1, SARS, Swine Flu, and Avian Flu, there hasn't been any other wide-spread event like this since the Spanish Flu. So sure, I don't doubt that people thought it would be bad, but I'm sure any projections presented that early were rough since there wasn't too much to go off of. ****, estimates made weeks ago had are deaths way higher and those were studies involving Stanford running simulations.
If you're hoping for some good news in the numbers, don't scroll down. Cases have more than doubled in the Midwest and the Northeast over the past month. Even though New York's absolute numbers still look ok, their number of cases have doubled in October. Florida has tripled.

Well every virus is different, some are more virulent than others. On top of that, the only models to go off of is H1N1, SARS, Swine Flu, and Avian Flu, there hasn't been any other wide-spread event like this since the Spanish Flu. So sure, I don't doubt that people thought it would be bad, but I'm sure any projections presented that early were rough since there wasn't too much to go off of. ****, estimates made weeks ago had are deaths way higher and those were studies involving Stanford running simulations.
They estimated millions dead IF we did absolutely nothing. With all steps taken we still have hundreds of thousands dead. The biggest variable not taken to account is people fighting against all health mandates and intentionally going against them.

all things considered I think they began with an overshot but then undershot the reaction of people opening against things. Bottomline, we’re in trouble
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