How do you TELL your girlfriend she's not your #1 priority? UPDATE: Broken Up

If shes bringing up her ex as a comparison you need to make it clear that you are not him. And if she can't except your terms for the relationship then it's over. I know it sounds hard but this is coming from a person who just got out of a 3 year relationship. Being single sounds like what you want because of everything that you said is on your plate and that you don't want to make her the priority. There are plenty of girls who won't ask you to pay their bills or say "I took a chance on you" to make you do what they want because that's called manipulation and someone who had your best interest at heart wouldn't treat you like that. take it like a man, keep your head up and roll with the punches
This is wrong in many many ways op

You need to dead her.

Hide her where no one would think to look either
You letting her verbally talk down on you OP. Mentioning her ex, and putting you down? Hell naw, you need to seriously check her. Tell her what you've told up, and explain your situation.
It saddens me how many breezies can't take care of themselves. I think the ones in relationships just try to hop on the boyfriend train to make their life easier. Smh
Cut her off. She is looking for a sugar daddy and not a fair relationship. Focus on yourself while you're in school. Hell you might come across someone that is respectful of you while in school and if not after. Otherwise just have fun and focus on yourself. You don't need some girl siphoning money from you when you are in a tight hole yourself.
She expects you to pay her phone bills? Are you two engaged?

To be completely honest, it sounds like she's just using you. That's not how a relationship works.

I recommend re-evaluating how your life is with her and then without her. The fact that you asked this is a telling sign, imo.
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OP, you just gotta do like Nino and

Edit: Sorry for the redundancy. Just saw someone already posted the GIF on page 2. :smh: at me
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"I took a chance with you" ??? And you still speaking her name.. this is a debate? She wouldve been converted from Starter to bench so fast.. All youre doing is wasting your time to be honest. Iif you have a chick like this breathing the same air you breathe. She is thinking about her ex.. ALOT.. and its coming out in this seemingly innocent, and subtle way... youve been warned at least... keep your eyes open OP
Also.. this isnt your fault OP.. She has something going on in her life thats making her feel inferior, and lose confidence.. she wants to break you down, use you to build herself and her situation back up.. and roll out on you. She feels youre too good for her, youre eventually going to leave her for better things.. her career/school might not be going well. Your family is more supportive than hers. Something is causing these outbursts. Its not random, and its not directly related to Tyrone.
Without essentially ending the relationship, I mean. Idk, this girl is always whining about something, but still wants to be with me. For example:

"I never feel taken care of like I try not to compare relationships but [insert ex bfs name] paid my phone bill on top of his own bills n if he didn't have anything he always made sure I was ok I never had to go out of pocket he'd rather not have anything as long as I had something
I took a risk with you and I want us to work"

Text she just sent me.

I don't know how many ways I can say I have bills of my own, and tuition, and class to study for, and work full time. I'm too young to be getting this stress from a woman.

edit: can't edit the title from my phone apparently

:rofl: :rofl:
I want you to show that to your mother. maybe she'd knock some sense into you.

"I took a chance on you" That is the most disrespectful thing I've heard.
Sounds like you're the one that wants to be in this relationship op. I mean she's basically telling you that she downgraded from her last relationship/ex. She'll probably find another sucker to take care of her financial needs...she's probably already on the hunt

Gotta let her go and upgrade to a girl that will respect you and not compare you to her exes...good luck op
OP, are you serious with this garbage?

If my girlfriend sent that text to me, it would be over. I'd reply with "**** you. Stay away from me or I will murder you."

And carry on like I never even met her.
drop her
She wants you to be her sugar daddy
the ONLY reason its not "working" is because she isn't getting her stuff paid by you
You know what to do
You are a broke college student
You definitely don't have time for that

Another broke college student
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