How Old Were You When You First Got Drunk or High?

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Smoked weed, drank, popped E and smoked my first cig all in the same day. 13. 8th grade
Man, you must've been on some other %#%! that day.
Yeah, there were like six of us, but only four of us popped. I remember it was in '01 cuz the first song I ever heard while rollin was "I See Right Through to You." I listen to that at least one time EVERY time I pop

Remember that day like yesterday, but I wouldn't ever suggest popping before you're fully grown. That was way too early and who knows what permanent damage it caused. (shrug)
Drunk - 18
High -
Never and don't plan on it

I've been passed out drunk, only remembering fragments of the night and nothing in between.
One time I blacked out and woke up on my friends couch with cover neatly placed over me. That
was cool.
New Year's Eve 1999/2000. My mom let me and my friend drink champagne. I was 16.

Didn't really get started until spring break of my senior year in HS. After that was college.

Smoked for the first time at 17.
Never been high.
But I was drunk in 8th grade for the first time, and never been drunk again. HATE that feeling
Now I just drink to get a little buzz and just unwind.
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