How to get six pack abs

Whats the BF% to get definition?

I want to get ripped, looking at doing P90x soon. I have a pretty decent diet, but I can't seem to calculate my proper protein/fat/carbs intake - and whatfoods provide what. Tried searching BodyBuilding forums, but each article is different and difficult to understand.

Is there anyone who can give a pretty basic yet accurate method?

Ive probably dropped 1.5 - 2% of BF since Dec '08.. maybe want to get down to 11-12%
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Usually those with the 6-pack abs and stuff have a low body fat. I'd say around 10%. In order to reduce your body fat you gotta lose more calories than you take in. Like eating 1,500 calories in 1 day, but working out losing 1,700 calories that same day.
You'd die if that was the case.

You just need to find out what you eat in a day (assuming its well above your daily caloric need) and subtract 500 a day from that.

I know just an example prolly a bad one
I3 wrote:
Whats the BF% to get definition?

I want to get ripped, looking at doing P90x soon. I have a pretty decent diet, but I can't seem to calculate my proper protein/fat/carbs intake - and what foods provide what. Tried searching BodyBuilding forums, but each article is different and difficult to understand.

Is there anyone who can give a pretty basic yet accurate method?

Ive probably dropped 1.5 - 2% of BF since Dec '08.. maybe want to get down to 11-12%

Here's a list of what has what. In each meal, I try to consume a lean protein (i.e chicken breast), Starch Carbs (i.ebrown rice), and fibrous carbs (i.e. broccoli). I'm not a nutritionist, but I when working out last year this is what I ate for the duration. I'm goingto start again today. IMO try to eat about 25 grams of fiber a day, and high quality lean protein. Drink .6 - .7 ounces of water per pound of body weight. Andeat every 3.5 hours or so.

Lean Proteins

Eggs Whites Chicken breast Tuna
Shrimp Grouper Mahi-mahi
Cod Salmon Swordfish
Lobster Shellfish Sushi/ sashimi
Halibut Marlin Cobia
Wahoo Tofu (Soy)

Starchy Carbs

Potato Cream of Rice Cereal Corn
Brown rice Tomato Jasmine Rice
Sweet potato Basmati rice Peas
Couscous Oatmeal Corn tortillas

Fibrous Carbs

Broccoli Onions Cauliflower
Asparagus Carrots Spinach
Green peppers String beans Yellow peppers
Cucumbers Red peppers Celery
Mushrooms Jerusalem artichoke

I've read that anything under 10% BF is going to show something. It may not be much but its a start and a goal to start working under. I know that at 8%and lower definition is guaranteed.

The people you are looking at in professional magazines and videos are anywhere in the range of 3%-6% body fat, this is INSANE. Not only is something like thatextremely hard to maintain, it is due to the nature of their profession (sports, lifting, competitions, etc...). It is definitely not recommended for aneveryday look, shoot for 6% and keep track of how hard it was to get there.

Good luck! I am currently under 10% and definitely enjoying it.
I need to get cut, my abs are barely showing. I'm at like 198 and I really want to get above 200 before I start cutting. If I cut down to the high-180s Iwill be golden.
at the end of the day if you are eating 1500 calories a day regardless of what it is your going to be losing fat
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

six pack abs: 90% what you eat, 10% how you exercise...
Exactly. Dudes think they can eat Twinkies and Ho-Ho's and have a six pack.

Works for me.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

at the end of the day if you are eating 1500 calories a day regardless of what it is your going to be losing fat

Youll be losing weight, not fat. Its only a word difference, but its a HUGE difference.
Originally Posted by Praise The X I



what homie do???

i gave up on getting a six pack, but i have hope for getting a flat stomach.
Originally Posted by nanbeezy

80+% diet, 10% cardio, 10% genetics.

Nah.... I got obeses family members..... if they would modify their diets and exercise... they would be ok.....

Any variation of what folks are saying is unilateral:

The majority of it has to do with proper diet and hydration.... and less to do with the exercise. Before I started P90x I changed my diet to elimniate redmeat, processed foods and increased my intake and fresh fruits and veggies.... i dropped 10 pounds in 35 days......
Running 3miles everyother day help to take off an additional 8 lbs over the next 30.....

Endurance is up, workouts are better.....
Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

six pack abs: 90% what you eat, 10% how you exercise...
Exactly. Dudes think they can eat Twinkies and Ho-Ho's and have a six pack.

Works for me.

Actually if you eat a twinkie and a hoho everyday thats only around 500 calories and as long as you still get your nutritional value from other sources Idon't see the problem. I never understood the craze for eating nothing but healthy foods 24/7. I eat fast food (usually a variation of high protein meats)about 2-3 days a week but still get in my 200g of protein and run about 3-4 miles a day and i'm LOSING weight. IMO as long as you do the cardio, youshouldn't feel guilty for what you eat. btw I think 6 pack abs are 50% cardio, 40% diet, and 10% ab workouts.
^ Yeah.. unless your on a very stict diet, you can still eat the occasional chocolate bar. As long as you burn it off and eat well all around.

The main thing for most people is 'moderation.'
So, I ate in and out yesterday. 1 double double 1 fries nothing on it. Felt badddddd.
It was at night when we were chillen after boys grad. After my proteinshakes and protein chicken and everything correct. I was WAYYYY to hard on myself. But since you guys are saying it is ok I feel better.
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