How To Make It In America (season 2) thread Vol. CANCELLED AS OF 12/20 =/

Originally Posted by ORSRT8

Originally Posted by blasdiaz

There's no connection at all between Rene's Rasta Monsta storyline and Ben & Cam with Crisp. Now that the guys don't owe him money or interact with him ever, they need to phase out Rene's importance soon (though he's great, of course) to really focus in on Ben & Cam.

too soon to tell dont you think. and i dont think watchers need to focus on that imo. 
just enjoy rene's antics, 
Remember when Rene made Cam help burn up the truck to get the tshirts back in season 1? I think thats gonna come back to bite them.

This, you know Rene will claim Cam owes him money and may try to claim his own percentage from their future profits if they do actually get that far in the show.
I do agree though that this show could really develop more if they had 12-16 ep seasons. Only 8 kills the flow and by the time things are coming together its over. This is how I felt about the first season and half way through it looks to be the same thing this season.
all i know is that the music on the show is
For some strange reason after watching that last episode I feel like something is going to happen to capo, like hes going to kill himself or attempt to hurt himself.

Ben needs to just dead the whole Racheal thing, I know its a developing plot line but him constantly hurting over her is in my opinion taking away from his business side.

Domingo did do Ben wrong but all in all I think they needed to give that story line so Ben will make a pass at the older lady (whos a milf).

Cams in a good spot, it finally feels as if hes finding his groove and i think hes hitting his stride at the perfect time.
Knew Ben was smashing sooner or later. Made the right decision for sure although it will complicate things moving toward. Dope move nonetheless.
man one thing about this show that i love is the soundtrack.... 
Originally Posted by youngin33

Knew Ben was smashing sooner or later. Made the right decision for sure although it will complicate things moving toward. Dope move nonetheless.

This. I just think she finna make him her boytoy and in the end he's just gonna be confused.
@ how much tittays was in this ep. so much for putting my family on to the show
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Wow, this episode. I bet native New Yorkers HATE this show.
Nah... I think the show drags too much with unnecessary characters but overall it's pretty good.
[rant] I can't staaand Rene, or his goons, or his girl, or her daughter. Like who gives a F about them and their stupid product? The show should be about Ben, Cam, Domingo and David. They're our peers and we can all somewhat relate to their struggles but inserting this old neighborhood thug and characters like Rachel only bring the true positive characters down. Like what Dom did to Entourage.
I understand they need challenges for the main characters to overcome but inserting and keeping some of these people is just overkill. When Entourage needed to strengthen its show's content they simply put the spotlight on Turtle, Drama, E and Ari's women and money problems. I think they should do the same for this show. They got the perfect four man crew already. Just cut the slack.[/rant]
Originally Posted by jayt206

Originally Posted by ORSRT8

Originally Posted by blasdiaz

too soon to tell dont you think. and i dont think watchers need to focus on that imo. 
just enjoy rene's antics, 
Remember when Rene made Cam help burn up the truck to get the tshirts back in season 1? I think thats gonna come back to bite them.
This, you know Rene will claim Cam owes him money and may try to claim his own percentage from their future profits if they do actually get that far in the show.
lol i know,, what i was trying to say is that, until that part happens, just watch it for whats happening on each episode.
i dont want to get too ahead of my self, thats why i said i dont think watchers should focus on that future dilemma.

anyway if thats how you like it go ahead
Originally Posted by airjordan05

For some strange reason after watching that last episode I feel like something is going to happen to capo, like hes going to kill himself or attempt to hurt himself.
Nah he's just gonna be poor now.
No way they're gonna be able to fulfill an order from Gadzooks...500 hoodies? yeah right watch those chicks order a few thousand and then they're gonna be in the SAME exact situation Rene is in 

I have been dvr'ing the show... Do I need to watch the first season, to catch onto the second?
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