I hate to do it but "SERIOUSLY PEOPLE FRONT HAAARRRRRDDD ON twitter!!"

most of #NT is just on twitter for the lulz

i feel y'all on the fb thing though. never had one, never will

(although i do think if this google+ pops off, it will be a big improvement)
Originally Posted by flores

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by flores


What pleasure would you get out of OP posting pics?...*#*$ is getting so played...Anyways people front everywhere on the net, is done on here on the regular, I guess is a way to boost your own ego, since most likely in real life there is no way you can fool anyone....I have a few girls on my facebook who just crack me up, they talk about the fab life and have to present their foodstamps's card as their main ID to get into a club, then I have this one chick who is about 60lbs overweight who is just by far the most obnoxious person I know off, all her friends are much thinner than her, yet she wears the least clothing and skimpiest two piece bathing suits with gut overlapping the bikini bottom
and she doesn't hesitate to post this on her facebook...
Calm down. It ain't that serious.

Yeah it never is, just makes you look like you are reachin.
Originally Posted by BEAST MODE

Social media can be both beneficial and detrimental at the same time. But if your adding ppl just for the sake of having followers or friends and getting mad at what these ppl post on these networking sites then your doing it wrong.

EXACTLY. If you know how to control your social networking usage, you shouldn't have a problem. If you add every single person you come across, people who you vaguely
even know, and accept every invitation or whatever, then you brought that problem on yourself. On facebook, I keep up with friends that I could easily call up who may be
in different states or something, and play fantasy football. I don't have a twitter account, I just read random celeb tweets cause there's always instant laughs (Wale
), but
all that RT RT RT #SwagwooSwag #lifeswhatYOUmakeIT stuff is some of the lamest *#(> I've ever seen.  
I have a girl that I work with and she fronts like a mother on Facebook. Always talking about being positive and motivated in life and the whole time, she tells me in person how she's such an emotional wreck. The worst thing about it is how other people on Facebook boost up her ego and tell her how she is such an inspiration to their lives. Only if they knew the truth.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

You ever think that maybeee it isn't social media in general but just the people you associate yourself with who are lame?

I have a facebook. I have over 1000 friends. All people I met through college and grad school that I use it to keep in touch with.

A few (maybe a handful) of them post things like you describe but those people themselves are lame. It has nothing to do with social media itself being stupid or you being advanced for your age. Certain people just like to present themselves a certain way and tend to be fixated on certain things.


Ding, ding, ding. Here is your answer. Stop associating with lame people.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

This is why i deleted my facebook a little over a year ago.

I have a twitter but i only use it to keep up with  world events/music/celebs and talk to about 5 of my friends that I have on it.  I am a private person and have learned that I do not like social networking at all.

Social networking = Cool points contest

I completely agree with you when you say "something is going on and it scares me"  I don't really know what it is...or how bad it is going to get...but why do people feel the need to put their/other peoples business out in public, or try to live an e-lie.

truest words in this thread. This goes for fb especially. I deleted mine months ago and have no desire to bring it back. It was fun in high school, after that it became embarrassing to witness what people do for attention on there. Twitter on the other hand can be entertaining and informative at times. 
I understand your frustrations OP. Social Networking has been exactly that.
Female perspective: "Who's got the most dudes thirsty for their box?"


Male perspective: "Do you have more swag (or females) on your sack compared to the next man?"

It can become media circus from time to time, but if you are using it strictly for business then continue doing so. If it wasn't for my current venture, I would have deleted mine a long time ago as well.
Its not that hard to unfollow someone .......... The people I see who get mad about twitter, are the ones who have no followers ... Sorry youre boring lol
Originally Posted by The Encore

Its not that hard to unfollow someone .......... The people I see who get mad about twitter, are the ones who have no followers ... Sorry youre boring lol
You are exatly what is wrong with twitter.

I just get on twitter to talk #$%^ and get info about music. I don't follow, but a few people that I know and when they tweet its few and far between. I usually just follow NT for the lulz though. I don't take any of it seriously.  
On Facebook, I Hide/Block 90% of my "Friends List"

Its True, Its like a senior year Popularity contest.

But I enjoy FB/Twitter, to keep in touch with Fam and Friends.. and Whats going on in the world While I'm deployed etc.

I really think its lame when people gripe every 10 min. about school/waking up at 7 am/ or lame a** problems or how hot it is.. venting how there GF/BF/Babies Daddy/Momma Is a deadbeat... Get Real... Grow Up.
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by The Encore

Its not that hard to unfollow someone .......... The people I see who get mad about twitter, are the ones who have no followers ... Sorry youre boring lol
You are exatly what is wrong with twitter.

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Deleted my fb account back in January because of this crap. Social networking in general is pretty pointless and a massive 'look at me' party.
Deleted mine in February and I couldn't have said it any better. Just an attention game.

pretty much, deleted mine as well. as far twitter, i dont follow much people nor does anyone follow me but on fb that stuff was an epidemic. dudes flexin sneakers bought with financial aid money or allowance 
 chicks start to be open about smoking weed stuff is mad childish and just a whole buncha lame stuff was goin on. my newsfeed was 
I lie every once in a while, as a joke.

my friends all have fb but they don't care about their accounts.
they don't log in for months at a time (WHITE FLIGHT IS REAL!)
Dont blame it on the social networks. The entire internet is full of liars and fronters, even good ol NT
Hate to say it but a lot of you guys sound like grumpy old men. Reminds me of when I got AIM as a youngster and my parents couldn't understand why I wouldn't just call whoever I wanted to talk to. Lines of communication have been advancing for as long as people have recorded history. I don't use FB to show off, I use it to communicate and pass time. Sure alot of the stuff people post is BS, but alot of it is interesting also. As far as twitter, #NTwitter has had me literally in tears at times, also a great time killer. If all the people you know are lame and post lame stuff, it says alot about who you associate with. Jussayin
I love the,"everyone you associate is lame or low grade" argument. This are people I DON'T associate with but were apart of my PAST!! I honestly hate to say it but it honestly its so easy to see the difference between people that will have it vs. the people that talk about those that have it. As I get older I see that all men are created equal they just won't equally succeed. I'm not saying these things cannot be used as tools but lets be honest the VAST majority of people on there are not talking about anything and its a cry for attention. Why would you tweet your bestfriend to come over and have a full fledged convo about your night on a public stage when you can do that with text? I dunno maybe I'm just shell shocked with how much of a bird my ex is now and how hard people were fronting on there. We gotta do better though ya'll.
This should be the case for all the people with 500 plus friends. I have around 250 which is still too much and the ignorance has gone down substantially. You can also hide posts from people
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