I never knew that......

Technology made things better and worse simultaneously. We get things at an instant but do we really need things at an instant?
And I understand that and it's completely reasonable to think that way. It's just crazy that majority of these kids are all about the e-fame and being trolls online. No one plays pick up ball or suggests to go to a park and play football. No one gets on their bikes and explore the city anymore. It's just different.

I miss playing basketball on my driveway too. Now you can't do that because of HOA.

1) i agree 100% here. all about how many "likes" they get. sad.

2) NOTHING like hopping on my fixed up VFR and hooking up with the friends and doing this. make the trek to the nearest McDonald's or liquor store or riding down the riverbed as far as we'd go before we got scared and then turn back. :lol:

3) that's CRAZY! HOA is the worst. :smh:

Technology made things better and worse simultaneously. We get things at an instant but do we really need things at an instant?

double edged sword, unfortunately.
Summers as a young kid and teenager, I'd be up till midnight sometimes 2am watching classic TV shows.

What is considered classic now to the younger generation, Kardashian season 1? :lol:
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Y'all making me miss my childhood too much.

I used to live in an apartment complex and there were a crap load of kids. We straight up to no good. So much fun.

Them Saturday morning cartoons were the greatest as were the toons after school.

Then heading out with the goons to ball and play tag. Man.

Went by too fast man :smh:

Where'd the innocence go.
Man during the summer we used to play baseball/home run Derby/football...take a break eat some lunch...maybe play some Goldeneye etc...then get ready for manhunt at night :pimp:...then rinse and repeat the next day :lol:
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We all have the option of putting our smart phones away.
But real talk, when I'm looking up a new adress or have a question on my mind that's been bugging me. The handy dandy iPhone is there to save the day.
I'd much rather have this technology than not....but it is weird to see kids spend countless hours watching youtube videos instead of being outside getting their clothes dirty and punching a kid in the face.

Then again, ppl thought we were lazy when we were kids :lol:
I'd much rather have this technology than not....but it is weird to see kids spend countless hours watching youtube videos instead of being outside getting their clothes dirty and punching a kid in the face.

Then again, ppl thought we were lazy when we were kids :lol:

They watch the weirdest videos. People opening up toy boxes and watching other people play video games. I don't get it.
I watch playthroughs all the time, most games don't catch my interest so I just like to see people go through it :lol:
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