Im out


Aug 6, 2014
Yo whats good NT

i dont know why im making this thread but whatever. Read it if you want or just post pics of thick latinas.

Im at this point of my life where im about to give up. I dont want to be around anymore. I get a feeling of death almost 4 times a week. I either want to kill myself or just get up and go. Go to another state or country and see what happens. Good or bad. If its bad i aint trippin since i dont want to be around. If its good cool i guess. Its like i have a small amount of hope somewhere in me but all my other emotions overtake it.

Maybe im just an idiot for feelin like this maybe not.

Im 24,
I am an alcoholic
I have an open drug case and am out in bail
I have a job that i barley make it to
I have a beautiful GF but idk man ive been making selfish choices.

Im tired of fronting with everyone like everything is all good when its the conplete opposite. Ive tried multiple things to help me stop feeling the way i do and man let me tell you, its a ****** struggle foreal.

I either distance myself or only kick it with my girl cuz she does make me feel good but she doesnt even know how im feeling. I guess this is why im writing all this.

I try going to church, ill stop drinking for a week or two, exercise, and thats about it. I honestly dont have motivation or anything to make me even want to try anything else.

Since i was 14 ive had people i know dying left and right.

Gang violence, drunk drivers, sensless murders

People always in and out of jail and prison.

Im bi polar and i think i might have a slight case of depression.

Two things holding me back from suicide is the fact that i beleive in heaven and hell. And that my mom would have to bury me. And it kind of weighs heavy on my mind and heart.

So this is why i just want to burn off. Dont know where. Just go south. And do it alone. **** gets bad then i guess ill off myself.

None if this might make sense but whatever man its diffrent typing versus talking.

sometimes it helps to get away from things for a little while to readjust, but "offing" yourself isn't really a solution to things. there's always a trail that follows that kind of action. plus it is kind of selfish. i'm sure there's lots of people who care about you despite what you may think at the moment. focus on that. easier said than done cause the last thing people want to hear when they're in some kind of situation is that things will get better with time, but making sharp decisions when you're clouded up with negative thoughts isn't the way to go. cool out, man up a little bit and just focus on what you want to do for yourself and those around you who care the most

Be safe out here. Tell your fam and your girl that you love them.

Hope you get through your hardships sooner than later.

Myself, I'd just chill with my girl and actually talk to her about how I feel. If she still gives you that good feeling, there's still hope for you.

I know everyone is usually all jokes on here but if you need us, we got you fam.

Stay up.
I kinda get whatchu mean.. You're bored with life, you feel like it's offered everything it can to you and you don't want to live your whole life bored.. Who would? I think that you should go try something drastic..don't confine yourself to what we're "supposed to do" go off and do what makes you happy!. Do something drastic! Don't sit around and do the same thing everyday..and don't be afraid to ask for help.
OP, you gotta man up son. Life is hard. But you learn to deal with it and from that life gets better. I think you've had a long run of bad **** happening to you and you don't see how good life can get. I'm in a bad situation myself but I have faith and hope that in the long run my halcyon days have not passed and are yet to come.

You have to have faith in yourself and in this life. Cut out the bad ****, leave it behind and just focus on the positive in your life. Try to distance yourself, if you can, from the stuff that makes negative thoughts come into your head. All you need is a steady streak of positive stuff to happen in your life for momentum to build and from it you can see what your life truly has to offer.

Don't take the easy way. You'll look back at this when your old and gray and be like "why the hell did I ever think of doing that?"

Stay up son.

All you need is one foot in front of the other.

Youre not bipolar and depression is a 21st century term for sucking a tit the rest of your life.

You are an A SS H O L E though....

Come to AA brother... you in SoCal hit me up. I live this crazy life where I help alcoholics. All the while I ... buy supreme $hit and nikes... while I stay meeting cool people and try to see where I can be helpful...

Was 3YEARS 6MONTHS AGO when I stopped drinking.. but was miserable until I found AA.

People are always gassed when they see me wearing SUPREME
dont eem get the significance of you telling us that you wear supreme
dont eem get the significance of you telling us that you wear supreme
Youre not bipolar and depression is a 21st century term for sucking a tit the rest of your life.

You are an A SS H O L E though....

Come to AA brother... you in SoCal hit me up. I live this crazy life where I help alcoholics. All the while I ... buy supreme $hit and nikes... while I stay meeting cool people and try to see where I can be helpful...

Was 3YEARS 6MONTHS AGO when I stopped drinking.. but was miserable until I found AA.

People are always gassed when they see me wearing SUPREME
dont eem get the significance of you telling us that you wear supreme


Life is beautiful op, it's rough as hell but that's what makes it beautiful.

Talk to your girl about how you're feeling. Go to counseling, which is NOT a negative thing. Too often we try to fight these things on our own and we just can't.

Maybe you and your girl should take a vacay together and clear your head.

From the sound of things you don't have it that bad and things can alway change.

And when things get tough play this

You seem like you know what you need to do. You just need to take that step, and work on what you need to change. It's always easy to just say I going to seek help, but it isn't. You need to hit your lowest point to realize you can't do it on your own. Whatever you've been doing hasn't been working so make that change. I had a close brother who had a similar situation maybe even worse. He's overcome it. He had the love and support from my gma, mom, sis and me.

Take it day by day, set small attainable goals, then achieve. You'll be glad you did. Much love man!
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Dont do it, theres no coming back from suicide. You want to quit life? Dont. Quit all the negative things in your life, like the drinking. And get away from anyone who drinks. Get away from anyone and everyone who does not want to help you be better.

Grab a Bible, talk to God, he will give you comfort and peace like no one else can.
Philipians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus".
You seem like you know what you need to do. You just need to take that step, and work on what you need to change. It's always easy to just say I going to seek help, but it isn't. You need to hit your lowest point to realize you can't do it on your own. Whatever you've been doing hasn't been working so make that change. I had a close brother who had a similar situation maybe even worse. He's overcome it. He had the love and support from my gma, mom, sis and me.

Take it day by day, set small attainable goals, then achieve. You'll be glad you did. Much love man!

like dude said, one small POSITIVE step at a time.
smoke some weed with your girl and smash her brains out repeat :nthat: and eat some good food and just live life fam. there are people out there that would kill for the life that you live.
find another high, like yoga or lifting. air is free. alcohol costs money and slowly kills your insides.

where you live is messing with you. if you change scenery you'll realize your problems arent even important. you really think that the rest of the world is like where you live, but its not.

go move to cambodia or vietnam something. somewhere cheap so you dont have to spend a lot for a while. take 3 to 6 months living another life. and stop drinking. find another high.

i dont know what your bail situation is, but if you cant get out of that scene your in, look forward to it. dont end it here. youre quitting with out even checking the other levels of this game.

go in front of a mirror and smile. its lame. but being negative in any amount is always in the wrong direction. cut that streak of negativity with positive things. dont be ashamed to not be in the position you want to be in life right now. everyone is a work in progress. even the people who are doing well. dont give up if you think your goals are too far or unrealistic. you might find something better along the way.

youre 24, im 28, i feel the same way sometimes. not to that extent though. we only have like 50 to 60 yrs left in this world. and the last 25 yrs we'll be ******* old and ****. do things now. do it for the old peeps who wish they did more when they were younger.

wear supreme.
Real life brotha we're all here if you need to talk. I'm dealing with some similar stuff right now depression,a drug case,the possible end of my career,a broke down car, and an ain't **** female. Please brotha if you need to talk PM any of us,we'll listen mane just don't give up just keep pressing on The Father or whatever Higher Power you believe in has a plan for you my brotha. Please don't give up You wake up every morning for a reason my brotha. You have a purpose here You're meant to have an impact on somebodies life here!!
Try reading the book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. One of my favorite quotes he includes is "My life has been full of many misfortunes, most of which never happened". You've got a tough situation now, but you don't know how all of this will effect you in the long run. Maybe your alcohol addiction will lead you to clean up and be able to help others with similar issues. When you hear older people talk about their pasts, often times they say they don't regret one part of it. The struggles are what make you grow.
And if you have a loving girlfriend, you should think hard about it before you just up and run away from her. That could end up making you feel even worse. However, it is also important that you find happiness and strength within yourself as opposed to only from other people.
You can get through it man, things have a way of working themselves out. Just take it day by day. Try to make it to bedtime, and then do the same thing tomorrow.
I've always liked watching this video when I feel down. Maybe you can get something from it too.

Stop worry about yourself and go help someone else. That will get your mind off of your own issues and you can improve the lives of other people.
This in turn may give you a greater sense of fulfillment and reduce the bleakness of your own personal situation.
Flourish by helping others flourish.
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