I'm white, how do I bag a cute Asian girl?

Originally Posted by Put em up

@ "white people symbolizes success"

I learned this through an ethnic studies class that dealt with Asians
and that's what some of the girls (they were Asian) that were in there said

Personally if you have confidence and a high self-esteem, I would think that many girls would find that attractive regardless of race
Originally Posted by snow pl0w

I have clicked up with a pretty well rounded cast of cold pieces, but never an Asian girl. In the midwest there aren't a ton of them around but sometimes I see some cutie pies. But I always assumed they prefer to date Asian guys; where as I have blonde hair and blue eyes and dress pretty preppy. Is there any hope for me? My buddy is Asian and he told me to stay away, because their parents are very protective and the girls can be super materialistic..but he lived in Korea until he was like 12, so his views may not represent all Asian girls.

preppy = no no and yes, asian parents are VERY strict... the parents will whoop yo $@!
asian chicks love white men, you should have no problems bagging one.
I always see Abercrombie & Fitch type white boys with Asian women all the time. Hell, I even see old fat white men with bad Asian chicks. Being black andtrying to bag one is a different story...
Originally Posted by aaronpayumo

you must be pretty ugly for a white dude...

But, yeah, seriously, if you're WHITE and you don't know how to get an Asian girl, then
Originally Posted by acidicality

Screw you.


But seriously, if you're white, you should have no trouble getting (most) Asian girls. I'm Asian btw. If you just show your confidence a lot of Asian girls are easy to get. It just sucks that a lot of Asian dudes have small....confidence. Me included, somewhat.
pfftt speak for yourself
..na but youre pretty much onpoint. I noticed asian girls in cali love white boys especially if the preppy ones. The only asian girls that don't really mess with white guys are thehoodrats, but then you wouldn't want those anyways nothing but drama.
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

they will come to you... asian girls love the white man.

- Yeah, just make sure that you are legitimately rich and can put a coherent sentence together and you're IN. They will worship you for longtime.
Alot of Asian chicks go for white dudes now'days.
My cousin's go bananas for them.
i'm from the midwest (minneapolis) also, i don't think it's a stretch at all for a white dude and asian girl to get together...

but it does also depend on what kind of asian i suppose.

we got a lot of hmong girls up here
they seem to get with white boys quite a bit round here.

WARNING: pretty much all the hmong girls i've messed with have some SERIOUS insecurity issues and the parents indeed do not like white boys.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

i'm from the midwest (minneapolis) also, i don't think it's a stretch at all for a white dude and asian girl to get together...

but it does also depend on what kind of asian i suppose.

we got a lot of hmong girls up here
they seem to get with white boys quite a bit round here.

WARNING: pretty much all the hmong girls i've messed with have some SERIOUS insecurity issues and the parents indeed do not like white boys.

YO! Hmong girls are mad
if not, they're on the ghetto side.
I'm Laos if that matters, but most of the hmong people I know are
straight up grody looking..
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