Is Anyone a Coke Head?

One time in Vegas this ****** gave me some. Woke up the next morning with a bag full of cash but no clothes.

Nah. It's a novelty thing. People think Mexican coke is made with cane sugar opposed to high fructose corn syrup like it is in the states but studies consistently show the stuff bottled in Mexico test at the same levels for fructose.

They do taste a little different but imo American coke taste better. If anythinng MexiCoke taste slightly watered down. I'm skeptical of the people who say Mexican coke taste better I really thing it's a novelty/hype thing, people see it cost twice as much as regular coke and as I mentioned there's a perception regarding ingredients.
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I highly disagree about the Mexican coke. A medio litro bottle from my neighborhood taco stand definitely tastes different than the regular Mexican coke they sell at stores. I have a feeling the ones at stores aren't Mexican at all
Quit drinking soda cold turkey ab 5 years ago but I'll have one every few months just because.
They do taste different I'm just saying the notion that Mexican Coke is made with kind of some real authentic pure artisan cane sugar has proven to be false. 

Personally I don't find i taste better. Does taste less sweet to me. But give me an ice cold can of American coke > *

Apparently there are also much less stringent bottling standards in Mexico so there's gonna a lot more variability in formulas depending on factory when you compare Mexican coke with American bottled coke. 
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Yeh mex coke is lit, plus drinks in glass taste better too
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Used to drink coke a lot when I was a kid, then stopped drinking soda for damn near 10 years. For the past 5 or so years I allow myself one Coke a week and each time it tastes like pure sex bruhs
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Used to be but I had to chill, I used to be more excited for the unlimited refills than the food at some restaurants
They do taste different I'm just saying the notion that Mexican Coke is made with kind of some real authentic pure artisan cane sugar has proven to be false. 

Personally I don't find i taste better. Does taste less sweet to me. But give me an ice cold can of American coke > *

Apparently there are also much less stringent bottling standards in Mexico so there's gonna a lot more variability in formulas depending on factory when you compare Mexican coke with American bottled coke. 

I bought a pack of Mexican Coke from Costco a few years back because nt hyped them up so much. They were basically less carbonated Coke. I agree that it tasted less sweet. I like American Coke better.
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