Is there a more useless job than...

Ahhhh....just remembered why they fine and arrest people with the bootleg dvds. They usually carry a stash of pornos too. I forgot about that. Haha...
Parking lot security guards, I guess most security guards who aren't armed and simply watch. They can't legally detain you, they aren't armed, allthey can do is call real police. Now if you're like protecting something like manning the door or an expensive diamond or something, than more power to theexistance of that job. But to just drive around the mall parking lot and look, seems kind of wasteful. They hire them at most malls, Wal Marts, and shoppingcenter buildings around here now too.
There's a guy that works in my college that get paid to take attendance in the 500-seat lecture hall.
He's only checking to see if someone's actually sitting in your seat. I think that's all he does.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

The person who marks your receipt before you leave the store- they do this at Sam's. The person obviously checks your bag/cart content against your receipt (or would if they actually gave a !%%%), but what's the point of scribbling on the receipt? Are you guys going to not let me return something if my receipt doesn't have a random scribble across it.
my friend works the door at costco and makes $19 a hour and double on sundays
there actually is a point to those people that mark receipts, i think. if they didnt mark receipts, you could just go back and grab a new batch of items thatyou just paid for and walk out.
Originally Posted by Matt53

They're job is about as useless as the people who pump your gas in Oregon (its illegal to pump your own)

you say that bu in jersey we dont pump our own gas. I can think of a myriad of reasons, but there is the lowest percentage of gas theft in NJ and Oregon. Alsothose pumps are FILTHY. I went to school out of state and HATED pumping my own gas. Hand sanitizer before during and after. EDIT* and jersey has the cheapestgas in the country, and no you dont tip those guys.
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by 18key

People pumping gas for me at gas stations. Like, I know it creates jobs and everything, but damn I want to pump my own damn gas and know I'm putting the right kind of gas in my car. I dont want regular grade getting pumped into my super-grade-required engine. If it doesnt even take a high school degree to get this job, should they really be handling flammable, explosive liquids?


Well, then you ask for gas for a 'super-grade' engine. It doesn't take a HS degree to drive either, I believe. Besides, why would one want to get out their car on the cold winter/fall days or nights, during blizzards and such. I don't. Also, if more states had full-service at gas stations it would create plenty of jobs during a time where everyone needs a job (as stated). Imagine California with full-service, a place where a lot have cars and a state in serious debt. I dont know the entire background of CA's debt, but IMO it would help.

wouldn't that make gas go up? do you have to tip those people? if so i'll pump my own gas...
A tip is never a "have to". And spots that usually have attendants tend to be pretty cheap. When you leave NY you don't even copgas till you reach NJ.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by jrp44

Or probably just quote me and post my avatar, you'd be the first ever to do that
that annoys the hell outta me!!! like when i make a comment then someone use my avy like im tryin to be like OJ.

Originally Posted by krazy88s

^^ No, you don't tip. Attendant walks up to you. Just say how much you want. Attendant pumps the gas. You pay and leave.
It's like ten cents more a gallon. I only use full service in the winter/rain.
Originally Posted by donpoppa

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

The person who marks your receipt before you leave the store- they do this at Sam's. The person obviously checks your bag/cart content against your receipt (or would if they actually gave a !%%%), but what's the point of scribbling on the receipt? Are you guys going to not let me return something if my receipt doesn't have a random scribble across it.
my friend works the door at costco and makes $19 a hour and double on sundays
The people that check receipts at costco also do other things aside from checking receipts. They do inventory check and other things too. Thewhole point of them scribbling on your receipt is so you don't take your receipt back in the store grab the same stuff and walk out again and say you paidfor it already.
They used to be pretty slack around here but recently they have sharpened up - must have had a problem.

My wife goes nuts because when I go to Costco I normally buy some business stuff and often something like some t's or socks for myself - and pay for thatwith a different card. I then have 2 receipts.

I usually put the second one for the socks or whatever in my pocket and leave everything in the cart. They used to just look at the cart and then sign thereceipt - but recently they have stopped and gone back over the receipt and then asked if I have another one. I then act surprised like I forgot to show it andthen get it out.

I like to think I'm keeping them on their toes.
I think real estate agents are jokes. All it is is a popularity contest and they don't do anything than show you some houses which you could easily doyourself.
what about the guy in the club who hands you paper towels after you wash your hand?
like I can do that

these guys are usually real cool tho. I always chit chat with them while intoxicated
and grab a peppermint and maybe a splash of "Cool Water"
Not that their entire job is useless but, why does Airport security insist on seeing your laptop at the airport? You leave it in your bag in the tray and theycan see that you have one and tell you to take it out and run it through the xray machine again by itself. Why? It's not like you can see hard drivecontents. You're still just looking at the outside of a laptop
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Not that their entire job is useless but, why does Airport security insist on seeing your laptop at the airport? You leave it in your bag in the tray and they can see that you have one and tell you to take it out and run it through the xray machine again by itself. Why? It's not like you can see hard drive contents. You're still just looking at the outside of a laptop

Xrays let them see inside %%*%, thats why they do it to look at broken bones fool. It lets them see if theres a bomb inside. SMH
Whats worse is the "receipt checkers" at Home Depot.
You just saw me pay for this ****.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

Not that their entire job is useless but, why does Airport security insist on seeing your laptop at the airport? You leave it in your bag in the tray and they can see that you have one and tell you to take it out and run it through the xray machine again by itself. Why? It's not like you can see hard drive contents. You're still just looking at the outside of a laptop

Xrays let them see inside %%*%, thats why they do it to look at broken bones fool. It lets them see if theres a bomb inside. SMH
A bomb inside a laptop fool? Where they do that at?
Originally Posted by TheHavik

Whats worse is the "receipt checkers" at Home Depot.
You just saw me pay for this ****.
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