Jay Z says 'My presence is charity', compares self to Obama in response to Harry Belafonte's critici

And if Diggy Simmons does that for an entire generation of Black men then his presence can be charity too.

The generational gap is clear with the Jay-Z being more influential and having done more than MLK. If it weren't for MLK, Jay would be a busboy at Warren Buffet's table.


Yea, bruh.

You don't wanna see this dude be anything more than another n word in the world.

Keep fostering that hate.
That same preacher is probably leading a march through the neighborhood against gun violence. Don't know about your hood, but I see this all the time.

Naw bruh, in black communities there's a church on every corner if not more than one.

If so many preachers were doing marches on gun violence, there wouldn't be any gun violence. Half of these streets that all these black churches are on aren't safe besides on Sunday.
It's always funny to me how people expect Jay-Z and other celebs to do more for their community than the preacher they go see every Sunday.

That same preacher is probably leading a march through the neighborhood against gun violence. Don't know about your hood, but I see this all the time.
I live in the DMV and I never see that. All the preachers out here drive Bentleys and do real estate deals and talk about it. Apparently it inspires other working professionals in the community to aspire to more, since they see one of their own doing these things.
The DMV ain't Brooklyn. Your neighborhood isn't my neighborhood. Most of NYCs gun violence comes from guns purchased in Virginia.

Hate? Hardly. If it weren't for Belafonte funding King, Jay would be a busboy.
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So.....you're saying that Brooklyn is more dangerous than the DMV, or that your preachers are more dedicated than those in the DMV?

And I misread your previous statement, I thought you were saying that Jay Z NOW is Warren Buffett's busboy.
Naw bruh, in black communities there's a church on every corner if not more than one.

If so many preachers were doing marches on gun violence, there wouldn't be any gun violence. Half of these streets that all these black churches are on aren't safe besides on Sunday.
Quoted for truth.... ppl lining up seeking counsel/inspiration/hope from some dude... who has a legal policy that escapes himself from paying his fair share of taxes... preys on the lack of accountability/culpability of many AA woman. Speaking and advising on matters that pertain to social/economically and physiological ( to which he has no education in) Based on a altered, miscued, doctored, and simply flat out changed book that essentially was used to brainwash and control AA, which lead to ultimately where AA are today.

If anybody is a detriment and has hurt done wrong in the AA community is the black church. Its book has set black ppl back far greater then any rappers lyrics ever had, and its principals has taken more money from the AA community then every rapper combine has ever had.   
Here we go with the atheism kick. Definitely the cool thing to do now. The black church was KEY during the Civil Rights Movement but I guess they were all crooks.
You talking about reading with comprehension is hilarious. Because you are reading but you sure as hell aint comprehending. In every post I have given Jay-Z credit but point out that he is not as inspirational as MLK or others that have much greater contributions.
By that example EVERY SINGLE rich person should be looked up to. No matter what they did to get there.
Because it doesnt matter what they did in their past, all we should look at is how successful they currently are.

Jay-Z should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER, be mentioned with great men like MLK, Malcolm X, and even Obama.
His impact has had no where near the effect as those men. It would be one thing if he was giving out actual tips on how to become successful.
In other words He has an impact but his contributions dont qualfy him to be mentioned with these guys.

No verse Jay-Z will EVER write will EVER be more inspiring to black people than the "I Have A Dream" speech.
Ididnt say his verse wouldnt be inspiring to someone around the world, but it will never have the impact that MLK had

Jay-Z hasnt done anything EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE to ANY of those things.
Again, that sentence didnt stop at anything. It say anything remotely close, which implies that he did something, but it was not on the same level of what a MLK did.
Real talk, though. The Black church WAS key to progress in the Black community.

Nowadays it's one of the worst things happening to the Black community.

All it's doing is convincing Blacks that they're powerless, and that all successful Blacks are bad people, and blah blah.
Now I see why when black people get famous and wealthy they stray away from their roots. If Jay Z was caught on camera in your neighborhood buying something, how much revenue you think that store will gain afterwards ? How many people you think went to that museum after his video? Oblivious to the obvious.
To all those who say you got everywhere by yourself...ill be the first to admit I'm not that strong. Ballot or the bullet, I have a dream, ***** Experience, Grammy Family, my moms words n sayings, my aunts n uncles and cousins, Obama. Some of my teachers, Polaris republic, my stepdad, my brother, my church, n a host of other people got me to where I am, be it ideas, actual help, motivational words or a symbol.

I guess I'm a weak person because I didn't do everything in a bubble, only inspired by my ownself.

All those people you mentioned are acceptable people to inspire you to get to where you are today but when you mention a guy that got rich by rapping about how he sold drugs, it sounds silly.

Where is the rags to riches story about a guy who busted his *** working odd jobs to put himself through school and went on to run a business legally?

And then we got this guy trying to downplay what MLK did for the black community like are you serious. When Jayz is shot to death for trying to better the black community then we can talk
Ya'll ****** are pathetic
Now I see why when black people get famous and wealthy they stray away from their roots. If Jay Z was caught on camera in your neighborhood buying something, how much revenue you think that store will gain afterwards ? How many people you think went to that museum after his video? Oblivious to the obvious.
You make a point here.

I remember when Obama started eating at Five Guys in DC - That place boomed so fast, they had to hire more workers to accommodate the volume coming in.
Every sentence jay z one upped himself in stupidity. Lmao
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You talking about reading with comprehension is hilarious. Because you are reading but you sure as hell aint comprehending. In every post I have given Jay-Z credit but point out that he is not as inspirational as MLK or others that have much greater contributions.
In other words He has an impact but his contributions dont qualfy him to be mentioned with these guys.
Ididnt say his verse wouldnt be inspiring to someone around the world, but it will never have the impact that MLK had
Again, that sentence didnt stop at anything. It say anything remotely close, which implies that he did something, but it was not on the same level of what a MLK did.
To you..... How are you gonna speak for everyone. There are ppl who are inspired by Jay Z, Micheal Jordan etc... and aren't inspired by les say a Mahatma Gandhi at all...one would argue or even know who Gandhi was.

Never compared impact as far as what their contributions/changes did for AA as a whole. Im speaking again on TODAYS AA youth. And TODAYS AA in most parts can tell you more about the latest hottest rapper, and sees more inspiration in them and other AA entertainers etc... then a Huey Newton, a Malcolm and Martin.

Jay Z nor did anyone in here say he has impacted and effectively made changes on the levels of those ppl. What was said was inspiration/hope for the current AA youth.

Its in the same since that a generation before was lol at saying mj was more inspirational impacted the world more then Ali. And those who said Ali, the generation before lol and said Jackie Robinson.

And to your example the ppl of Gandhi generation would find it foolish for you to say MLK impact and inspiration was greater or on the levels of his.

You guys realize you can give to charity without having your name attached to it, right? In fact, some people say that's the most genuine form of charity.

Get off Jay's jock man. That quote was taken out of context. The man even prefaced it by saying: "I know this is going to sound arrogant." Why not ask the same question to athletes who are making 10s of million dollars? Why not ask the same of prominent African-American actors? Why is it Jay-Z and his wife who should do more for the black community? Jay was 100% right in calling Harry's comments grandstanding.

If you can't respect that, your whole perspective is wack.
Real talk, though. The Black church WAS key to progress in the Black community.

Nowadays it's one of the worst things happening to the Black community.

All it's doing is convincing Blacks that they're powerless, and that all successful Blacks are bad people, and blah blah.
Keyword was...And just like ppl are doing in this thread in reference to MLK etc...and others are using the past and saying it has transferred to the current generation.

The inspiration those greats had at that time, doesn't resonate as much as it did then today. Same way for the Black church.

And speaking of church...im pretty sure the ministers and preachers of today have more impact, inspire/influence more AA (especially AA women) today then a MLK etc...does TODAY.

Does that diminish or say they did nothing...No. But I can promise you there is more AA (especially AA women) listening seeking inspiration/hope letting their words impact their lives etc... from Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, TD Jakes etc... today in their sermon, Then MLK and his I have a Dream speech.
It was the symbol that a Blackman from the hood can make something of himself. I'm telling you yes jay is helping me get through school. So many days I want to quit because I see where these other kids come from n I dont see n e one that looks like me, from where I'm from 'make it' when I turn on a jayz track I say to myself 'man if e can do it, if he can make it out, why can't you? Go to the library Dj, go read.' Say what you want about me, but Jay is motivation for me n others like me, if he weren't doin his thing I wouldn't have the confidence to do mine. I don't see me, I don't see black successful dudes all to often in my life n if I do they're telling me to 'assimilate. ' Jay n Obama are saying I don't have to, be proud, grind, **** haters. So...Yes Jay is helpin me get through this on some therapy. Just lost my best friend, broke down wanted to quit n go home, but listening to Oceans n remembering how n why I'm here pushes me to be 'greater'. I can't speak on a whole generation, but for me Jay being here is a charity, one that I know I need from time to time.
Damn Jay-z is helping you get through school, I thought he only inspired crack dealers?

The average child doesn't know anything about what you just said, even if Obama is purely a symbol to black kids that a black man can be president, that's completely fine. Your, or anyone else's political opinions don't really matter.​

Jay-Z is also not obligated to raise your children, but like I said before, just the symbol of where he was 20 years ago and where he is now is enough.​

A child doesn't know, but when he grows up and gets a dose of reality, what happens then? It's true that kids do look up to Jay just because of his humble beginnings. But should we encourage that? Jay is not alone. Like I said in my first post, his remarks only reflect what every celebrity thinks about themselves. The question remains, should we let kids idolize those who use power/celebrity/wealth to serve themselves as if there is no greater purpose in life? Does that make for a society worth living in? Where most people are motivated by self interest?
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Here we go with the atheism kick. Definitely the cool thing to do now. The black church was KEY during the Civil Rights Movement but I guess they were all crooks.
It keyword WAS...it was a clever and decisive move to galvanize AA to push agendas and make changes in their neighborhoods, their communities and ultimately for AA in the nation at large.

But your right I forgot about the national fight against black on black crime movement lead by Creflo Dollar. I must have missed the new million man march movement headed by TD Jakes. Dale Bonner (who I know and respect as a person) is leading the charge against gun violence.

Hows that movement to curb all the black on black crime in the DMV by Bishop Mckenzie going...? Oh that's right none of these things are happening.

But I guess they are doing good considering they are doing charitable work, to which they get government kick backs aka paid by having a 501c3. And half of the goods and services cost them nothing because the workers are volunteers (aka free labor) and the goods are provided by suckers (oops I meant wise church going) ppl of the community.
If Jay Z is your role model your life is trash to begin with
. This, I've never understood the appeal for this ugly *** dude. All he talks about in his songs are his past in drug dealing and how loaded he is. Yes, we get you're rich, please talk about something else for a change. How does he even influence people or the ghetto youth that relate to him? His narcissism is obnoxious and he has no self awareness... Talking about being the "black Brad Pitt" in one of his songs, LMAO. Has he looked in the mirror before?
If Jay Z is your role model your life is trash to begin with
. This, I've never understood the appeal for this ugly *** dude. All he talks about in his songs are his past in drug dealing and how loaded he is. Yes, we get you're rich, please talk about something else for a change. How does he even influence people or the ghetto youth that relate to him? His narcissism is obnoxious and he has no self awareness... Talking about being the "black Brad Pitt" in one of his songs, LMAO. Has he looked in the mirror before?
I hope you're a girl
That same preacher is probably leading a march through the neighborhood against gun violence. Don't know about your hood, but I see this all the time.
LOL @ the notion that preachers are doing this, and if they are that they're doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. Everyone knows preachers, especially those that cater to poor black people are pimps.
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