Just a Heads Up About Redbull, Energy Drinks & Adderall ......

Damn, so you think they're really the cause, or just helped increase the odds?

If I need energy, I just take caffeine pills.
Yeah man all of these new drinks/supplements that are loaded with all kinds of man made substances people are taking these days can't be good. No wonder all kinds of new diseases and conditions are popping up now.
If you find the active ingredient in something you are taking....you can usually find an organic/natural product/source that can provide a similar affect, but without the side affects or negative additives. It will be more expensive, but there is no pricetag on one's long term health.

This thread is comedy. :lol: At the people who think because they appear healthy now that what they have consumed won't have any long term health affects on them.
Where do you think all these diseases/illnesses are popping up from??? They didn't have all this stuff going on back in the 50's, 60's, 70's. The more man made food items and manufactured foods with all kinds of chemicals cannot be good for us.
I am not a scientist nor did I a stay at a Holiday Inn last night.....but I don't even want to know what the long term affects are of some of this stuff out there.

This guy isn't a scientist, yet he makes all of these assertions.

Are you just trolling threads?
OP, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as if you're stating that these energy drinks and medications caused you to have epilepsy. I would like to note that correlation =/= causation.

I read up into epilepsy and was surprised by the variations in epilepsy and its causes. These causes range from trauma, central nervous system infections/abnormalities, tumors, diseases, disorders, and physiological interactions which may cause cascading events.

Based on the variations in epilepsy and its causes, I can't agree without concrete evidence that energy drinks caused you to have epilepsy. I believe that it is more likely that your body/physiology may already contain the precursors for epilepsy, and the energy drinks provided the trigger to initiate the seizure.

Regardless, due to the variety of epilepsy and causes, I feel that there are a number of pressing issues that need to be addressed. Though your initial physician assumes that a lifetime of prescription and your assumed termination of epilepsy inducing energy drinks will prevent epileptic seizers, I believe that there needs to be a thorough diagnosis. Once we have a thorough understanding of the specific epilepsy and its actual causes, only then can we attack the root of the problem to find a true preventative approach.

I am concerned that if there are issues with your central nervous system, whether it be a tumor, infection, or abnormality, the complications that ensue could be more than just seizures.

I definitely second that you get multiple diagnoses from reputable physicians. It will be expensive, but assurance about your health is worth every penny.

Hope all is well and keep us updated
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doc tells me it's hard to pinpoint exactly what did it , but he thinks the energy drinks more so because i didn't do enough of the adderall, even though once i started the adderall the seizures followed shortly after .
as far as driving , the doctor says i can. the seizures i have are only in my sleep, never had one awake. thats why i said my wife and kids are scared as hell because i'm always home sleeping and they're around.
i appreciate the well wishes fellas
Of course the doctor isn't going to blame the Adderal, he gets paid to sell it. A lot of doctors get stuck in a little box and would never assume something that goes against their indoctrinated beliefs. I am sure that the energy drinks didn't help, but the adderal probably changed your brain chemistry. On a side note, I know tons of people who have experienced full blown seizures from xanax/benzodiazepine tranquilizer withdrawal. This type of withdrawal can lead to death also. Stay strong man, hopefully you will get past this and won't need to be on medication forever.
man sorry to hear OP

messed with energy drinks for a lil but they were type expensive

now i only drink water and green tea
My problem is having no caffeine intake at all because I don't like the coffee and I no longer drink sodas (dating back to a few years ago). There are days where I need some sort of energy to jolt me.
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My problem is having no caffeine intake at all because I don't like the coffee and I no longer drink sodas (dating back to a few years ago). There are days where I need some sort of energy to jolt me.
Drink Green Tea. Trust me. I still drink coffee cut with decaf from time to time in the morning but I've switched to Green Tea in the morning recently and I my body feels so much better
Damn dude. That's terrible to hear.

Hope all is well, man. Take care of yourself, and thanks for the first hand advice. I'm sure you helped a few people think twice.
2 mile run inside :wow:

Where did you used to work at?

big office building, every floor was just rows and rows of desks, huge cube farm. 1 lap was maybe 400m, so I'd do 8 laps a clip a few nights a week.
I pop adderall on occasion. Last year I was on the energy drink/adderall combo heavy. I remember staying awake for 47 hours consecutive hours. It was the worst **** ever not being able to sleep no matter how hard you tried.

Cut out the energy drinks. Think adderall may have a relation to depression because when I'm comig down, I'm down in the dumps.
Eye opening, glad I'm not on those drinks like that anymore. Hope all goes well OP.
Appreciate the advice OP. I try to stay away from those things as much as possible.
One non-carbonated energy mix is all I need to keep myself awake.

Been drinking them for 8 years and still healthy as can be. Blessed.
I drank RedBull twice - the regular and the caffeine free. I tried a Monster around 3 times as well. Never liked the taste but drank them 'cause I was thirsty and they were either free or given to me. I never tried Adderall but I wanted to get a script for it to stay focused in school because sometimes I have a hard time trying to understand what my professors are trying to infer. A lot of the professors in my University just tell stories and don't have good lecture skills so I wanted to see if the pills would help. I also have a small tendency to do other things instead of staying focused on reading or completing an assignment. I will definitely stay away from these pills and energy drinks.

Thanks for the heads up, I wish you the best.
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I will definitely take this to heart.

I'm turning 26 soon and need to prepare my body for the long haul into the rest of my life.

We all need to take care of ourselves.
This guy isn't a scientist, yet he makes all of these assertions.
Are you just trolling threads?

Once again, I'll state the same thing I asked you last night:

So you are dismissing the notion that man-made chemicals and toxins used on food and medicine cause diseases and illnesses?

You seem rather naive and full of yourself, but if that works for you.....then proceed.

And one does not need to be a scientist to have think about certain things.

Keep waiting for all of your concrete facts and data though.....|I
up to 300mg of caffine is good for adults.. As long as you don't have heart problems.

I pulled a few all nighters with maybe a pill and half of adderall and a handful of redbulls. After more than 48 hours of no sleep, I woke <tmi> up with the meanest stiffy, I felt like an 85 year man that hadn't had one in years.

The day after taking adderall, are the worst days ever. Shh seriously make me want to jump off a cliff. I can't f with them no more.

Yerba MATE is my shh, though.
I keep trying to tell my boys that they need to chill with the Red Bull...

They act like I'm stupid. :smh:
Never messed with energy drinks, get well OP

....ive never understood the appeal. ive managed a few individuals that drank energy drinks all day non stop like coffee.

.....there was actually a running joke at the job that if you took the drink out of this particular coworkers hand he'd fall over.
I pop adderall on occasion. Last year I was on the energy drink/adderall combo heavy. I remember staying awake for 47 hours consecutive hours. It was the worst **** ever not being able to sleep no matter how hard you tried.

Cut out the energy drinks. Think adderall may have a relation to depression because when I'm comig down, I'm down in the dumps.

i popped 2 addy's the other day and drank a redbull after i forgot i popped pills. i was laying on my bed and my whole bed was shaking because my heart was beating so fast. i pop too much of all pills. had a zan blackout the other day too. time to chill.
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