Just want to let it all out.

I never understood dudes who were all about being in serious relationships at young ages. Not saying it's a bad thing I just never understood it
he's 25. its completely a normal age to be looking for something serious.
True story. This has happened to me more times than I'd like to remember. If you don't SMASH then you can't expect them to have that same sort of committment. Chicks, smart chicks especially, are crazy dumb wired this way. For some reason a guy (simp if you want to call it) is okay with growing the relationship. Girls on the other hand, only will work super hard once you'e smashed. It's a sad but true truth.

At this point, your only option is to text her and say "I get it. Good luck with work and if we are ever in the area let's meet up for fun :wink:" That'll show you are capable of dropping her. Then for two weeks you can't message her (or if she messages) just take ur time (1 day+) responding. And if she gets emo about ur slow responding just call her and act positive and say sorry texts are tough for me to keep up with and proceed to have a great personality/woo her over the phone for a few hours.

in 2 weeks, go to her area for some other reason (say an interview or a friends wedding wtv nonsense). Tell her 2 days before the intended target date. Give her something easy that she could do. Don't suggest dinner, movie, an actual date. I've used successfully: I have a little bit of time after the wedding and before the reception, meet me at In & Out, i'll get the burger you get the fries. Then, however it needs to be done...you SMASH.

Then you can choose after that whether you want to have a relationship or not. She'll be wanting you + the moon at that point.

OP, if you're still alive please take this mans words, but above all. Please stay safe.
I never understood dudes who were all about being in serious relationships at young ages. Not saying it's a bad thing I just never understood it

he's 25. its completely a normal age to be looking for something serious.
Brah this is NT

We stay single til 40 and make 150k a year before thinking of the possibility of settling down b.. Then find the right one, wife her up and have 2 kids a boy and a girl.
Shes fine op

Hook me up im in socal and could deliver the D in your honor
Tag team brah

We out
Would be an honor papi
Is there room for a third?
Pretty sure if u drove a couple hours after talking for weeks, she was expecting you to smash and be more aggressive

I've made the mistake before. You meet a chick that you really like so you blindly convince yourself she's a good girl and an angel and treat her extra courteously. But in reality she just wanted the D cuz she's not different than most chicks.

Didn't read other responses but please don't tell me she had her own place.
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You can always get a better chick man.  One that's down for the cause too.
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Shes fine op

Hook me up im in socal and could deliver the D in your honor

Tag team brah

We out
Would be an honor papi

Is there room for a third?
Only if ur the third

Is there room for a third?
as long as theres no sword clashing
That's fine by me.
True story. This has happened to me more times than I'd like to remember. If you don't SMASH then you can't expect them to have that same sort of committment. Chicks, smart chicks especially, are crazy dumb wired this way. For some reason a guy (simp if you want to call it) is okay with growing the relationship. Girls on the other hand, only will work super hard once you'e smashed. It's a sad but true truth.

At this point, your only option is to text her and say "I get it. Good luck with work and if we are ever in the area let's meet up for fun :wink:" That'll show you are capable of dropping her. Then for two weeks you can't message her (or if she messages) just take ur time (1 day+) responding. And if she gets emo about ur slow responding just call her and act positive and say sorry texts are tough for me to keep up with and proceed to have a great personality/woo her over the phone for a few hours.

in 2 weeks, go to her area for some other reason (say an interview or a friends wedding wtv nonsense). Tell her 2 days before the intended target date. Give her something easy that she could do. Don't suggest dinner, movie, an actual date. I've used successfully: I have a little bit of time after the wedding and before the reception, meet me at In & Out, i'll get the burger you get the fries. Then, however it needs to be done...you SMASH.

Then you can choose after that whether you want to have a relationship or not. She'll be wanting you + the moon at that point.
Listen to this man.
Too may fish in the sea.

A very powerful concept, especially when you're confident in your ability to catch other fishes. Too easy to conclude what's going on here. She showed you some attention, and you connected on an emotional level. This may not happen too much for you, but this happens quite often for her. You caught feelings for a chick, and you're not sure if she's an innie or an outty, which is a no no.

Please hop on a badder B.
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