Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

he ain't trolling and it's pretty hilarious the dudes still defending him over shoe laces, leather and Boost soles
So do ALL that feel he is trolling, and/or wants to see how this plays out fall into the, "defending him over shoe laces, leather and Boost soles" category?
Plays out? This fool said slavery was a choice yesterday
Yea, I heard what he said.

You missed my question/point. Plays out = see where all of this ends up. When and if we find out it was purely to move units. I just don't see how any of us know (for sure) if he is/isn't doing this for attention. That is my point.
Yea, I heard what he said.

You missed my question/point. Plays out = see where all of this ends up. When and if we find out it was purely to move units. I just don't see how any of us know (for sure) if he is/isn't doing this for attention. That is my point.

If this is purely to move units he just alienated the majority of his fan base
I think if people buy it it's more interest than disagreement.

Like a car crash.

U never know tho it could be a dud because of this.
Anything is possible nowadays
If Kanye goes platinum because people disagree with his views, I’m done with the United States. We’re COMPLETELY lost in the sauce.
He will move units because of his past musics, his wackiness, and the fact that people have been waiting. It will happen, him saying wild stuff doesn't mean they WON'T listen. You know how many people tuned into Rush/Howard Stern/Fox News for RAGE viewership/listenership?

And you aren't going anywhere if it happens.
You can’t do that tho!

That’s gonna turn spewing ignorance, hate and negativity the new hot marketing tool. Everyone ain’t gonna be trolling tho.
You can’t do that tho!

That’s gonna turn spewing ignorance, hate and negativity the new hot marketing tool. Everyone ain’t gonna be trolling tho.
Cauley-Stein, He isn't the first or last that has used controversy to promote an individual project
To people like Kanye, Trump, any attention negative or positive is a win for them. Look at all the ignorance Trump tweets on a weekly basis and the media trips all over themselves to get at him. He loves it tho.

Now if Koonye has to resort to being the official entrance music for the alt-right wrestlemania in order to create buzz for an upcoming release, then his need for attention has reached beyond the stars and redemption will not come in this lifetime.
I don't understand how people think the timing of his album dropping means Kanye is using these white supremacists for publicity. Kanye never needed ANY publicity. Dude could have dropped the album without saying a gatdam word about it and it would have been #1, and his shoes would still sell out in minutes, regardless of how ugly/clunky he wants to make them.

This whoooole scenario is the white supremacists using his dumb *** for publicity. How many people outside the conservative bubble actually knew who the **** Candace Owens was before last week? Or Charlie ****ing Kirk? While we all debate Kanye's mental well being and ability to play consumers, these fools are sitting in their Chicago offices like


God only knows how much they've reaped in donations and SM followers since this whole nonsense started.
So do ALL that feel he is trolling, and/or wants to see how this plays out fall into the, "defending him over shoe laces, leather and Boost soles" category?

Yeah I don't know b. I understand where you're coming from, and we both know that people will turn heel and forgive dude in exchange for 13 tracks and a new sneaker release. But if he's willing to do this, and say these things, and try to manipulate people/rustle jimmies that much just to sell units, that shows how much he's sold out.

I personally can't get with that, but we know the majority can and will get with it.
Can we please stop with this "He just trolling like Trump" ****.

Trump did not get elected off of trolling.

Let's look at some the things that helped Trump win: Apathy toward Clinton, sexism towards Clinton, a continued white nationalist backlash against Obama and the Dems, Russia inference in the election, and what sealed at the end was Comey's dumbass letter. However, something that doesn't get talked about nearly enough is the suppression of Democratic voters, specifically black voters.

Since Obama got elected the GOP and their donors have been attacking the voting rights of African Americans constantly. They won a repeal of the Voting Rights act on a 5-4 conservative SCOTUS vote because the conservative judges said racism was not a concern in the modern day. Even though the GOP claimed they want to recertify the law, they never did. Instead, GOP ran red and purple states passed voter ID laws, closed DMVs in black neighborhoods, rolled back early voting, purged voter rolls, and refused to give ex-felons their voting rights back all in a systematic attempt to hurt black voters, and in turn, win elections

The courts have been overturning some of this buffoonery as we speak, and these fools keep appealing verdicts, so most of it is still in place, and openly GOP state officials are openly saying this helps them win elections.

Trump himself thanked black people that didn't vote in the 2016 election.

The mere election of Donald Trump was accomplished partially because of systematic white supremacy, not just because of trolling. Calling it trolling is ignoring a serious issue, and endorsing the win itself is tacitly (or maybe in Ye's case ignorantly) endorsing white supremacy.

So can we please stop is acting Trump and his buffoonery is innocuous. And there seems to be no joke with Kanye, he is serious, sure he could be using this for publicity, but all he can also really think he is doing it right now. If it backfires, then he will go from there.
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A close friend of mine is in Germany teaching music, if future endeavors work out, I’m gone. Tbh, this decision was made a while ago. I’m about sick of people, as I know them, altogether.
:lol: So yea, as I said, this has nothing to do with the goofy rapper dude
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