Kevin Samuels Thread

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What's being identified as "sus", "homo", or "old fashioned" is actually knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.

The fact that Samuels registers as "sus", "homo", "old fashioned" is saying more about your world view than it does Samuels (as a person).

If the rock hits you then you're supposed to hollar.

Trust me, I felt the same when Samuels spoke on dreadlocks / cutting your hair for corporate America.

Samuels was all kinds of "sus" and "sell out" and "Uncle Toms" for me too.

Then I got out of my feelings.

Looked at the facts.

Realized he's right.

Still aint cut my hair because I'm Ok with my life choices.

All part of being a Man.

Men cant afford to allow our emotions to trump reality.

Ex: There is ZERO evidence that Samuels is gay or a sell out or anything like that but because his opinions (based on facts, logic, and reason) do not comport with our preconceived notions we feel the need to address the situation by reacting out of emotion.

Now THAT is what I call "Sus".

Out here sounding more like those women callers than the Men we are.

Hiding behind ad hominem logical fallacies because we are afraid of the truth aint Manly at all.

Every man should own a pair of dress shoes.

Every man should own at least one suit, a tie, and a white shirt.

Every man should exercise / work out, practice good hygiene, and use deodorant & cologne.

Every man should expect to comply with the culture of the environment in which they chose to operate.

None of this should be controversial.

We've been culturally conditioned to behave like women and it aint cool.

Nah he's an Uncle Tom.
People are largely calling him “sus” because he has very effeminate mannerisms for a 50 year old man, not because of his clothes. Also, he literally asked another man about the size of his penis.....

I don’t feel “hit” by any points he’s made because they don’t apply to me, I’m just stating the obvious. His views on attire are outdated, I work in corporate America, I know a lot of other people that do, he’s incorrect. I assume his views on dreadlocks are something along the lines of they’re “unprofessional” or whatever. That’s Uncle Tom speak. Creating a narrative that a Black man, or woman, needs a certain “look” to be successful is regressive. Now should you know general hygiene and how to communicate clearly? Absolutely. But if you’re an adult who can’t do that, you probably have bigger issues.

Is he right about some things? Sure. But let’s stop acting like he’s dropping incredibly profound takes.

Edit: Also, if he’s selling all this relationship advice, I need to see HIS women :lol: These YouTube ppl be finessing y’all selling advice, but their own life be in shambles (looks at that Jaxn clown). I wouldn’t trust a fitness trainer who’s fat, or a financial advisor who’s broke, you need to prove you know what you’re speaking on.
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I could care less about his fashion takes or his sexuality. The blatant self hate is what's appalling to me. I mean by all means assimilate your culture and blackness for the white woman if you want to.

But at the end of the day she's still going to see you as a n*****, and if you have the audacity to have a child with her she will see your kids as n****** too.

But it's cool though right? You're "accepted". I wouldn't want to deal with any woman who tells me "Oh you're black but you're not BLACK BLACK" or "You don't talk like you're black you're on the good ones". Couldn't be me.

Exhibit A.

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I could care less about his fashion takes or his sexuality. The blatant self hate is what's appalling to me. I mean by all means assimilate your culture and blackness for the white woman if you want to.

But at the end of the day she's still going to see you as a n*****, and if you have the audacity to have a child with her she will see your kids as n****** too.

But it's cool though right? You're "accepted".

Exhibit A.

Saw this the other day, didn't post it. I am sick of white people as it is.

Samuels is simply dealing with the aesthetic imagery of being a man, how one is perceived. Interestingly enough, he does not delve into character traits versus that of dressing well, blah, blah, blah.

It is bootstrap christian theology, of which appeals to a certain misogynist demographic.
“We’ve been culturally conditioned to act like women”

Who is WE??? My dad is a blue collar construction worker. IDK what type of men you guys were raised around. My grandfather was a garbage man, and I also have plenty uncles who do roofing.

you need to apply that comment to you and your homeboys or sons....

Emotional Fam.

So you're telling me that feminists / the whole "me too" movement, "Strong Black Woman" / The Color Purple / Tyler Perry BS narratives, child support courts, marriage laws, etc haven't had an affect on Men and our positions in society?

All these simp songs out about men having sex with the next mans girl / blowing all their money on women, "making it rain" as some sort of merit badge isn't cultural conditioning?

All because your Dad is a blue collar worker and your Grandad was a garbage man?


I imagine your Dad and Grand-Dad were able to meet women who were more realistic and less entitled than those calling in to Sameul's show.

These women out here acting like your Dad and Grand-Dad aren't good enough.

We've been culturally conditioned Fam. Its the society we are living in where you've gotta be 6 foot 5, muscle bound, drive a 100K car, live in a 500K house etc etc just to smell some raggedy broads panties. Samuels interviews are proof. Women out here trippin and men are just now waking up and speaking out.
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Emotional Fam.

So you're telling me that feminists / the whole "me too" movement, "Strong Black Woman" / The Color Purple / Tyler Perry BS narratives, child support courts, marriage laws, etc haven't had an affect on Men and our positions in society?

All these songs out about men having sex with the next mans girl / blowing all their money on women as some sort of merit badge isn't cultural conditioning?

All because your Dad is a blue collar worker and your Grandad was a garbage man?


I imagine your Dad and Grand-Dad were able to meet women who were more realistic and less entitled than those calling in to Sameul's show.

These women out here acting like your Dad and Grand-Dad aren't good enough.

We've been culturally conditioned Fam. Its the society we are living in where you've gotta be 6 foot 5, muscle bound, drive a 100K car, live in a 500K house etc etc just to smell some raggedy broads panties. Samuels interviews are proof. Women out here trippin and men are just now waking up and speaking out.
Those specific women are trippin' my man. I do not know those women, dig? I used to know those women, but I sought refuge in intelligence, people who know who they are. Oppression has failed these women and since we live with privilege, you gotta know how to sort out the bad ones IF you are of good character yourself. Problematic women do not want a high character brother, and that is because that would leave her with nothing to complain about.

It goes the same way for men. You get a high character sister? What's the problem? She has her own goals, is willing to learn in order to get to what she wants to go, answers to nobody, doesn't need a man for anything other than companionship, why would any man with his own goals, have a problem with such a woman?
Emotional Fam.

So you're telling me that feminists / the whole "me too" movement, "Strong Black Woman" / The Color Purple / Tyler Perry BS narratives, child support courts, marriage laws, etc haven't had an affect on Men and our positions in society?

All these songs out about men having sex with the next mans girl / blowing all their money on women as some sort of merit badge isn't cultural conditioning?

All because your Dad is a blue collar worker and your Grandad was a garbage man?


I imagine your Dad and Grand-Dad were able to meet women who were more realistic and less entitled than those calling in to Sameul's show.

These women out here acting like your Dad and Grand-Dad aren't good enough.

We've been culturally conditioned Fam. Its the society we are living in where you've gotta be 6 foot 5, muscle bound, drive a 100K car, live in a 500K house etc etc just to smell some raggedy broads panties. Samuels interviews are proof. Women out here trippin and men are just now waking up and speaking out.

Cut the cap, fam.

First of all, a lot of dudes in our parents/grandparents generation weren’t “good” men, they just lived in a time when society didn’t even allow women in positions that paid enough to provide for themselves so they stayed with dudes they couldn’t stand.

2nd, you don’t need some ridiculous level of attributes to get an attractive woman. I live in DC, I’m not 6’5, I lived in a 1-bedroom apt until recently, I’ve never had an issue getting a date with an attractive woman. These women you speak of are outliers who end up forever alone and are typically shallow and stupid anyways, so screw em. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Those specific women are trippin' my man. I do not know those women, dig? I used to know those women, but I sought refuge in intelligence, people who know who they are. Oppression has failed these women and since we live with privilege, you gotta know how to sort out the bad ones IF you are of good character yourself. Problematic women do not want a high character brother, and that is because that would leave her with nothing to complain about.

It goes the same way for men. You get a high character sister? What's the problem? She has her own goals, is willing to learn in order to get to what she wants to go, answers to nobody, doesn't need a man for anything other than companionship, why would any man with his own goals, have a problem with such a woman?

Its the "doesn't need a man for anything" part that doesn't work for me considering that I am, in fact, a man.

I've never heard any man ever say "I don't need a woman for anything".

Since when don't we need each other and why is that even cool to say?

Same women who holler "I don't need a man" be the same ones claiming "men don't protect women".


Men built the houses, the streets, the buildings, the bridges, the cars, the offices, the universities, the plumbing, the electrical work, etc etc but women don't need men?

How did we even get here?

Cultural conditioning where Men are parroting that women don't need men.
man what did i just stumble into lol

never heard of this guy

and cant believe how many people care about his opinion lol

Man it's the best lick of the century. Gotta give these guys credit at the end of the day cause they know how to get people to open their wallet.
Cut the cap, fam.

First of all, a lot of dudes in our parents/grandparents generation weren’t “good” men, they just lived in a time when society didn’t even allow women in positions that paid enough to provide for themselves so they stayed with dudes they couldn’t stand.

2nd, you don’t need some ridiculous level of attributes to get an attractive woman. I live in DC, I’m not 6’5, I lived in a 1-bedroom apt until recently, I’ve never had an issue getting a date with an attractive woman. These women you speak of are outliers who end up forever alone and are typically shallow and stupid anyways, so screw em. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Says "Cut the cap",

Then proceeds to cap:

"First of all, a lot of dudes in our parents/grandparents generation weren’t “good” men".

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Its the "doesn't need a man for anything" part that doesn't work for me considering that I am, in fact, a man.

I've never heard any man ever say "I don't need a woman for anything".

Since when don't we need each other and why is that even cool to say?

Same women who holler "I don't need a man" be the same ones claiming "men don't protect women".


Men built the houses, the streets, the buildings, the bridges, the cars, the offices, the universities, the plumbing, the electrical work, etc etc but women don't need men?

How did we even get here?

Cultural conditioning where Men are parroting that women don't need men.
Stop right there.

You don't NEED a woman either, other than for what? Companionship, right? You can cook, clean, wash, do all of the stereotypical things that a woman is supposed to do, correct? The only thing you can't do, is to give birth to a child.

In a just society, a woman should not need you either.

If two people come to the table equally equipped, then all will be good money.

The problem starts when the two are ill-equipped to be good companions, being needy, insecure, and then competitive with each other. That **** is toxic my man.
Says "Cut the cap",

Then proceeds to cap:

"First of all, a lot of dudes in our parents/grandparents generation weren’t “good” men".

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Bro, if you salty at women because they don’t like you just say that. But it’s probably because you’re a clown, not because of unrealistic standards.
Stop right there.

You don't NEED a woman either, other than for what? Companionship, right? You can cook, clean, wash, do all of the stereotypical things that a woman is supposed to do, correct? The only thing you can't do, is to give birth to a child.

In a just society, a woman should not need you either.

If two people come to the table equally equipped, then all will be good money.

The problem starts when the two are ill-equipped to be good companions, being needy, insecure, and then competitive with each other. That **** is toxic my man.

Oh I need women and have no problem saying so.

At all.

Not just for cooking cleaning etc.

Women contribute a great deal more than that to society / the World and I for one will not diminish them from some ego driven place of pride.

The narrative that women don't need men is ridiculous.
Oh I need women and have no problem saying so.

At all.

Not just for cooking cleaning etc.

Women contribute a great deal more than that to society / the World and I for one will not diminish them from some ego driven place of pride.

The narrative that women don't need men is ridiculous.
If you need women? Then there is a problem my man. The whole thing about working on yourself and getting better, secure, is to know that you date or couple with someone because you WANT to, not needing them.

Needing women places you in an entire different ball park, surrounded by those other women that have a low regard for both character, AND intelligence.

They'll know that you need them. They can sniff you out.
Not sure "need" is the right word anyone should be using here.

Unless you are crippled, you don't NEED anyone.

Prefer to have around, nice to have around, yes.


No. None of us NEED anyone else.
Well I'm heterosexual so yeah...personally, I need women.

All jokes aside though, you guys actually do not need a woman in your life? Like no women at all?

How does that work?
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